Vendeur: simplybestprices-10to20dayshipping ✉️ (473.093) 98.3%, Lieu où se trouve: Los Angeles, CA, US, Lieu de livraison: AU et de nombreux autres pays, Numéro de l'objet: 387360110451 SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL (GOLD VINYL/180G) by John Ellison and Soul Brothers Six. John Ellison is the Music Hall of Fame musician, guitarist, and songwriter born in West Virginia, USA. As a band member of Soul Brothers Six in 1967, John composed, wrote and sang the classic tune 'Some Kind of Wonderful', which would become a hit as covered by Grand Funk Railroad in 1974. Now, he recorded the album 'Some Kind of Wonderful'. The album was produced by Dutch musician Roger Heijster and features 12 songs including a new version of 'Some Kind of Wonderful'. John Ellison is the Music Hall of Fame musician, guitarist, and songwriter born in West Virginia, USA. As a band member of Soul Brothers Six in 1967, John composed, wrote and sang the classic tune 'Some Kind of Wonderful', which would become a hit as covered by Grand Funk Railroad in 1974. Now, he recorded the album 'Some Kind of Wonderful'. The album was produced by Dutch musician Roger Heijster and features 12 songs including a new version of 'Some Kind of Wonderful'.
PicClick Insights - SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL (GOLD VINYL/180G) by John Ellison and Soul Brothers Six PicClick Exclusif
- Popularité - 0 personnes suivent la vente, 0.0 de nouvelles personnes suivent la vente par jour, 1 day for sale on eBay. 0 vendu, 2 disponibles.
- Meilleur Prix -
- Vendeur - 473.093+ articles vendu. 1.7% évaluations négative. Grand vendeur avec la très bonne rétroaction positive et plus de 50 cotes.
Popularité - SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL (GOLD VINYL/180G) by John Ellison and Soul Brothers Six
0 personnes suivent la vente, 0.0 de nouvelles personnes suivent la vente par jour, 1 day for sale on eBay. 0 vendu, 2 disponibles.
Prix - SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL (GOLD VINYL/180G) by John Ellison and Soul Brothers Six
Vendeur - SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL (GOLD VINYL/180G) by John Ellison and Soul Brothers Six
473.093+ articles vendu. 1.7% évaluations négative. Grand vendeur avec la très bonne rétroaction positive et plus de 50 cotes.
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