How far is Amarillo from Presidio (Texas) - flight distance (2024)

Flying non-stop from Presidio (Texas) to Amarillo

Now let's assume you have a private jet and you can fly in thefastest possible straight line between Presidio, Texas andAmarillo, Texas. Because of the curvature of the Earth, theshortest distance is actually the "great circle" distance, or"as the crow flies" which is calculated using an iterativeVincenty formula.

Flight distance: 417 miles or 672 km

Flight time: 1 hour, 20 minutes

The straight line flight distance is 101 miles less than driving on roads, which means the driving distance is roughly 1.2x of the flight distance.

Your plane flies much faster than a car, so the flight time is about 1/6th of the time it would take to drive.

This is a relatively short flight in a private plane, but you might be planning to book a commercial flight. In that case, your travel time would really need toinclude how many minutes to get to your local airport, waitfor security, board and taxi on the runway, land at the otherairport, and get to your destination. Scroll down to see a more realistic calculation that takesinto account all these factors to get a more accurate estimateof your actual flight time.

Presidio (Texas) to Amarillo road trip

Let's say you're actually planning a road trip to Amarillo, and you want to stop along the way to rest. If it's a real road trip, you might want to check out interesting stops along the way, eat at great restaurants, and maybe even find a hotel to stay overnight. That's what Trippy is perfect for,helping you figure out travel plans in detail.

Based on the length of this trip, we think you could spread out this fun road trip over more than one day.

Road trip: 2 days of driving

With the full itinerary planned out, we can estimateyour total travel time for this trip.

Travel time: 8 hours on the road with 1 overnight


Start in Presidio (Texas).

Drive for about 58 minutes, then stop in Marfa (Texas) and stay for about 1 hour.Next, drive for another 1.5 hours then stop in Fort Stockton and stay for 1 hour.Drive for 1.5 hours then stop in Odessa (Texas). Stay overnight.

The next day, drive for about 2 hours, then stop in Tahoka (Texas) and stay for about 1 hour.Next, drive for another 1.5 hours then stop in Tulia (Texas) and stay for 1 hour.

Finally, drive for about 51 minutes and arrive in Amarillo.

To see all the details on this itinerary, includingrecommended restaurants, hotels, and things to do alongthe way, check out the full road trip planner:

Presidio (Texas) to Amarillo airports and flights

In the quick calculation above, we assumed you had a privateplane and just wanted to know the time in the air from city to city.But for most of us, we're going to be flying on a commercial airline(whether it's first class or coach). So that means we really needto account for all the extra travel time getting to the airport,waiting for our flight, and making it to the destination.

To give you a better estimate of real-life travel, we'veput together a flight itinerary with actual airports. Eventuallyyou'll be able to customize this plan, choosing your own airportsand flights. But for now, here's an example we've selected togive you an idea of how traveling might work between airports.

Departure airport: General Roberto Fierro Villalobos International Airport (CUU)

Arrival airport: Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport (AMA)

With the airports selected, we can estimate the travel time to andfrom the airport, based on how far the airport is from downtown.

Getting to the airport: 338 minutes

Getting to your destination: 21 minutes

Now finally, let's look at an example flight from CUU to AMA and figure out how long it would take to fly includingtake-off and landing, and time to taxi on the runway.

Commercial flight time: 1 hour, 20 minutes

So now we can finally get an idea of the total travel time fromPresidio (Texas) to Amarillo including time spent getting to/fromthe airports, an estimated wait time of 2 hours at the airport for TSAsecurity lines and waiting at the gate, and the actual flight itself.

Total travel time: 9 hours

To see the details on this flight plan, includingrecommended airports, airline, and route, check outthe flight planner:

Plan a trip to Amarillo

Trippy has a ton of information that can help you plan your trip to Amarillo, Texas. Start by reading the Trippy page on where to stay in Amarillo. Check out some of the questions people have asked about Amarillo like THING TO SEE. Click the button below to explore Amarillo in detail.

How far is it the other way?

The distance is the same either way if you're flying a straight line (or driving the same roads back and forth). But for a real trip, there can be plenty of differencesso go ahead and check the reverse directions to get thedistance from Amarillo to Presidio (Texas), or go to the main pageto calculate the distance between cities.

If you happen to know Presidio (Texas), don't forget to help othertravelers and answer some questions about Presidio (Texas)!

How far is Amarillo from Presidio (Texas) - flight distance (2024)
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