Chapter Text
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P a t r e o n: Kaiju4LifeVA
Disclaimer: The characters are a little ooc here
We return to a familiar theater as the members of the audience take their seats. Currently, they were about to watch the last 2 episodes of this goofy side series to the main plotline. After that? They would watch a little history. History of Saitama’s humble beginnings. Hopefully the theater members will be able to catch the missing puzzle piece planted within.
The screen turns on, signaling the start of the next episode as Fubuki screeches at the light. (Just kidding)
The scene opens up to a rainy day as the camera pans to a lobster monster being cornered by a certain group.
Fubuki’s eyes slowly widened in recognition of the dreary day. “It seems my group will be the main focus of this one.” The esper tiredly sighs while hoping no one would take too much notice of what goes on in this episode.
“You've got nowhere to run. The Hero Association has summoned the Fubuki Group to eliminate you. We're here to bring you down.” Mountain Ape could be seen speaking to the lobster monster over a megaphone as the entire Fubuki Group, minus Fubuki herself, cornered the monster.
Tatsumaki groans loudly at the sight of her sister’s little group, much to Fubuki’s annoyance.
“Let me handle this.” A young girl holding a 3 sectioned staff rushed forward in an attempt to defeat the monster alone.
Eyelashes holds out a hand to stop her. “Hold up!”
The monster suddenly spews some kind of acid at the girl who’s eyes widen in shock. Just before the acid can reach her a familiar blue barrier blocks it, letting the girl reach the floor with no damage to her body. “Really now, why are you acting so impulsively, Lily? Never let your guard down until the job is done.”
The camera pans to reveal Fubuki herself with her hand stretched out and glowing.
Saitama suddenly turns back toward the younger of the esper sisters in shock. “Wait, you can use floaty powers too?” The bald hero questions in surprise.
“They aren’t floaty powers! It's esp!” Tatsumaki yells back in indignation at her abilities being boiled down to “floaty powers”.
Fubuki awkwardly stares at the bald hero before raising a hand to her head with a tired expression. “Yes. Yes I can.”
“You know this is my younger sister… right baldy?” Tatsumaki questions rhetorically, already feeling like she knew what the answer was.
Saitama shakes his head with a blank expression. “Nah. I thought she was just another hero.”
Mumen Rider sweat drops as Fubuki sighs exasperatedly.
“Is she as strong as you Tats?” The bald hero questions obliviously, much to Fubuki’s dour expression and Tatsumaki’s scoff.
“Of course not!” Tornado promptly hmphs before turning to look at her sister with an irritated expression. “But she might be if she dropped those losers and trained with me!”
Fubuki musters a glare at her sister as the room’s tension rises. “They aren’t losers onee-chan! Stop insulting them! If you actually cared you wouldn’t be such a-”
The cold look painting Tatsumaki’s face immediately freezes Fubuki and stops her from finishing her sentence. The silence is almost thicker than Saitama’s skull as the bald hero just pokes the shorter esper on the side of her head, causing the great Tornado to whip toward the bald hero with an annoyed expression. “What!?”
“Lets maybe not do this here?” The bald hero gestures to the rest of the people within the theater, who had all just stayed silent as the sisters bickered.
Tatsumaki glances back at the other heroes and association members before scowling. “Tch.”
Fubuki silently wondered where Saitama got the nerve to interrupt where he shouldn’t have before sighing and getting up to leave as the screen continued to play. The awkward silence was even more awkwardly filled with the on screen Fubuki’s voice.
Blast takes notice of the younger siblings' irked expression as she walks through the double doors that led to the white chambers. The number 1 hero gazes toward the shorter esper with a tiny hint of intrigue. “What happened to you two?”
“Why did you enter the Fubuki Group then?” Fubuki mutters in questioning.
“Boss Fubuki!” Lily bashfully gazes at her boss.
“You guys did your best.” Fubuki sighs.
“Boss Fubuki is finally here!” Mountain Ape cheers.
“We'll cheer you on with all of our power!” Eyelashes adds on with a raised fist.
“Hmph, what would these guys do without me?” Fubuki softly laughs to herself as she prepares an attack. “Blizzard of Hell.”
“With this, the Fubuki Group name will gain more recognition!” Fubuki launches her mini tornado at the monster who just screams.
Tatsumaki facepalms as her face grows red slightly. “Why do you act so embarrassingly!?” The irony of her own question flies past her head.
Saitama glances at the short esper briefly before returning to the screen. “Man. Family stuff is rough, huh? Well… not my business anyways.”
“Wow that couldn’t be a more accurate statement huh?” Zombie Man quietly mutters as Metal Bat nods.
Child Emperor stares at the screen while contemplating. “I knew they had problems, but it seems to run a little more deeply.” The child prodigy silently surmises before shrugging to himself. After all, this was their problem. Outsiders should stay just that. Out.
The Next Day
A shocked Fubuki’s face appears on screen as she stares down at her newspaper. “What is the meaning of this?! There is Absolutely NO MENTION of the Fubuki Group at all!”
“Boss Leader Fubuki… We played our part in defeating the monster so…” Eyelashes trails off, unsure on how to continue.
Mountain Ape butts in an attempt to cheer their boss up. “That's right! It's just that, the news focused on that monster that the S Class heroes could not defeat, so that served as a better news story…”
“Tch. Those useless idiots sticking around my sister. Ugh, the nerve.” Tatsumaki seethes venomously as she watches her sister’s entourage kiss up to their quote on quote boss.
“Jeez Tats, would it kill you to be nicer?” Saitama mutters without looking at the short esper, who just scoffs and glares at a wall. “Maybe!”
“Master should know by now that Ms. Tornado is anything but nice…” Genos side-eyes his Master discreetly in confusion.
“Even A Class Hero Stinger only had a small mention…”
Fubuki, in great frustration, slams the desk and gets up to leave.
“Boss Fubuki, where are you going?” Lily questions in slight concern.
Eyelashes sighs as he watches their boss leave the room. “It's fine, this happens a lot.”
“Huh. This seems oddly familiar.” Atomic Samurai sarcastically mutters while fiddling with his wheat stalk.
Bang sighs tiredly. He had known a little about the two sisters' struggles, but he had no clue that their animosity was this much larger than it seemed. The old martial artist glances at his brother who seemed to also be undergoing a different thought process.
Lily appears downcast at their bosses' frustrations. “But I bet it must be really hard on her. Since her younger sister, who barely did anything, made headlines in the paper.”
“HAH!? YOUNGER!?” Tornado shrieks out in pure annoyance.
“I mean isn’t that usually a compliment? If you’re younger when you are actually older that’s usually a good thing no?” Mumen Rider bravely points out while nervously sweating, in an attempt to ease Tatsumaki’s irritation.
The short esper narrows her gaze at the biking hero who just shivers in his seat. “You know very well that isn’t what most people think when they see the two of us. Idiot biker.” Tatsumaki scoffs while turning her head away.
“Huh? Wasn’t that a pretty tame insult?” Metal Bat whispers to Zombie Man who just nods in agreement.
“It's Mumen Rider. I don’t think even Tornado is going to bad mouth the guy that much.” Child Emperor mutters while watching the screen in mild interest.
“She really has quite the temper.” Mosquito Girl mumbles while covering her mouth. Armored Gorilla glances at her with an are you serious look as Mosquito Girl just stares back at him. “What?”
“You’re literally the same.” Armored Gorilla mumbles as the mosquito monster just takes a second to process his words.
“I AM NOT!” Mosquito Girl screams out in anger, causing a few to look over in their direction.
Dr. Genus facepalms while turning his vision away from his creations.
Eyelashes glances at Lily in a small bit of surprise. “Wait, you don’t know? Tatsumaki is not Boss Fubuki's younger sister.”
The scene switches to a train station with Fubuki just waiting.
A sour expression plastered across her face. “Really… What's the meaning of this? For us to not be mentioned yet again!” An image of Tatsumaki flashes by as Fubuki clenches her teeth. “Even though YOU did nothing!”
Tatsumaki huffs exasperatedly while crossing her arms. “My nothing is still leagues more than your crappy group’s best! Why don’t you get that!?”
The train arrives as Fubuki boards. The scene switches to a door as it opens to reveal a man carrying a large stack of boxes.
Genos’ eyes widen in realization as he slowly becomes mortified. “Sensei… I apologize.”
Saitama turns his head over to Genos in confusion. “Huh?”
The man, coincidentally being Genos, walks up to his seat before glancing to the side to find Fubuki sitting alone.
Genos sits on the opposite side of Fubuki and begins observing the woman discreetly. “That person is… B Class Rank 1, Blizzard of Hell Fubuki who founded and now leads the Fubuki Group. The hero who tries to bully other new heroes into submission.”
“Your sister bullies other heroes?” Saitama questions the short esper behind him with a small amount of shock.
“Well duh. She has to in order to stay where she is! She doesn’t want to grow at all! It’s infuriating!” Tatsumaki responds as her words slowly grow more irritated when suddenly, Genos surprisingly turns around to address the hot headed esper.
“I know that I am not in any place to say this Ms. Tornado. But I do not believe that Ms. Fubuki matches any of what you have said.” Genos states fearlessly, as Mumen Rider and Saitama sweat drop.
“Hah?” Tatsumaki almost growls out a questioning tone as she glares down at the cyborg. “Are you saying you know my sister better than me? You tricked out microwave!?”
Genos simply shakes his head as Tornado just continues to glare at him, egging him to go on. “She is more than you believe her to be.” Tatsumaki’s eyes widened a little, though it seemed more like she was offended than anything else. “I will not overstep any further, I apologize.”
“You better not, tin-can.” Tatsumaki scoffs while turning away, yet her response seems almost dulled.
Saitama stares at Genos like he grew an extra head before elbowing him slightly as the screen continues to play. “Oi Genos. What was that about?”
Genos briefly glances at his Master before looking back down at his hands. A fragment of a memory flashes. A sister? A brother? Could he even remember their faces anymore? The young cyborg clenches his hands tightly before looking back up at his Sensei. “I do not wish for her to say false things as if she knows the truth… After all, siblings should not fight in that way.”
The bald hero responds blankly, unsure of what to say. Since when did Genos care about stuff like that? Let alone enough to apologize to the hot headed esper?
“What exactly is she doing?” Fubuki promptly tears up and sniffs. “Having pollen allergies or something?”
Saitama deadpans while staring at the screen. “There’s the regular Genos.”
The boxes Genos had placed next to him begin to shift as Fubuki looks up in surprise.
“They're crabs. Crabs for my Sensei.” Genos states in explanation.
The bald hero suddenly gasps in realization before turning to Genos, who just shrinks slightly. “Is this?”
“Hai Sensei. The day I failed my mission.” Genos mutters dejectedly as Mumen Rider glances at the two in befuddlement.
Saitama places a hand on Genos’ shoulder while hiding his tears comedically. “It's ok Genos. We both lost a great prize that day.”
“I apologize Sensei…” Genos mutters, somehow even more dejectedly.
Fubuki’s eyes briefly go wide in realization. “This man is that S Class hero!”
Randomly, Genos’ phone rings as he picks up immediately.
“Yes. It is me. What?! A bomb?!” Genos questions in shock as Fubuki tenses.
Gasps of surprise emanated from the theater members as the situation had gone from 0 to 100.
“How does that even happen??” Child Emperor questioned in pure confusion. He originally thought this episode was going to be a lot more chill.
“Who knows. Probably some maniac.” Metal Bat mutters angrily as he waves his bat in a threatening manner. What if his sister had been on that train!? Damn villains.
Zombie Man sweat drops as Metal Bat exceedingly gets more riled up for a reason unbeknownst to them.
“Wow. From crabs on a train to bombs on a train. That definitely shot up a few difficulty levels.” King thought to himself silently while holding a thinking pose.
“Humans are quite evil, no doctor?” Mosquito Girl questions ironically as Armored Gorilla just facepalms. Dr. Genus himself just sighed. How had he created such an airheaded being when he himself was a genius intellect? At least Armored Gorilla was normal.
At the association's HQ, the bearded worker could be seen relaying information to Genos. “Yes, we received a transmission just now! The culprit, the Serial Bomber, was ousted from the A Class Hero Rank. He's planted a bomb in a fast-moving train heading towards Z City!”
“Tch. This is what’s wrong with heroes. All for the fame and glory but when it's not theirs they have to take it out on everyone else.” Garou mutters with silent hatred as Tareo just glances at him oddly.
“Going towards Z City!? Do you know the exact train?”
“Yes, the limited express train that left at 2:22 PM heading towards Z City. He even messed with the controls so that the train could not be stopped!” The camera quickly switches to the train conductor attempting to stop the train with great effort.
“Man, that's really unlucky Genos.” Saitama mumbles, slightly feeling bad for almost forcing Genos to take it so seriously. He had been joking after all, it was just some crabs, not the end of the world. The bald hero sweat dropped while wondering if he should’ve stopped teasing the cyborg.
“Hai Sensei. I no longer take trains without scanning them. Or walk into buildings… Or take transportation.” Genos mutters while glaring at an invisible fired A Class hero bomber in the air. Mumen Rider just chuckles at Genos’ expression. It was such an unserious, serious topic.
“It's set to explode once it reaches the Z City train station, causing immense destruction of the city. We have notified the citizens living around that area to evacuate, but… This bomb seems to be a big one.”
“Hey, Genos sir?” The bearded worker questions in confusion after not hearing a response for a while.
Genos suddenly gets up from his seat. “Everyone, get out now! There's a bomb hidden on this very train! Quickly, leave this train at once-” Genos suddenly realizes a fatal flaw. “Oh, no! At this speed we cannot have the citizens just run off the train!”
A large group of people facepalm at Genos’ sudden realization.
“A-are you an idiot!?” Tatsumaki questions in full confusion. This guy definitely had about 30 screws loose in his head.
“I admit… I miscalculated.” Genos mutters while gazing downward in annoyance.
“Man Genos. That’s kinda embarrassing.” Saitama smirks jokingly at the cyborg who just sits there with a blank expression.
“I think you broke him, Saitama.” Mumen Rider sweat drops as Saitama pokes the Demon Cyborg in the face.
Fubuki also gets up with a worried expression. “Hey, what do you mean there's a bomb here?!”
Genos turns to Fubuki before questioning her. “Blizzard of Hell Fubuki You’re an esper, right?”
Fubuki’s expression tightens as she begins to understand the severity of the situation.
The scene switches to the front of the train with all the passengers crowding around the conductor.
“Just what exactly is going on?!”
“Let us off at once!”
A random man pushes to the front before grabbing onto the conductor tightly. “Do something about this, I don't want to die here. Stop this train now!”
Suddenly, the man that had been holding onto the conductor glows blue and gets thrown out of the train before landing softly on the ground.
“Everyone, remain calm. I will help you all get off the train one by one.” Fubuki explains to the worried passengers.
“So cool!” Tareo mutters with starry eyes. While he wasn’t into heroines, Ms. Fubuki acted calm and collected in the tense situation, prompting the young hero admirers' excitement. Garou just rolls his eyes at the young hero lover.
A random girl steps up to the hero with a grateful expression. “You're amazing, Miss Fubuki!”
Fubuki, in a funnily similar way, hmphs and turns her head to the side as a recollection of what Genos informed her occurs.
“Wow you guys really are sisters.” Saitama mutters while blankly staring at the screen as Tatsumaki raises an eyebrow at the bald hero. “What happened to make him think like that?” The Tornado of Terror somehow completely missed her signature head turn of annoyance.
“You want me to take care of the passengers?” Fubuki questions Genos as the cyborg stands with his phone still out.
Genos nods. “Yes, this train will not stop until it reaches its destination. Our top priority is to ensure that all passengers get off the train.” The cyborg then turns toward the front of the train. “I will try and stop the train.”
Fubuki holds a thinking pose as Genos turns back in with a hint of annoyance. “What? You can't do anything without your group or something?”
Tornado narrows her eyes at the cyborg. If he felt the same way about her sister then why did he say such an idiotic thing so confidently? She was mixed between twisting the tin-can into a pretzel for insulting her sister or giving him applause in realizing how dumb the little group she had actually was.
“Oi Genos, why were you kinda aggressive with her?” Saitama questions in slight confusion. The cyborg didn’t usually act so hostile unless he was being insulted.
“Before I had met Ms. Fubuki, the information I had on her indicated that she would eventually bother you, Sensei. I wished to find out for myself what kind of person she was before such an occurrence.” Genos then side-eyes a wall while appearing irritated. ”Though I was still partially correct in my assumptions.”
“Huh?” Saitama mutters, wondering what Genos was inferring.
Fubuki flinches before mustering a small glare toward the S Class hero. “No. I just don't like getting ordered around like this! So then what do we do about the bomb?”
“We can't concentrate on looking for the bomb right now.” Genos looks reluctant but accepts the difficulty of the situation.
Suddenly a voice calls out. “Excuse me.”
The same girl that praised Fubuki earlier raised her hand nervously. “I can look for the bomb! I'm actually also a hero… Even though I'm just a C Class one.”
The scene returns to the present as Fubuki looks toward the girl that praised her. “Then start and look for that bomb!”
“Ye- yes!” The C Class hero runs off to begin her search.
“Ah. So that’s what he meant?” Saitama glances over to the door Fubuki had left through, wondering if the esper was alright.
Meanwhile, on top of the train, Genos stands for a moment before jumping ahead of the vehicle and bracing himself to stop the train. Genos crashes into the train and burrows his feet into the ground as it continues to barrel forward.
On the inside of the train Fubuki could be seen floating the passengers to safety. “Okay, you're the last one!” After making sure the man was safe Fubuki takes a moment to breathe before realizing something. “Wait a minute, the speed of the train hasn't decreased. What the hell is that guy doing?”
The C Class hero girl finally returns with a worried expression. “I found the bomb!”
Fubuki’s eyes widen as the scene switches to a bathroom being wide open filled to the brim with explosives. ”I found it in this toilet that was closed and didn't open when I knocked on it. And so…” Fubuki gazes at the large bomb with concern as the camera pans back to Genos.
The cyborg continued to try and hold the train back, but his efforts seemed to be in vain. “They told me the train was tampered with but, maybe the train's speed limit was also increased? There's only 40 seconds left until we approach the station! I need to try to stop it before that!” Genos’ shirt gets ripped off as giant boosters shift out of his back and begin blasting Genos forward.
Genos’ expression morphs into one of frustration as the thought of what could have happened enters his mind. If Ms. Tornado hadn’t arrived… many would have perished and it would have been due to HIS inadequacy. He was too weak. Once again.
Suddenly, Saitama pats Genos on the back, as the young cyborg hero looks over to his teacher. The bald hero was just staring forward at the screen while comforting the young hero. “Good try Genos. You did good.”
Genos’ expression furrows as he gazes down at his clenched fists. “Hai Sensei.”
“What should we do? It's almost time!” The girl nervously questioned.
Fubuki turned to the girl abruptly before yelling. “Shut the hell up! Nothing will change with your whining! Get ready.” Fubuki takes a moment to think before sighing to herself and turning to the girl who just looks at her in surprise.
Fubuki promptly floats the girl out of the train as she then gazes back at the bomb. “If I can If I can just isolate the bomb, then I can minimize the damage!”
Genos continues to try and stop the train, but the station keeps getting closer.
The tension in the audience rises even knowing the small fact that Genos and Fubuki were literally perfectly fine and right in front of them. Well one of them at least.
Fubuki, now glowing even brighter, outlined the bomb with her powers as she monologues. “If I can just redirect the explosion into the air and compress it, then it'll be fine! I can do it!” Fubuki’s face takes a slightly crestfallen expression as her hand shakes, her powers waning for a second. “But...can I really do it...? With my power?”
Tatsumaki’s eyes widened just barely as her hand twitched ever so slightly. A hint of worry? Maybe concern? But aren’t those the same thing? Perhaps… regret?
Suddenly, Fubuki gets flown out of the train car she was in as Genos on the outside begins to feel the train slow down.
With a small hint of victory Genos smirks. “All right!”
When suddenly, a green glow envelopes the entire train and also sends Genos flying.
“Get out of my way!” A familiar shrill voice calls out.
“Oi!” Saitama turns to address the slightly silent esper with faux annoyance. “Did you have to throw Genos that hard?”
Tatsumaki sighs before looking back up with an annoyed expression and hmphing in usual fashion. “The tin-can should’ve just gotten out of the way if he was going to be useless!”
Mumen Rider sweat drops while feeling slightly bad for Genos. He seemed to take a lot of losses in these episodes for some reason…
Fubuki looks up as the train flies into the air and far away from the station. “For someone to-be able to move such a large object… Big Sis?”
Tatsumaki finally appears on the screen, the blindly light from the sun becoming her backdrop.
“Yeesh, talk about flashy.” Metal Bat mutters while chuckling as Flashy Flash side-eyes the bat wielding hero.
“Yeah, that was really bright.” Zombie Man groans while rubbing his eyes.
“I think I need my military grade sunglasses for this.” Child Emperor groans slightly while covering his eyes.
“Really captures my radiance.” Tatsumaki grins egotistically while flipping her hair, though, in the back of her mind she had been wondering just how long Fubuki would play this farce out before coming back to the theater.
The train continues to fly higher and higher before clumping up together and getting crushed. The mass of metal immediately blows up, but the smoke, explosion, and all the shrapnel get condensed and disappear.
Genos, who had landed on a road not too far away, just stares up at the sky in amazement.
“Jeez, why didn't you just run away?” Tatsumaki questions with a slightly bored tone evident.
Fubuki sighs before getting up and turning her head away. “This had nothing to do with you though.”
Tatsumaki promptly stares at her sister for a few seconds before hmphing and flying away.
“I can't believe it. This happened yet again…” Fubuki frustratedly mutters to herself while staring down at the railroad tracks.
Once again, Tatsumaki began to feel that uncomfortable emotion climbing up her chest. It was bothering her to no end, not because she didn’t know what it was, but because she knew exactly why she was feeling this way. “Tch.”
As Fubuki walks down the tracks a familiar face appears. “Excuse me! Thank you so much for saving me just now.”
The girl from before begins walking with Fubuki as she wipes a tear from her eye. “It was nothing. You were just in my way.” Fubuki bluntly responds.
“Wow those two are literally the same personality wise.” Atomic Samurai chuckles jokingly as Bang nods in agreement.
“They seem to take after one another, whether they like to admit it or not.” Bomb comments, though using a quieter tone as to not agitate the esper in front of them.
Little did they know that Tornado had always heard whatever it was the old geezers were saying behind her. She simply let it slide since it was Bang and his brother. The above average samurai got a pass because she didn’t want to deal with that headache right now.
The girl, still smiling joyfully, questions the esper. “You're B Class Rank 1, Blizzard of Hell Fubuki, right?”
Fubuki stops for a moment to address the girl. “Oh, you know about me?”
The girl bashfully scratches the back of her head. “Well, I am also kind a hero too so…”
“Ah, that's right.”
“But I'm the lowest of the low in C Class. I can't even spend one day out of my week doing these kinds of things. I've been thinking about quitting for the longest time.” The girl then looks up at Fubuki with bright eyes. “So today I thought I would have a change of pace and go see the ocean. And got caught up in the stuff happening in the train. Even though I couldn't do much to help, and felt like I wasn't making progress as a hero.”
A few members of the audience feel for the girl, as they too had been tested during trying times just like her.
Fubuki’s gaze softens as she appears to somewhat relate with the girl. “I see, it must be a hard choice for you.”
“But even so, I think that I want to continue trying out this hero business! And also stop my whining! So one of these days, when I finally reach the B Class, please let me join the Fubuki Group!”
Fubuki’s eyes widened in shock at the girl's words.
The young hero, noticing that her idol had stopped, becomes confused. “Is that not okay?”
“Whether it's okay or not is not worth discussing right now. Let's talk again when you ve made it to B Class.” Fubuki responds.
“Ah. I’m sorry. Miss Fubuki!” The girl apologizes.
“That's Boss Fubuki for you.” Fubuki sighs before turning around. “That is what everyone calls me in the Fubuki Group. Start getting used to it from now.”
“Collecting another runt again… huh?” Tatsumaki’s face mirrors that of her younger self briefly before she shakes her head and wears a more placid expression. The short esper sighs while holding a hand to her head and pondering. “Fine… I’ll just wait as long as I need to for when you finally need me.”
Meanwhile, Genos holds a thinking pose as he silently watches his teacher. “Sensei keeps stealing short glances at Ms. Tornado in confusion or intrigue. Something seems off…” Genos takes a short look at the double doors. “Why is Master so interested in what is going on between the two? Does he wish to help?” Genos promptly places a fist down onto his palm in a moment of realization. The young cyborg then turns to his Master and gives a short thumbs up. “Sensei, I shall gladly aid you in accomplishing your goal.” Saitama, Mumen Rider, and Tornado, all give Genos a confused look.
The girl smiles brightly as she tears up. “Of course!”
“Big sis, I won't give up.” Fubuki smiles while looking up at the sky with a firm resolve.
Tatsumaki wears a tiny smile at Fubuki’s declaration before going back to being annoyed and sighing. “Why does she stick with those parasites when she can just train with me? She’d be so much stronger without them…” Tornado glances at Saitama and Genos conversing jokingly before looking down at her open palms in a sudden realization. “Why…? Why am I trying so hard to tear them down?” Sure she wanted her sister to grow strong and she despised those nobody heroes for following Fubuki so selfishly just so they could climb the ranks… But…
A flashback to how supportive the group had been with her sister enters her mind as another of how unsupportive she had been this entire time flashes afterward. She recalls how worried her sister was about her little group everytime she arrived to bail her out of a bad fight. The vice versa was the same… “Am I…? The problem?” Memories of her adopted life flood into her mind as one in particular appears to staple itself right into her vision. The moment she had been separated from Fubuki and sold off as a lab rat… The terror of the experiments… The way they tortured her… Was she letting the past ruin her future? Fubuki’s future?
Suddenly, someone pokes her in the back, as the great Tornado of Terror whips around in shock to confront the person who interrupted her thoughts only to find Bang’s concerned expression.
“Tatsumaki-chan, are you alright? You were shaking and breathing heavily.” Bang quietly questioned in a gentle tone as to not announce such a thing to the others. Tornado looks down at her hands to notice that they had in fact been shaking. Even Atomic Samurai looked slightly concerned though much more tense than actually caring.
Tornado stared briefly at Bang before scoffing and pushing his hand away. “I’m fine you old geezer! O-of course I’m fine!”
“Hai Tatsumaki-chan. But if you require any person to talk to I’m sure I can lend an ear.” The martial artist pauses for a moment. “Or perhaps, the great Tornado of Terror can solve this problem on her own?” Bang offers while giving a small smile and eyeing the double doors.
Tatsumaki, noticing the old geezers' line of sight, simply sighs. “Sure sure whatever Silver Fang.” Tornado waved her hand in dismissal before looking down and contemplating for a few moments. She then floated up and headed toward where Fubuki had left as Bang watched with a tired yet grateful expression.
“You think she’s gonna apologize or something?” Atomic Samurai questioned sarcastically. If the pesky Tornado apologized then it would probably be the end of the world.
Bang tuts Atomic Samurai, much to the man’s annoyance. “As I said before, old friend. She is far more complex than she lets show. Who knows what will happen? After all, we can only hope for the best.”
At Dr. Kuseno’s base, Genos could be seen standing before his life savior with a dire expression. “Dr. Kuseno. Power, speed, weapons… There's something I still require.”
“What is this, coming out of the blue?” Dr. Kuseno questions in intrigue.
“Psychic power.” Genos states, with full seriousness and no room for funny business.
Saitama snickers at Genos as the cyborg just sits stiffly in his chair. Surprisingly no one facepalms are heard in the room. Just a bunch of tired sighs make themselves known from the theater members.
Dr. Kuseno sighs. “That is out of my range of specialty. Is this to defeat some kind of Immensely powerful enemy? What exactly happened for you to ask this?”
Genos grimaces while clenching his fists. “I have failed at grocery shopping. If I had psychic power, then the crab I bought would not have exploded.” Genos turns to leave while explaining.
Queue the facepalming.
Saitama sweat drops. “Oi Genos… it's not that serious!” The bald hero almost yells out to the cyborg.
“But Sensei! I failed my mission! And the crabs! I could not save them!” Genos mutters with an angry expression and clenched fists.
“I gotta teach him how to relax.” Saitama drags a hand down his face while wondering how he could help Genos. Maybe video games again?
“He seems super stressed about this.” Dr. Kuseno chuckles as Genos leaves.
The scene quickly switches to Saitama sitting alone with a hotpot setup laid out and waiting. “He's so late.”
Child Emperor sighs loudly as the episode comes to a close. “Wahhh that felt longer than usual. Or maybe it was just super tense…” The prodigy muttered to himself while sweat dropping.
“Yeah, you could cut the tension in the room with a knife!” Mosquito Girl butts in as the prodigy just side-eyes her.
“Those two really are similar huh.” Zombie Man mumbles as Metal Bat just groans tiredly.
“I feel like I’m too tense from just staying quiet that entire episode!” Metal Bat yells out to let himself loose a bit.
Zombie Man deadpans while massaging his temple. “But you weren’t quiet, you dumbass.”
Meanwhile, as the episode finished up, Tatsumaki had entered through the double doors that led to the white room Saitama had taken his tests in. While the rest of the group had been watching the show, the room had been repaired and left for anyone to use. Anyone of course, including Fubuki.
Not too far away, the short esper could see pieces of white rubble glowing blue and flying at a wall repeatedly. With a sigh and a slightly nervous glance back at the doors, the esper flew over to her younger sister, not before locking the entrance with her powers.
Fubuki had been angry. And beyond frustrated. Or maybe she was just disappointed? Disappointed that her sister never seemed to truly care about how she felt… after all… all she saw in her was a poor little weakling that needed protection. So what if she wasn’t just as strong as her stupid older sister!? She could still fight! And her group wasn't the reason her powers stopped growing! How could she not get that…?
Fubuki shakes her head before angrily picking up another chunk of the floor, attempting to chuck it at a wall when it suddenly glows green and floats down to the floor gently. The frustrated esper widened her eyes before scowling and turning to face her notorious obstacle.
“What are you doing here sis? Have you come to talk down to me and my group even more?” Fubuki scoffs almost venomously as the shorter esper slowly floats down, not even retorting her sister.
Fubuki turns back around to avoid looking at her sister, the Hellish Blizzard’s expression twists into a scowl at not receiving a response, her anger beginning to seep out. “Why are you even here!? Can’t you let me vent a little!? Do you always feel the need to butt in just because you’re so damn great!? Why can’t you just leave me alo-!”
The infuriated esper stops still once realizing that her sister was suddenly in front of her. In her rage induced rant, she hadn’t realized that Tatsumaki suddenly stopped floating and walked over to her like a normal person. Which to be honest? Was slightly unnerving.
Fubuki scanned her sister’s face briefly for the usual anger or annoyance or cold expression… but all she could find was a placid stare. Slightly fearful of what was about to happen, her anger slowly left her, now replaced with apprehension. “W-wait sis… I didn’t mean—”
The wary esper gets cut off as Tatsumaki floats up a tiny bit and embraces her gently. Not out of malice, or irritation, or any of her usual flippant traits, but of… regret?
The shocked Blizzard of Hell could not process what was going on, as her expression changed to one of confusion and disbelief. “S-sis?”
“I’m sorry, Fubuki.” Tatsumaki quietly apologized to the younger sibling. Her voice hadn’t wavered or shaken. She wasn’t loud or forceful. And there were no tears. She was simply… herself.
“W-what are you…” Fubuki stuttered as Tatsumaki held on just a little tighter. As if the moment she let go her sister would disappear forever. “I… I’m sorry for everything that I’ve ever done to you, sis… And I’m sorry I never realized.”
After a few more seconds of Fubuki awkwardly holding her arms out in absolute disbelief of the situation, Tatsumaki pouts before headbutting her sister lightly. “Ahhh mo! Just let me apologize! Please!” The Tornado of Terror returns to her normal short tempered state almost instantly as Fubuki widens her eyes slightly. A small smile graces the younger sibling’s face as she returns the hug, a few small tears rolling down her cheek.
Saitama had, unbeknownst to everyone else, overheard the short conversation between Bang and Tats. He also watched as she left through the double doors with a nervous expression unbefitting of the short tempered esper. As he sat and watched the show, the thought hadn’t left his mind, that maybe he should do something. A couple of months ago, heck even a couple weeks ago, he wouldn’t have butt in at all. In fact he probably would have sighed and just shrugged it off in a tired manner, but for some reason… he felt like this wasn’t one of those times. Though secretly he hoped that the two would make up and get this tense situation over with. It was a little taxing on his mind.
The two double doors suddenly swing open as Tatsumaki flies out and returns to her seat. Fubuki shortly followed after the short esper and walked to her own sofa chair before sitting down. There was a small content smile on both of the heroes' faces as Saitama and Genos both sighed in a small bit of relief at the same time. Saitama and Genos then both glanced at each other in surprise.
“Wait, was he paying attention too?” Saitama wondered in befuddlement. He didn’t think Genos would really care all that much, but in hindsight, his previous comment made a lot more sense now.
“So Master was worried about them…” Genos nods to himself in understanding. Of course Sensei’s caring nature would gravitate towards the two siblings in their time of need. His Master was incredible after all.
Blast sighs in solace, knowing that the two sisters had definitely made some progress within their time inside the white chamber.
“So what? Did you two make up?” Metal Bat suddenly calls out, causing everyone to glare at him with a “please shut up now” expression.
Tatsumaki seems to just glare at the young punk hero before sighing exasperatedly. “Hai hai you mangy bat swinger. If you want to know so badly I apologized. For a couple of things. So keep the damn gossip to yourself!” Tornado bashfully yells out, basically announcing it to the entire theater.
“Tornado issuing an apology? Wow, so the world has ended.” Atomic Samurai chuckles while secretly being relieved that the atmosphere could now go back to normal. Bang smiles joyfully as Bomb chuckles at the short espers reaction.
“She has a lot to make up for, but I’m sure I can be lenient.” Fubuki smiles though her tone sounds more vengeful if anything else.
“O-oi! I know I said that, but there is a limit!” Tatsumaki whisper yells at her sibling while slightly regretting half of her apology.
“You know the first thing I’m having you do is apologizing to my group.” Fubuki deadpans while folding her arms in a serious manner.
Tatsumaki waves her hand while sighing exasperatedly. “Yeah yeah I know. I’ll keep my word. Earnestly.”
Fubuki smiles once again, though this time a little more honestly. “Good.”
“That’s good. Glad you could work things out, Tats.” Saitama gives a small smile to the short esper who just turns her head away in embarrassment.
Genos notes his observations as very peculiar. It seemed that everyone was slowly changing as time went on in the theater. The cyborg then gains a suspicious look while glaring at the screen. “Is the Screen brainwashing us? Perhaps we are being altered against our own will?!” Genos comedically begins hypothesizing as the Screen sweat drops at his behavior.
With the return of the two psychic sisters, the screen resumes, but this time the screen doesn’t turn black for some reason and instead begins to roll credits out with a chibi Saitama dancing and chibi Genos hitting a large drum.
“HAHA! YOU TWO LOOK HILARIOUS!” Tatsumaki boisterously laughs out, perhaps relieving some of her earlier stress.
“Wait, we get the end credits now too? This really is an anime.” Saitama deadpans while watching as his mini version continues to dance happily.
“This is certainly odd.” Genos comments while watching himself play the drums perfectly. Ironically he could actually play the drums as well, so this wasn’t so far from a reality.
“Now I kinda want a chibi version of myself.” Metal Bat groans in slight jealousy.
“You’re more of a kid than I am.“ Child Emperor scoffs while rolling his eyes. Though secretly the same thought had passed through the child prodigy's mind. Of course, he wasn’t going to just say that out loud. Never.
“I want a chibi me too!” Mosquito Girl calls out while pouting as Zombie man chuckles. Armored Gorilla just sighs tiredly at his fellow monster’s enthusiasm.
“I’m glad Tatsumaki-chan and Fubuki-chan made up.” Puri Puri Prisoner smiles happily.
Tank Top Master nods in agreement. “It definitely was a good outcome. I cannot imagine progressing further with the two of them glaring at each other constantly.
“I’m sort of surprised that the Screen didn’t do anything.” Darkshine mutters while bringing up the interesting thought.
“It was tiresome listening to the short one bicker. Is she always like this?” Sonic mutters in annoyance to his seat buddy.
Flashy Flash sighs while nodding and rubbing his eyes. “This is honestly better than before.”
An interesting song begins to play when suddenly, Saitama’s voice begins to sing. Soon after Genos’ voice and Sonic’s voice also join in, as the trio sing a very upbeat and inspiring tune.
Sonic goes beet red at hearing his own voice singing so cheerfully. “AGHHH TURN IT OFF!”
Flashy Flash smirks at his fellow ninja while snickering. “Ah so you’re a singer now Sonic? Who would have guessed?”
“AHH SHUT UP!” Sonic elbows Flashy Flash in an instant, this time actually landing the hit, causing Flashy to double over in slight pain and surprise.
“Hoh. Saitama-kun, you have quite the good singing voice.” Bang comments in surprise while listening to the overpowered hero sing his melodic tune.
Saitama quickly shakes his head while waving his hand in dismissal. “Iya iya. That’s not me. I don’t sing.” Bang looks back down at Saitama in slight surprise before turning to Genos in a questioning manner.
Genos also shakes his head, though in a more calm manner. “While I am capable of singing, I do not recall doing so for this particular song.”
“Man, I guess the cyborg’s got some pipes huh?” Metal Bat chuckles while enjoying the upbeat tune. It definitely beat the vibe that was going on before.
“It's a pretty decent song. And surprisingly not annoying.” Child Emperor mutters, nodding his head along to the music.
“This reminds me so much of my favorite cartoon! They have an ending song just like this!” Tareo happily comments while bouncing in his seat. Even Garou was slightly enamored with the music.
As the music ends the screen immediately changes to the next episode's title.
“Ah I remember this! This is the most recent thing I think!” Child Emperor sits up in his seat at the memory of the interesting Zombie Man murder case. The prodigy then evilly grinned when realizing that Tornado’s actions would be revealed to all!
“Oh is this what happened at the resort?” Zombie Man questioned while looking over to the young hero.
Child Emperor nods mischievously as the undead hero just sweat drops. “What’s got him so excited?”
“Now we can find the culprit who used my sword.” Atomic Samurai coldly glares at the screen. He was still mildly upset at whoever had used his weapon for such a vile scheme. Backstabbing a fellow hero was not what his katana was forged for. Bang sweat drops as Atomic Samurai bristles angrily like a pomeranian in comedic fashion.
At a large, traditionally Japanese hotel building, a certain mystery was going about.
All the S Class heroes along with Saitama were standing around something… or someone?
“His guard may have been down, but even so, there aren't many humans who could take out a Class S hero.” Bang surmises as the others look on in shock.
“Wait, I just realized, you guys seriously thought I died to that?” Zombie Man questions in complete astonishment while pointing at the screen. He didn’t know whether to feel offended that they thought he was that weak or just confused.
A couple of the heroes just shrug. After all, he hadn’t moved in a very long time so it was sort of logical to assume such a thing.
“To be fair, you were on the floors for hours. And you usually heal almost instantly when you take damage.” Child Emperor shrugs while explaining to the undead hero.
“If you weren’t so drunk you probably would’ve woken up immediately.” Metal Bat points an accusing finger at Zombie Man for causing all the ruckus.
Zombie Man raises his hands in surrender. “Jeez alright. I get it.”
The camera pans downward to show Zombie Man stabbed through his chest as Child Emperor examines the supposed corpse. “Indeed. The killer is probably… one of us here!” Child Emperor then looks back down at the corpse in confusion. “But which one?”
The Zombieman murder File: The Prior Day
“This tale starts yesterday. We were honored as persons of distinguished service for saving the Earth from alien invasions and preventing the largest disaster in history. In appreciation, the Association took us on an overnight trip at one of their hot spring locations.” Child Emperor narrates.
“Hoh? You narrate things now? This’ll be interesting.” Zombie Man chuckles as Child Emperor becomes bashful.
“AHH I FORGOT I DID THAT!” The mortified Child Emperor was slightly regretting his earlier joyous celebration.
Bang sighs out in relief as he relaxes in the hot spring. “That feels good…”
“It was very generous of the Association to take us on a hot springs trip to celebrate our victory.” Iaian comments as he too relaxes in the hot spring.
“Hm, perhaps Iaian and the others could come to the theater…” Atomic Samurai wondered to himself if the Screen would permit another addition along with the others.
Meanwhile Bang was just groaning in remembrance of the wonderful hot springs. They had helped his back greatly after all.
“Though some of us left the field without fighting…” Atomic Samurai mutters.
“You're right. How come we're sharing this place with a pack of jerks who didn't lift a finger?!” Metal Bat angrily points at a group of heroes sitting in the shaded area of the hot spring.
“We had other tasks.” Flashy Flash responds.
“What's more important than fighting aliens?” Metal Bat questions in an accusatory tone.
“I don’t need to waste my breath on you.” Flashy Flash mutters back as the punk hero just scoffs in annoyance.
“They were taking down violent criminals and monsters with bounties on their heads in other towns. It's all been confirmed. They left because they figured the rest of us could handle things without them.” Bang explains to the others as the tension dies down.
“Yeah, well, it all worked out.” Atomic Samurai sighs out.
“I left because I was hungry.” Pig god answered as he continued to eat even in the hot spring.
“As long as I can protect my town, that's enough for me.” WatchDog Man replies.
“Wait… is he wearing a dog suit in the hot spring? How did none of us notice that?” Child Emperor mutters in confusion. Certainly the hot spring probably made an exception for the hero, but it was still weird to see.
“I've always got a pile of requests to get rid of monsters. I can't lie around all day like you.” Flashy Flash smirks at the bat wielding hero as if to goad him.
“What'd you say?!” Metal Bat yells out while standing up.
The camera pans to the female’s side of the hot springs as the shouting continues.
“If any of you look, I will kill you.” Tatsumaki coldly mutters as every male being in the theater promptly turns their gazes away from the scene. Two of the other female associates who were also there glare at their fellow co-workers.
“There isn’t even anything to look at…” Saitama deadpans while still obliging the short espers request in respect. And also to avoid an earful.
“This is literally the mellowed out beach episode.” King deadpans, while staring at the wonderful floor.
“I had to skip my little sister's piano recital!” Metal Bat angrily yells.
“Come on, guys. Let's try to get along today.” Child Emperor mutters.
“Hmph. I could have handled it all by myself.” Tatsumaki scoffs in annoyance.
“Hey! You're not supposed to wear swimsuits in a hot spring!” Saitama pointed out.
“W-Who cares. . .?!” Child Emperor responds in embarrassment.
Tatsumaki rolls her eyes at the fiasco going on on the other side. “Jeez…”
The day fast forwards to night, the beautiful yet haunting moon creating a gorgeous backdrop.
The heroes all sat in a room, each with their own small table of assorted foods, as Stitch delivered his thanks. “I doubt that the danger Madame Shibabawa prophesied has passed. I've asked you all here today under the pretext of discussing this matter. But be that as it may, I am deeply grateful for your heroic acts the day of the attack. I'd like you all to let loose and enjoy yourself tonight. All right! Cheers!”
“Cheers!” The heroes along with a few associates all celebrated their win together.
Bang takes a sip from his ochoko when his eyes suddenly widen. “I believe this is Dragon Killer!”
“A truly great sake!” Iaian smiles at the old martial artist.
Atomic Samurai sighs out in content. “Yeah. Easy to drink, but strong.”
Atomic Samurai wistfully wished he still had the sake from earlier. Compared to whatever that stuff was, Dragon Killer was nothing. Bang was also going through the same thought process.
“Who is it? Who's number one?” Puri Puri Prisoner calls out while flexing his muscles. Both Darkshine and Tank Top Master were drunkenly joining in.
“Muscle… pose!”
The other 2 muscle heads blushed and hid their faces in shame while Puri simply continued to flex along with his on screen counterpart.
“I guess these guys don’t really seem as tough as you would think…” Child Emperor deadpans while eating some sushi.
“Our image has been shattered.” Tank Top Master and Darkshine simultaneously thought to themselves.
“Having fun, Child Emperor?” Zombie Man questions with a grin.
“Oh yeah, kind of.” Child Emperor nods in slight surprise at Zombie man talking to him.
Zombie Man nods before taking a drink from his ochoko. “I see. That's good to hear.”
“No one would have believed it at the time, but our peaceful party was about to turn into a gruesome crime scene…”
“Jeez you’re being dramatic today.” Zombie Man chuckles as the child prodigy just rolls his eyes.
“It wasn’t even that bad.” Metal Bat snickers watching the screen in amusement.
The scene switches back to the present, with Zombie Man still on the floor, impaled.
“Let's start with the weapon that was used.” Child Emperor says while turning to Atomic Samurai with a look.
Atomic Samurai nods. “Yeah, that's mine. But I left my sword in the banquet hall. Someone must've taken it. You doubting me? To begin with, we were drinking over there till just a moment ago, right?” Atomic Samurai glances at Bang, looking for his confirmation.
Bang nods in affirmation. “True.”
Child Emperor continues to stare at Atomic Samurai, causing him to get slightly annoyed.
“What? You think We're all conspiring together?”
“Atomic Samurai is innocent.” Tank Top Master speaks up, bringing everyone's attention to the muscle head.
“What?” Child Emperor questioned in surprise.
“Because I was there with the Director too. You can ask him.”
“Oh yes, he actually was, if I remember correctly.” Stitch answers, even though he already knew who the true culprit was.
Tank Top Master silently thanked Stitch for validating his claim.
“That’s true, their testimony does have credibility.” Child Emperor mutters.
“We are all teammates are we not? We have no motive.” Bang explains to the young prodigy.
“A motive, huh…” Child Emperor mumbles to himself.
Darkshine suddenly raises a finger before recollecting his previous memory. “Speaking of motives, I just remembered, Prisoner… You were staring at Zombieman rather suspiciously!”
“But like, he’s just so hot!” Puri Puri Prisoner responds bluntly.
Zombie Man wears the most disgusted and hateful expression he can muster before muttering coldly. “Gross. Please don’t ever come near me or I will execute you myself.”
“Ah poo.” Puri Puri Prisoner just pouts in disappointment, not even taking the threat seriously.
Meanwhile both Child Emperor and Metal Bat were thinking the same thing while sweat dropping. “Glad that’s not me.”
“Um what!?” Darkshine stutters out in shock.
“I was thinking of making little Zombie here mine. However, I restrict myself to violent criminals. Even then, I never kill them!” Puri righteously declares for such an unrighteous reason. “Why would I want to kill that fine ass!?”
Zombie Man’s stone cold expression slowly begins to turn comedic and Child Emperor and Metal Bat struggle to hold their laughs.
Child Emperor narrows his eyes at the previously imprisoned criminal. “But you're the only convict amongst us. Although you escape from prison like it's nothing. So society would say the least trustworthy is-”
“That's discrimination!” Puri Puri cries out adamantly.
“I am reasoning via the process of elimination.”
Puri Puri appears to suddenly remember something. “In that case, I have someone in mind too.” Puri proceeds to look over at Saitama in suspicion. “I overheard an ominous remark when he and Zombie were talking. You asked dear Zombieman if he really wouldn't die even if he was stabbed.”
“Well now that we know he could’ve literally just punched him it sounds kinda dumb.” Child Emperor scratches the back of his head while chuckling to himself.
“Yeah I don’t think I could come back if he actually tried to kill me.” Zombie Man mutters morbidly.
“I won’t though…” Saitama sweat drops as he wonders why everyone seems to think that he would just go punching random people.
“Ah right! Genos told me there's a rumor going round that he's immortal.” Saitama responds in realization.
Genos bends down to Child Emperor’ level. “Hey, you little punk. Are you doubting Saitama Sensei?”
Child Emperor scoffs before side-eyeing the cyborg. “I'm just looking at different possibilities from a rational perspective. There’s a lot we don’t know about Saitama. He could be a spy from another organization-- Well, maybe not with that face.”
Saitama immediately gets offended.
“Pfh. He’s got a point you know.” Tatsumaki snickers while continuing to make fun of Saitama’s bald head and blank expression.
The bald hero just sighs while taking the jeers head on. He was strong, he could do this…
“Look, even if Master Saitama wanted to kill Zombieman, He would not need weapons. A single punch-- Wait.” Suddenly, Genos realizes something and stops mid sentence.
“If Master wanted to test Zombieman's immortality, he might have used a weapon to go easy on him. That would make sense!” Genos stares at his Sensei as Saitama just turns and gives him a confused look.
“Wait… that’s actually a really good point. So I was right to be suspicious!” Child Emperor’s eyes gleam while still being correct despite not seeing the full picture.
“Well technically you had the wrong reasoning, so Genos was smarter here.” Zombie Man states while giving the young prodigy a smirk.
“Ha! He got you there!” Metal Bat laughs out while smacking the annoyed Child Emperor on the back.
“I apologize, Sensei. I had guessed incorrectly.” Genos mutters in disappointment toward himself.
Saitama waves a hand in dismissal while still looking a little miffed. “It's fine.”
Genos leans forward and whispers. “Master, do not worry. I will defend you at your trial.”
“I told you! I didn't do it!” Saitama yells out in annoyance.
“Now, now. The others haven't been cleared yet either.” Child Emperor explains in order to get Saitama to calm down.
“Flash has fallen silent as he stares at the dead body. Pig god is eating breakfast. WatchDog Man is still sleeping. And as for Metal Bat…” Child Emperor turns to the bat wielding hero who currently didn’t have his hair up in a pompadour.
“I didn't do it. Unlike the others, I'm a minor, so I didn't drink. So I couldn't have gotten drunk and made a mistake…” Everyone begins staring at him. “W-What?”
“Yeah I still cannot understand how well you spoke.” Child Emperor mutters while deadpanning.
“I was just tired!” Metal Bat yells out.
“By the way I think you should lose the pompadour. You look way better without the hairdo.” Zombie Man explains while pointing at his hairstyle. Metal Bat gives Zombie Man a death glare as the undead hero backs up with his hand raised in surrender. “Just saying.”
“You’re awfully eloquent today.” Flashy Flash mutters while smirking at Metal Bat.
“Lay off! I'm just not a morning person, that's all!” Metal Bat yells back, more reminiscent of his louder self.
Child Emperor sighs while laying his hands out. “Now, now…”
“Alright then who’s the number one suspect? If there’s anyone suspicious it would be those two right there.” Atomic Samurai questions toward the young prodigy.
“Seems like you can’t find any proof among us heroes so…” Bang mutters.
Everyone then turns to the waitress who had actually found the body.
The waitress appears nervous but steels her resolve. “Well… I just ran over because someone told me…” The waitress points over to a missing individual.
“What? So someone else discovered the body first?”
The camera pans over to a shadowed area of the room, with King just standing ominously there.
“Wow King looks so cool!” Tareo cries out in absolute fanboy energy as Garou just groans. “He’s just standing there menacingly… What’s so cool about that?”
“King! You… Why didn't you say anything?” Child Emperor questions.
“No one asked me.” King replies.
“Oh lord I was panicking so badly when this happened. I just fell asleep right afterward…” King dejectedly side-eyed a wall in embarrassment.
“Please tell us how you found the body.” Child Emperor implores King to explain his recollection of the event.
“I was on my way to the vending machine to get a drink when I saw a body on the ground. I let the front desk know. That's it.” King explains.
Child Emperor smiles mischievously up at King. “King, what were you up to last night?”
“I soaked in the bath in my room, then went to sleep.”
“What? This inn is known for its large outdoor bath. Why would you use the bath in your room?” Metal Bat questions in confusion.
“Such decisions are mine to make.”
“There was always something sketchy about this King guy…” Atomic Samurai mutters while grinning.
“I'm not trying to hide anything.”
“That sound… You call it the King Engine, right? Am I to assume you are ready to fight?” Bang questions in curiosity.
“Oi, King. Were you really gonna fight everyone there?” Saitama questions in curiosity. If he was that confident he could come out alive with all those heroes then he had to be strong right?
“No. I wouldn’t have.” King responds in usual King fashion and leaves no room for an explanation. Everyone promptly moves on.
“The way he hides everything makes him suspicious. What secret does he hold?” Genos wonders to himself silently while gazing at the hero.
To King though, Genos just looked like he was glaring at him, scaring the otaku man badly.
“If my innocence is under suspicion, I'm left with no choice.” King mutters as an aura of power radiates from the man.
Suddenly, a shrill voice calls out. “Jeez! You're still at it? If you're all under suspicion, then I'll just restrain all of you!” Tatsumaki appears out of nowhere then immediately begins to glow green and float above the suspects.
“Oh I remember this part. It's really weird though I can’t remember anything from the night before… What happened?” Tatsumaki questions to herself out loud quietly as Fubuki overhears.
“Sis… by any chance… did you drink a lot?” Fubuki asks while appearing to already know the answer to her own question.
“Huh? No!? I stopped after a couple of beers!” Tatsumaki, embarrassed by the accusation, reverts to her normal behavior.
“She definitely drank more…” Fubuki deadpans while staring at her flustered sister.
Bang brings his hand out while looking in surprise at the floor. “Hang on, Tornado!”
Zombie Man was now getting up.
“Restrain? What's going on?
Everyone somehow gasps at the reveal that the undead hero was actually not dead.
(I still don’t understand how they thought he was dead here tbh)
Zombie Man grins at the people surrounding him before gesturing to the sword in his back. “Could someone pull this out?”
After pulling the sword out, Zombie Man leaned against a pillar as the heroes crowded him.
“So then who exactly attacked you, Zombie Man?” Child Emperor questions.
“Well, I drank quite a bit last night, so I don't really remember. But, if I'm not mistaken, that sword came flying through the air and impaled me. Then, because I was drunk, I must have fallen asleep.” Zombie Man explains while grinning.
“So you're saying my sword was floating in the air?” Atomic Samurai questioned with a peculiar expression.
“Yeah, surrounded by a green light. Just like that.” Zombie Man points over to Tornado who just wears a shocked expression.
“W-What? Me?” Tatsumaki questions in disbelief.
“Tornado, what were you doing after dinner last night?” Child Emperor walks up to the short esper.
“I don't remember!” Tornado yells out in irritation.
“You definitely drank too much.” Fubuki smiles knowingly at her sister and begins to tease her.
“I did not! I swear! I think!?” The short esper retorts, increasingly becoming more embarrassed. Worst part is she couldn’t just shoot her sister down like usual. Not anymore. Never again.
“Were you perhaps drinking?” Child Emperor snickers while scratching his cheek.
“I don't know. I said I don't remember!” Tatsumaki responds back in annoyance.
“You think you're gonna get away with a lame excuse like that?” Metal Bat questions while holstering his bat onto his shoulder.
“What?! Look, I know Zombieman doesn't die when he gets killed! If I wanted him dead, I wouldn't do something this half-assed.” Tatsumaki explains in a not so calm manner.
Bang sighs before raising a hand. “Let's just forget it already. Zombieman is fine as we can all see.”
Zombie Man stands up finally. “Yeah, it doesn't bother me anyways. Stuff like this happens all the time when you drink.” The room goes silent at the dumb insinuation.
Saitama just wears a blank expression. “Nah. Not really.”
“He’s got a point you know. No one just tries to kill someone when drunk.” Child Emperor sweat drops while looking over to the undead hero.
“Huh. Good to know I guess.” Zombie Man awkwardly scratches the back of his head.
Meanwhile, Mosquito Girl was mischievously wondering what being drunk meant and what beer was. But she didn’t want to alert her creator to her thoughts. Perhaps she would sneak one from the table later? Armored Gorilla on the other hand, immediately knew Mosquito Girl was up to something.
“Okay, let's break it up and hit the baths, Iai.” Atomic Samurai mutters before walking off.
“Oh... right!” Iaian promptly follows.
The rest of the heroes walk off to do their own things as Stitch appears behind Child Emperor who had stayed.
“Child Emperor… Have a minute?”
The two head toward the security room as a funny revelation is made.
“T-This is…” On the screen Child Emperor was viewing, the culprit was… in fact! TATSUMAKI-CHAN!
“NANI!?” Almost the entire room screams out.
“Heh. So it was you? Who would’ve guessed you couldn’t handle your alcohol?” Saitama snickers while having his turn at making fun of the short esper.
The even brighter red Tatsumaki’s face adorned began causing steam to arise from her face. “I-I didn’t… W-what I mean is! Ahhh whatever! I was drunk and Zombie Man’s immortal, w-who cares!”
Fubuki sighs while holding a hand to her head. “If it was anyone else it could’ve ended badly sis.”
“Yes. Your sister has a point Ms. Tornado.” Genos with his normal expression just adds on in a somehow joking manner.
“Hey, no hard feelings Tornado. Next time you wanna stab someone when drunk just come and ask.” Zombie Man smirks at the tiny esper who just shrinks into her seat in embarrassment.
“Man I never thought the day Tornado would be reduced to this would ever happen.” Metal Bat laughs while clutching his sides. This was the second funniest thing he’d ever witnessed.
“I’m so happy everyone found out. I really wanted to say it.” Child Emperor cries tears of joy comedically.
Mumen Rider was just sweat dropping at how everyone was casually glossing over the fact that there was a hero who was literally immortal.
Child Emperor sweat drops as the video plays. “I knew Tornado did it. She looks pretty drunk. But why on earth would she do this?”
A sudden realization occurs in Child Emperor’s mind as a flashback to what Tatsumaki had said earlier appears. “I know Zombieman doesn't die when he gets killed!”
Child Emperor slams a fist down onto his palm in a eureka moment. “Oh, I get it! She knew about Zombieman's regenerative abilities and was just having some fun! Then again, what would cause Tornado to drink to that point?”
The scene switches to Saitama and Genos walking home.
“So the little brat caused all that trouble? But why would she do something like that?” Saitama snickers while wondering why the esper would act like such a child.
“Ugh stop calling me a brat! I’m 28!” Tatsumaki stands up over the bald hero’s seat and yells out at the bald hero who just covers his ears.
“You sure act like one.” Saitama grins and gives the short esper a poke to the forehead, causing her to fall back into her seat with a huff.
“That is… likely your fault, Master.” Genos mutters in his mind while side-eyeing the bald hero.
“NANI!?” Almost everyone screams again. Who would have thought? The bald hero was the mastermind behind it all!?
“HAH!? WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME YOU SICK PERV? AND YOU TIN-CAN! JUST BECAUSE HE’S YOUR MASTER YOU’D LET IT SLIDE?” Tatsumaki holds her hands over her chest and accusingly screams out at the two in front of her who just raised their hands in surrender.
Fubuki just watches in mild amusement. Already knowing that neither of them would do such a thing in the first place.
“I didn’t do anything though…” Saitama sweat drops at the short espers' somewhat unjustified rage.
“Sensei is correct. I believe you are mistaken Ms. Tornado. Besides, I do not believe Master is capable of lusting after women to such an extent that he would commit a crime.” Genos adds on, much to the deadpan of Saitama.
“Genos, you didn’t have to add that.” Saitama dejectedly mutters, though doesn’t deny it. After all, the man literally could not find love if he tried. Nor could he feel it actually.
Tatsumaki just stares at the two before groaning in realization. “Yeah I don’t think the baldy would do something like that. Neither would the stupid microwave either.”
“Well that was certainly a spectacle.” Blast coughs into his closed fist before returning his attention to the screen.
Genos flashbacks to the previous night, where he had been enjoying a nice drink.
“Here, I’m done.” Tornado hands her glass over to Genos who just stares at it. Tornado simply sighs while holding her head. “Guess I really am a lightweight…”
Suddenly, Saitama comes out of nowhere and takes the drink.
The bald hero raises an eyebrow in confusion before lecturing the short esper. “Don't like drinking? Stop acting grown-up. You're a kid. Of course you shouldn't be drinking! Kids should be drinking orange juice or something!”
Saitama promptly turns back to the esper and with a short bow of the head, apologizes. “Sorry about that. Didn’t mean for it to sound degrading.”
Tatsumaki, appearing surprised that the bald hero had apologized before she could even yell at him, just sat there before hmphing. “Whatever stupid baldy. Just don’t call me a kid ever again. Or I’ll actually twist you and throw you into the sun!” With a partially annoyed tone the esper simply threatened the bald hero.
“Could you at least stop the name calling then.” Saitama deadpans while asking a simple question. To which he doesn't receive an answer.
“Hah!?” Tatsumaki immediately reverts to her goofy appearance as she raises her fists in anger.
“Listen, I’ll order you some orange juice for ya.” Saitama responds.
“Tornado's pride got hurt, so she took revenge by drinking as much as she could.” Genos deadpans while staring at his Sensei.
“I knew it.” Fubuki sighs while smiling slightly. It seemed her sister was the same as she always was. The childish side of her wasn’t so bad from time to time.
A bunch of people face palm as Tornado just hides her face in embarrassment.
“None of you will speak of this outside of the room. You hear me?” Tatsumaki bashfully mutters as almost everyone just nods their heads. She wasn’t very threatening right now, but later she definitely would be if it was brought up.
Meanwhile Saitama was feeling slightly bad for causing the whole fiasco. I mean sure it wasn’t technically his fault, but he felt like he may have egged the short esper a little too much. Saitama shrugged to himself much to the confusion of Genos. “Well, the past is in the past. Right?”
Saitama mindlessly smiled as he walked forward into the sunset. “You know, that hot spring sure felt great, huh, Genos?”
“Hai!” Genos replies.
Once again, the screen does not turn to black, but instead moves on to a credits sequence. This time Tatsumaki and Fubuki’s voices could be heard talking and singing.
“Huh? We’re singing too!?” Tatsumaki questions in bewilderment as Fubuki also goes wide-eyed at hearing her own voice singing on the screen.
“Ah this is embarrassing.” Fubuki covers her face while Tornado just appears weirded out by the whole experience.
“Now you know how it feels.” Saitama mumbles absentmindedly. The psychic sister’s verses were pretty funny at least. Meanwhile, Genos was surprisingly just enjoying the music silently.
“Is it just me or do the voices sound slightly off?” Mumen Rider questions in confusion, to which he receives a few nods of agreement.
Mumen Rider’s voice suddenly also makes an appearance as the biking hero and Saitama begin singing a duet of the previous song. A chorus of all the heroes join in slowly, until suddenly, all the heroes are singing together.
“W-wait, are we all singing? This is so weird…” Child Emperor mutters, slightly creeped out by the fact that it was literally their own voice yet none of them had recollections of singing such a song.
“Yeah I’m not gonna lie, this is super weird.” Metal Bat nods in agreement while still slightly enjoying the music. It was a good tune after all.
“I mean at least we don’t sound horrible.” Zombie Man chuckles while scratching the back of his head awkwardly. He wasn’t much of a singer so this was extremely odd for him.
“Sounds like a teenage karaoke party.” Atomic Samurai sighs at the humorous moment shared by all the heroes as Bomb just smirks at his brother while enjoying the tunes.
“Mo! I wish we were singing too.” Mosquito Girl mutters in disappointment as Atomic Gorilla just sighs.
“Speak for yourself. I’m glad we were left out.” The relieved gorilla mutters back.
“Tch. You’re no fun!” Mosquito Girl punches the gorilla in the arm who just sighs again.
The song is interrupted with some conversation between King, Sonic, and Saitama as the music continues to play in the background.
“I, Speed of Sound Sonic, should not be singing with these heroes, but why do I need to again?” Sonic bitterly questions himself before asking Saitama in confusion.
“AHHH WHY AM I HERE AGAIN!?” Sonic yells out in mortification as Flashy Flash takes his chance to make fun of Sonic again.
“No one’s making you y’know, but whatevs, just sing!” Saitama answers with a more upbeat tone.
“Genos do I sound a little… too enthusiastic to you?” Saitama questions in befuddlement. He had his small moments of excitement, but his singing self was way more upbeat than normal.
Genos nods in affirmation. “Hai Sensei. You are much more joyous on the screen compared to your usual self. Though I must admit, you have changed quite a bit since entering the theater.”
Saitama gives Genos a curious look before going into a thinking pose. “Ehhh really? I didn’t realize. I guess it has been pretty fun since we got here.”
“We had a lot of time to hang out too and you got to meet more people who know about your strength.” Mumen Rider grins while giving a thumbs up toward Saitama.
“You’ve also had the honor of meeting me! Don’t forget that baldy!” Tatsumaki leans forward to add on while smirking egotistically as Saitama just sweat drops.
“You’re all so childish.” Fubuki sighs while rolling her eyes before smiling softly.
“Oi don’t forget us!” Child Emperor shouts out while raising his hand.
“Yeah we gave you all those hilarious nicknames!” Metal Bat declares while standing and pointing his bat at the bald hero who just deadpans.
“I think that's the last thing he wants from anyone here you dumbass.” Zombie Man chuckles before sighing and holding a hand to his head. The undead hero glances backwards at the mosquito monster nagging at the cybernetic gorilla as Dr. Genus watches them while smiling slightly. When did he ever imagine that he’d be on talking terms with the monster that created him? Let alone his other creations. This was either a fever dream or he was really really drunk.
Bang just smiles while watching the small group interact. He hoped that Garou could also one day smile and laugh in that same way.
Garou was just watching the whole farce play out before ruffling his hair in frustration. The kid next to him wasn’t helping at all either. How was he supposed to carry out his plans like this? The young martial artist then shakes his head in annoyance to clear his thoughts.
Meanwhile, Blast was just observing the screen while ruminating. “We’re about to see the future soon. I wonder if something happens that’ll force my hand?” The number 1 hero looks down at his gloved fists in determination before clenching them when suddenly, a look of confusion momentarily crosses his expression.
“Well then, King, the strongest man on Earth, will now sing his solo!” King in usual fashion acts all mighty.
“AHHH WHY WHY WHY THIS IS SO CRINGE!” King, the mightiest and strongest hero on Earth, was currently dying of cringe unbeknownst to everyone.
“I appreciate your enthusiasm, but let's just sing together.” Saitama mutters back.
The song continues as everyone all together sings the chorus when suddenly, Saitama’s chibi throws an adorable punch and the camera pans to fireworks in the sky.
“Sing, Dance, Fight! The One Punch Man Marching Theme! Thanks for watching everyone!”
“Ok Screen, are you gonna explain any of that!?” Tatsumaki calls out to the mysterious being while demanding an answer. Sure it was funny and she laughed a lot, but this was still super creepy.
The theater remains silent as the group waits for an answer but receives nothing in reply. Suddenly, the screen turns back on, confusing the group as they hadn’t even taken their mandated 5 minute break yet.
“Wait, we're starting already? What’s going on?” Metal Bat questions in confusion as the screen swirls with colors instead of just flashing like usual.
“Welp, I guess we don’t get a break.” Zombie Man sighs before shrugging. This might be the longest amount of time he’s had between smokes.
“Maybe we’ll get an answer after this episode?” Child Emperor asks to no one in particular as the colors continue to mix inside the screen.
“Master, something feels off about this.” Genos mutters while observing the walls of the theater in suspicion.
“Eh. I’m sure we’ll be fine.” Saitama shrugs, not really sensing a need to feel bothered. It's not like they really needed the 5 minute break or anything.
“I think Genos has a point though.” Mumen Rider mumbles, he was getting unnerved by the lack of a response from the Screen. It usually answered their questions or made itself known, but it had stayed silent for a majority of the last two episodes.
“Well Blast is here so we should be fine. And Saitama too.” Tank Top Master points over to the hero who was just sitting in his chair all relaxed.
Darkshine and Puri nod in agreement as a few let out sighs of relief, somehow forgetting they had two powerhouses just casually sitting with them.
“Bad news everyone. I can’t use my powers right now.” Blast calls out the group rather calmly while leaning back in his theater seat, halting all their movements.
“Hah!? What do you mean you can’t use your powers!?” Tornado yells in a slightly panicked questioning.
“I can’t do anything right now for some reason. I noticed it near the end of the last episode. You guys should try using your powers too.” Blast tips his shades downward while pointing a finger at the esper duo.
“Wait Metal Knight’s drone isn’t on anymore!” Child Emperor calls out while leaning over and onto the robot as Drive Knight looks to his side in a calculating manner.
“How did I not notice?” Drive Knight questions to himself in confusion while staring at the now powered down drone.
“Sis! I can’t use my esp can you!?” Fubuki questions, her expression becoming more worried by the second.
“What!?” Tatsumaki turns to her sister in disbelief before holding her own hands out in an attempt to activate her powers. “I-I can’t!”
The associates began to panic even more as a few other more calmer and intellectually capable people just began to think at rapid speeds to figure out what was going on.
Bang and Bomb were sharing a look with each other, unsure of how bad the situation was, after all they could still use their martial arts and Atomic Samurai still had his sword. But… if they were really in some kind of danger then they’d have to hope that Saitama could take care of the problem since their strength didn’t lie in anything supernatural.
Meanwhile, Saitama was just wondering why everyone was panicking so badly. It wasn’t like the Screen hadn’t taken their powers before. “Guys I don’t think it's that big of a deal. The Screen’s taken your powers before. It's probably just worried that we’ll do something stupid while it's gone.” Saitama shrugs while remaining calm, much to the dismay of the others.
“Sensei is correct. The only odd occurrences seem to be Metal Knight's drone being turned off and a few heroes losing their abilities. I am still capable of using my weapon systems and it seems Child Emperor hasn’t lost his tools either.” Genos points over to the child prodigy who was currently rapidly unloading his entire arsenal and testing his inventions, much to the annoyance of Zombie Man and Metal Bat.
“So then there must be some sort of reason why only a few of your powers have disappeared.” Stitch questions aloud while holding a worried thinking pose.
“Let's just watch the next episode and see what happens.” Saitama shrugs as a few of the theater members sigh. The bald hero was right. It wasn’t like worrying would help. Maybe the answer lied in the next episode?
The screen then proceeded to continue playing as it began to reveal the next image.
Thanks for reading everyone! - TheWritingKaiju