The Idol of Ra - The Ancient Caves - Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Guide - IGN (2025)

Thanks to the discovery in the Temple Excavation Site, Indy now believes the key to finding the Idol of Ra lies within the Dream Stele and the mysterious tattoos inscribed upon a dead Giant. These clues will point you to an ancient underground cave system built long ago by the Guardian Giants.

Below, you'll find a complete Walkthrough for solving the mystery of the Dream Stele, uncovering the Resonance Chamber and the Three Eyes Gate Puzzles leading to the Idol of Ra, along with the locations of collectibles found within the caves.

Collections to Find
Adventure Notes Field Notes Mystery Notes Ancient RelicsMedicine Bottles
New MysteriesNew Fieldwork
Bright Future
A Thief's Promise
Cloud Atlas
A Savage Predicament


  • Jump to A Section:
  • Get to the Dream Stele
  • Chamber of Resonance
  • The Ancient Caves
    • Light Chamber Puzzle
  • Ancient Abyss
    • Boss Fight
    • Escape the Chamber

Get to the Dream Stele

If you haven't already, be sure to head back to the Worker Camp to check in on Nawal and make sure Gina got back alright. Here you'll be told that a familiar archaeologist has somehow made his way to Gizeh Village and needs your help, and you can also talk to the worker who packaged up the first few Stelae for you to get a quest to find all ten! Check with Nawal, and you'll find a new Second Stelae List with hints on the remaining locations.

You're fast approaching the "point of no return" for Gizeh, and while you'll be able to revisit this area later like you can with The Vatican and other areas, it's not a bad idea to track down any last remaining Side Quests and Mysteries, trade in some Medicine for health or stamina upgrades, and find missing Artifacts, Radio Transmission Notes, and anything else you may need.

If you found the Wehrmacht Uniform Disguise back in the watchtower where Nawal parted ways with you, be sure to stride into the military camp on the edge of the Worker's Area. In the middle tent, you can find notes for a nearby mystery to solve if you haven't already: The Haunting, as well as a Hauntings Report and Tomb Photograph as well as a Haunted Tomb Key, plus a lockbox on the left you can break open.


In the tent on the left, you'll find a Medicine Bottle, plus Meier's Letter on a cot. If you somehow missed grabbing the Cutman 2 Adventure Book back at the airship when you first arrived at Gizeh, you'll instead find it here!

When you feel you're adequately prepared for the last leg of your journey through Gizeh, head to the Great Sphinx and look between its two front feet for The Dream Stele to snap a photo of if you haven't already.

However, armed with new knowledge of the Giant's tattoo, Indy can now inspect the Dream Stele closer for some specific symbols that seem to pop out among the other hieroglyphics.

Zoom your camera all the way in, and take the following photos: the Guardian Symbol in the bottom left, the Sphinx Symbol on the bottom right, the Queen's Pyramid Symbol along the bottom, and the Great Pyramid Symbol above it.


From these symbols, Indy will deduce a map, pointing to the Giant's Symbol which seems to be east of the Pyramid of Khafre (the westernmost pyramid on your map).

Follow the clue by traveling down and west past the Tomb of Khentkawes (aka the Queen Mother's Pyramid), and follow the path toward the Mortuary Temple Ruins above the Khafre Excavation Site (or, fast travel to the Khafre Excavation signpost and head south along the road past the site). When you approach it from the Mortuary Ruins, be sure to snap a picture of Khafre's Pyramid as it looms up before you.

This will lead you past some ruins to a small road and Nazi campsite where you'll find a Medicine Bottle, and then cross the road heading toward the large pyramid itself.

After crossing the road, you'll find various small ruins, and somewhere in here lies a clue. Look for the solitary bit of foliage off on the left, and circle around it to find the smallest of slopes leading under some stone blocks you can crawl under.

Here, snap a photo of a Nephilim Symbol Marking near a cracked wall, and then return across the road near where you swiped some medicine to find a sledgehammer to bash through the rock wall.


Take out your lighter to delve into this underground mystery, and follow the path to the left until you reach a large echo-y chamber with three large statues.

Chamber of Resonance

Start by taking a photo of the Chamber of Resonance, causing Indy to note that sounds are amplified here.

Next, turn your attention to the Strange Symbol Tablets on the walls behind the statues, and snap photos of them, while Indy begins to learn fragments of the Adamic Writing by consulting Dr. Lombardi's Journal you found in Voss' Office.

Take photos of each Adamic Tablet you find to learn various ancient words, however, one tablet is cracked and missing a piece.


When snapping the photo of Vuha, the chamber will react to Indy speaking the word aloud, meaning you'll need to find all the words to solve this riddle, and that means finding the missing tablet fragment.

Luckily, if you look near the doorway you came in to the side, there's a small hole in the wall toward the bottom you can crawl through.

This side chamber is very dark, and a creepy gust will blow out your lighter for a moment. Relight it, and then look for even more Adamic Tablets along the wall, and be sure to dip your lighter in the nearby bowls of oil to create a light source to take another set of photos:

At the very end of this path, you'll find a cracked wall next to the missing tablet fragment. Bash open a path back to the Resonance Chamber (apparently this won't ruin the acoustics), and take the fragment with you to restore the tablet and take the last photo of the Adamic Tablet.

With all six language fragments accounted for, return to the central statue to find a spot to place all of your photos for easy access, and note the six slots at the base of the statue. Say the right word at the right time, and sand will begin to pour out of the slot, but if you say the wrong fragment, the puzzle will reset.

Hover over each photo, and you'll begin to see a sentence form between the fragments. The correct phrase you need to say in order is:


  1. Heed
  2. The Lord's
  3. Oath
  4. Protect
  5. The Secret
  6. Of the name

When performed correctly, you'll gain a Note for the Secret Phrase, and Indy will soon find himself sliding below the chamber into a large Ancient Cavern.

If you turn around quickly, you may spot a very tall ominous figure watching you as the secret entrance slams shut, blocking the way back to the previous chamber. Uh oh.

The Ancient Caves

You'll find yourself in a cave system that appears much older than any Egyptian tomb. Take out your lighter and head down the path, and along the way you'll find a pot of torches to light up, and several spots where large murals have been carved.

Use your torch to light the braziers nearby and snap a photo of each one as you pass: The Destroyed Mural, the Ageless Cave Mural, the Gift of the Gods Mural, Khufu's Command Mural, and the Eternal Rest Mural.


Secret - Ancient Artifact

As you make your way to the fifth mural, note the long thin chasm to the left. If you search carefully, you can actually jump across this pit to reach a ledge far back to the left (look for a small path left of the mural). On the other side, you'll find a first of several Ancient Artifacts in this tomb.

After gathering photos of all five murals, do your best to ignore the strange whispers and clicking on the wind, and continue to find your next big puzzle room.

To open the path, swing the mirror on the right to hit the engraving, and the doorway will open.

Light Chamber Puzzle - The Three Eyed Gate

In a large chamber, you'll find a new puzzle: three large "eye" circles adorn a giant door, with six smaller circles on the sides, and each with a different pattern. One mirror shines a light, but two others are darkened.

If you completed the Secret of the Queen Mother Fieldwork, the Light Stele you found actually provided a clue, but it might be hard to recall: a beam of light and three eyes beneath the pyramid.


Snap a photo of the Temple Entrance, and then move forward further to snap a closer photo of The Three Eyed Gate. If "the choir of light opens the way", how will we find a choir down here?

Start by checking the doors on either side of the puzzle room. A few are broken and can't be opened, but there are some that are intact. The first door to the right of the gate has a pedestal with an empty slot for a mirror in it.

Another door, the first on the left as you enter the chamber, leads to an empty room, with a caved in passage on the side that holds one of the Ancient Relics to collect.

This leaves the middle doors on both sides intact, but sealed. Inspect them closely, and note the strange symbols on the door. The door on the right has a diamond with lines through it, while the door on the left has a circle in the middle with lines in the corners.

If you look at the six smaller circles along the Three Eyed Gate, you may notice the top right circle bears the exact same likeness to the door on the left (while the middle right circle isn't quite a match for the door on the right). With this in mind, shine the mirror on the top right circle, and the door on the left will open.

Head through the newly opened passage and into the room with the ruined doorway to find another mirror, and direct its light back to one of the mirrors in the central room. You now have two functional mirrors to work with, and the solution to this riddle should now be taking shape.


We mentioned before the middle right circle on the Three Eyed Gate doesn't quite match the door on the right, but that's because solving this puzzle is going to require you to combine symbols! Try it out by shining a light on both the middle right circle with the diamond shape, and the top left circle with the plus sign, which the door also features.

With both symbols combined, the door on the right will now open to you, and inside you'll find the last mirror pedestal. Since the doors obstruct your view, simply carry the mirror back with you, and place it in the open room on the opposite side that was missing a mirror.

With three mirrors now fully active, it's time to solve The Three Eyed Gate. Each of the large three "eyes" in the middle are the combination of three different symbols, and you'll need to highlight each one with all three mirrors to unlock it, and then move onto the next eye circle:

  1. For the Top Eye: Highlight the middle right, top left, and bottom left circles.
  2. For the Middle Eye: Highlight the top right, middle left, and bottom left circles.
  3. For the Bottom Eye: Highlight the middle left, middle right, and bottom right circles.

Solve it correctly, and the Three Eyed Gate Combinations will be added to your Notes, and the way forward will open for you.


Ancient Abyss

Down the passage from the gate, look for a pathway on the right to climb up, leading to the Ancient Abyss. This large eerie cavern looks very old, and you'll need to find a way to cross it. Be sure to snap a photo of The Bridge Cavern before you start looking for a path further in.

Stick to the path by hugging the left walls to crouch down and slip through a tunnel leading to a sealed door, and head to the right.

You'll come to the ancient bridge here, but the middle portion has collapsed, and you'll need to find a way to cross.

Backtrack to the start of the bridge, and look along the left wall while facing the broken bridge to find a path going down to the side.

Follow it by jumping across the ledges along the left wall as it curves around, and use your whip to swing across far to the left, before heading right across another gap you can swing across to reach the far side of the broken bridge.

Head up the pathway until you see another pole up above you can use to swing to the far side of the bridge, but instead hang right along the ledge here, and you'll find another of the Ancient Relics at the end of a ledge, at the base of a small statue overlooking the middle section of the collapsed stone bridge.


Secret - Ancient Relic

Leap across the middle of the broken bridge, and drop down to a lower level below. Carefully navigate around to the other side of this section, and you'll find a sealed door with several indentations on the side.

This is a place where you can use several Ancient Relics already in your possession to unlock the door, leading to another Ancient Relic to keep for yourself.

(If you're having trouble solving it, note that rotating a relic right will fill in all circles in cardinal directions, while rotating it left will fill in all the circles surrounding it. When every circle is filled in or has a Relic in it, you'll open the door and get your relics back -- see the image above for one example of how to solve it using only four relics).

Make your way to the far side of the broken bridge by either swinging across, or taking the long ledge path past the middle section of the bridge. When you reach the far side, you'll find a Dead Raider to snap a photo of. Wonder how smart this guy was to get this far?

Hold your lighter aloft as you head deep into the next chamber, into the Cave of Darkness.

As you might expect, it is ridiculously dark here, and the only sound comes from Indy stepping over piles of gold coins that litter the chamber. Try to walk straight as you enter, and you should come across a large circular plate.

Stepping on the plate will reveal a small gap of light, giving you a bit more to see. Unfortunately, the light doesn't extend very far, and as you explore further you'll hear the telltale noise of the door sliding shut behind you.

As you explore the rest of the room, note the large pit of coins in the middle of the room, and a large creepy statue on the far edge of the pit of coins.


Look to the left and right of this central pit of coins, and you can hold your lighter aloft to find two more pressure plates that each illuminate that corner of the chamber. You may even spot a few skeletons holding weapons (these are worth keeping note of).

With the room fully illuminated by the three pressure plates, the statue by the treasure pit will shift, revealing a slot in its chest. However, as you go to open it, a very scary Blind Giant will appear to stop you from progressing!

Boss Fight - The Blind Giant

Thrown away to the side, the chamber will be doused in darkness once more, making this a far more terrifying fight than the one against Locus.

To start, you'll need to do your best to remain unheard by your attacker as he stalks the cavern for your location.

If you move to loudly, or step on any of the piles of gold coins, he'll zero in on you pretty fast and start trying to grab you and deal more damage.

Drop to a crouch, and take out your lighter (since he can't see your light source). Carefully crouch around while avoiding the coins -- especially the pit in the middle -- and try to get your bearings.

Your immediate goal should be trying to get a sight advantage back over your opponent. To do this, you'll need to carefully navigate back to the three pressure plates to return light to the room.


As you do, keep a special eye out for the large two-handed weapons left by a few skeletons around the arena. You can't exactly perform a one-hit sneak attack like on other guards, but these weapons will give you a huge boost on damage.

Try to sneak up as best you can while giving the Blind Giant a wide berth so he doesn't bump into you, and then charge up a strong weapon attack to hit him while he's unaware.

He'll fight back after recovering, so try to focus on getting a few hits in, then back off and crouch out of the way until he stalks off, and repeat the process. With a fully illuminated room, you'll have a much better chance of avoiding giving your position away, and being able to sneak up on him.

When the Blind Giant finally falls, check on his body. He'll utter some final words of warning before expiring, and you'll gain his Guardian Pendant.

Use it on the statue's slot, and you'll find another entrance to head through, leading to the object of your search.

Head down the final hallway to reach the fabled Idol of Ra.


Unfortunately what happens next might be a crime against antiquity, but inside the idol Indy will find his first fragment of The Great Circle.

Escape the Chamber

The bad news is -- as with all ancient treasure vaults -- a trap will trigger once you claim your prize.

The chamber will soon begin to fill with falling sand, but luckily this will actually work to your benefit. Keep jumping to stay atop the sand as it rises, and look for a shaft of light coming from a large opening up the wall.

Once you reach it, quickly climb up and race along the collapsing passageway, and be ready to leap across a pit and use your whip to swing to the far end, and you'll slide out of the chamber's secret exit.

Of course, things never go quite the way you want it to, and Indy will soon find himself buried from the neck down, with the fragment just out of reach. Cue the arrival of Voss and his Nazi goons to rain on your parade.

As they claim your prize, you'll hear of a developing mystery: A Nazi expedition that went missing near Peru has radioed for help... in the Himalayas. That's interesting.

Once Voss leaves you to your fate, you won't have long to ponder your impending doom before several scorpions start scurrying your way. Your only defense: blowing air and dust at them in a vain attempt to keep them at bay.


Since it will use up your stamina fairly quickly, your best bet to survive this sequence is to wait for a scorpion to rear up, extending its tail and claws high, before you blow at it to push it back.

Since they only strike after doing this, you can let the other scorpions that appear around you stand around while you recover stamina to guard against the next strike.

Thankfully, you won't have to do this for too long before a vehicle arrives, and both Gina and Nawal appear to save you from a grisly fate.

As Indy recovers, Nawal and Gina will corroborate what you overheard from the Nazis, and Gina figured out the exact coordinates of the SOS call from the Himalayas.

With some help from Nawal and her yacht, you'll soon be on your way to your next destination, taking you high into the frigid peaks of the Himalayas for A Harsh Climb.

Up Next: A Harsh Climb

PreviousThe Idol of Ra - The Nazi CompoundNextA Harsh Climb

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The Idol of Ra - The Ancient Caves - Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Guide - IGN (2025)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.