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Relevant bibliographies by topics / V2P communication / Dissertations / Theses
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Author: Grafiati
Published: 4 June 2021
Last updated: 7 February 2022
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Merdrignac, Pierre. "Système coopératif de perception et de communication pour la protection des usagers vulnérables." Thesis, Paris, ENMP, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015ENMP0037/document.
Full textAbstract:
Les systèmes de transports intelligents coopératifs (C-ITS) offrent des opportunités pour améliorer la sécurité routière et particulièrement la sécurité des usagers vulnérables (VRU), e.g., piétons et cyclistes. La principale source d'accidents provient de l'incapacité des usagers, véhicules et VRUs, à détecter le danger avant qu'une collision soit inévitable. Nous introduisons un système de perception qui s'appuie sur les données des capteurs laser et caméra pour estimer l'état des VRUs entourant le véhicule. Une technique de classification multi-classes des obstacles routiers à partir de données laser a été développée en utilisant une méthode d'apprentissage statistique et une estimation bayésienne. Nous proposons une architecture de communication véhicules-piétons (V2P) qui prend en compte les faibles ressources énergétiques des smartphones transportés par les piétons. Notre solution s'appuie sur les standards définis dans l'architecture de communication véhiculaire ETSI ITS et propose une dissémination géographique pour la communication V2P. Un système coopératif perception/communication a le potentiel de gérer des scénarios de plus en plus complexes en combinant la capacité de la perception à estimer l'état dynamique des obstacles détectés et la capacité de la communication à échanger un contenu riche entre des usagers éloignés. Nous introduisons une fusion multi-hypothèses entre les informations de perception et de communication et une application pour smartphone destinée à protéger les VRUs des dangers de la route. Les solutions proposées au cours de la thèse sont évaluées sur des données réelles. Nous avons mené des expérimentations sur le campus d'INRIA démontrant les atouts d'un système coopératif de protection des usagers vulnérables
Cooperative intelligent transportation systems (C-ITS) have the opportunity to enhance road safety, especially the safety of vulnerable road users (VRU), e.g., pedestrians and cyclists. Road accidents are mainly due to vehicles' and VRUs' inability to detect the danger before a collision cannot be avoided.We introduce a perception system based on laser and camera sensors to estimate the state of VRUs located around the vehicle. A multi-class classification of road obstacles based on laser data has been developed using statistical machine learning and Bayesian estimation.We propose an architecture for vehicles-to-pedestrians (V2P) communication which considers the weak energy resources of the devices carried by pedestrians such as smartphones. Our solution is relying on the standards defined by ETSI ITS architecture for vehicular communication and proposes geographical dissemination for V2P communication.A cooperative perception/communication system can deal with scenarios which are becoming more and more complex by combining the ability of perception to estimate the dynamic state of detected obstacles and the ability of communication to exchange a rich content between distant users. We introduce a multi-hypotheses fusion between perception and communication information and a smartphone application dedicated to protect VRUs from road danger.The solutions proposed during this thesis are evaluated on real data. We carried out real experiments on INRIA campus demonstrating the assets of a cooperative system for the protection of vulnerable road users
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Choi, Junsung. "Feasibility Study and Performance Evaluation of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communications Applications." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/97248.
Full textAbstract:
Vehicular communications are a major subject of research and policy activity in industry, government, and academia. Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) is currently the main protocol used for vehicular communications, and it operates in the 5.9 GHz band. In addition to DSRC radios, other potential uses of this band include Wi-Fi, LTE-V, and communication among unlicensed devices. This dissertation presents an architecture and a feasibility analysis including field measurements and analysis for vehicle-to-train (V2T) communications, a safety-critical vehicular communication application. The dissertation also presents a survey of research relevant to each of several possible combinations of radio-spectrum and vehicular-safety regulations that would affect use of the 5.9 GHz band, identifies the most challenging of the possible resulting technical challenges, and presents initial measurements to assess feasibility of sharing the band by DSRC radios and other devices that operate on adjacent frequencies using different wireless communication standards.Although wireless technology is available for safety-critical communications, few applications have been developed to improve railroad crossing safety. A V2T communication system for a safety warning application with DSRC radios can address the need to prevent collisions between trains and vehicles. The dissertation presents a V2T early warning application architecture with a safety notification time and distance. We conducted channel measurements at a 5.86�"5.91-GHz frequency and 5.9-GHz DSRC performance measurements at railroad crossings in open spaces, shadowed environments, and rural and suburban environments related to the presented V2T architecture. Our measurements and analyses show that the DSRC protocol can be adapted to serve the purpose of a V2T safety warning system. The 5.9 GHz band has been sought after by several stakeholders, including traditional mobile operators, DSRC proponents, unlicensed Wi-Fi proponents and Cellular-Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) proponents. The FCC and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the two major organizations that are responsible for regulations related to vehicular communications, have not finalized rules regarding this band. The relative merits of the above mentioned wireless communication standards and coexistence issues between these standards are complex. There has been considerable research devoted to understanding the performance of these standards, but in some instances there are gaps in needed research. We have analyzed regulation scenarios that FCC and NHTSA are likely to consider and have identified the technical challenges associated with these potential regulatory scenarios. The technical challenges are presented and for each a survey of relevant technical literature is presented. In our opinion for the most challenging technical requirements that could be mandated by new regulations are interoperability between DSRC and C-V2X and the ability to detect either adjacent channel or co-channel coexisting interference. We conducted initial measurements to evaluate the feasibility of adjacent channel coexistence between DSRC, Wi-Fi, and C-V2X, which is one of the possible regulatory scenarios. We set DSRC at Channel 172, Wi-Fi at Channel 169 for 20 MHz bandwidth and at Channel 167 for 40 MHz, and C-V2X at Channel 174 with almost 100% spectrum capacity. From the measurements, we observed almost no effects on DSRC performance due to adjacent channel interference. Based on our results, we concluded that adjacent channel coexistence between DSRC, C-V2X, and Wi-Fi is possible.DSRC systems can provide good communication range; however, the range is likely to be reduced in the presence of interference and / or Non-Line-of-Sight (NLoS) conditions. Such environmental factors are the major influence on DSRC performance. By knowing the relationship between DSRC and environmental factors, DSRC radios can be set up in a way that promotes good performance in an environment of interest. We chose propagation channel characteristics to generate DSRC performance modelling by using estimation methods. The conducted DSRC performance measurements and propagation channel characteristics are independent; however, they share the same distance parameters. Results of linear regression to analyze the relationship between DSRC performance and propagation channel characteristics indicate that additional V2T measurements are required to provide data for more precise modeling.
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Bellache-Sayah, Thiwiza. "Contrôle dynamique des communications dans un environnement v2v et v2i." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SACLV011/document.
Full textAbstract:
Les systèmes de transport intelligents coopératifs permettent la communication des véhicules entre eux ainsi qu'avec l'infrastructure, afin d'assurer la disponibilité des informations d'une manière plus fiable sur les véhicules, leurs positions et les conditions de la route. Cet échange d'informations pertinentes permet d'améliorer la sécurité routière, réduire les incidents du trafic et d'assurer l'efficacité de la mobilité des véhicules. IEEE 802.11p est standardisé comme la technologie par défaut pour les communications des véhicules. Dans ce contexte, le standard européen ETSI s'attaque en particulier aux applications de la sécurité routière. Pour ce faire, il standardise plusieurs types de messages comme CAM (Cooperative Awareness Message) et DENM (Decentralised Event Notification Message). Les CAMs sont des messages de diffusion à un seul-saut, envoyés par chaque véhicule contenant des informations sur sa position, sa vitesse, sa direction, etc., afin d'assurer une coopération lucide entre les autres usagers de la route (y compris les véhicules). Les DENMs sont envoyés à la détection d'un événement sur la route, comme le cas d'un accident, embouteillages, etc. Si nécessaire, une communication multi-saut, exploitant des algorithmes de routage standardisés, est mise en {oe}uvre pour disséminer ces messages au-delà de la portée du transmetteur. La faiblesse de 802.11p réside dans la congestion du canal radio due à la bande passante limitée (5.9 GHz). Afin de pallier à cela, ETSI a proposé un cadre pour le contrôle de la congestion appelé DCC (Distributed Congestion Control). Celui-ci permet l'échange d'informations, en particulier l'état du canal radio, entre les couches de la pile protocolaire. Ainsi, chaque protocole de communication contrôle ses propres paramètres pour éviter la congestion du canal. Par ailleurs beaucoup d'approches de contrôle de la congestion DCC existent pour les messages CAM tel que le contrôle de la période de génération des CAMs sur la couche Facilities. La puissance de transmission ou le débit sur la couche Accès, etc. En revanche, peu de travaux ont été faits sur DENMs. A cet égard, nous avons proposé une approche DCC sur la couche GeoNetworking qui contrôle les paramètres de routage en se basant sur l'état du canal radio. Une évaluation du dual-DCC, à savoir CAM sur Facilities et DENM sur GeoNet, a démontré l'efficacité de l'approche proposée. En outre, certaines applications tel que la gestion d'une flotte de véhicules, ont besoin d'un centre de contrôle localisé sur Internet qui communique avec la flotte. Pour ce type d'échange, une communication hybride (IP et Géo) est nécessaire. De plus pour assurer la fluidité de la communication, la gestion de la mobilité est primordiale. Tout en restant dans le cadre de l'architecture Mobile IP, nous proposons notre approche d'adressage qui constitue une adresse IP routable avec une adresse GeoNetworking, ce qui permet de traiter le problème d'accessibilité des véhicules en mouvement sur la route à partir d'une entité située sur Internet. Contrairement à Mobile IP, notre approche permet de réduire la surcharge de la signalisation. Et cela grâce au partitionnement de la route en zones de routage (RA) de telle sorte que l'accès à Internet se fait via une passerelle RSU-FA qui contrôle la RA. Chaque RA regroupe un certain nombre de RSUs
Cooperative intelligent transport systems allow vehicles to communicate with each other as well as with the infrastructure in order to ensure the availability of information more reliably on vehicles, their positions and road conditions. This exchange of relevant information improves road safety, reduces traffic incidents and ensures efficient mobility of vehicles. IEEE 802.11p is standardized as the default technology for vehicle communications. In this context, the European ETSI standard addresses in particular road safety applications. To do this, it standardizes several types of messages such as CAM (Cooperative Awareness Message) and DENM (Decentralized Event Notification Message). CAMs are single-hop broadcast messages, sent by each vehicle containing information on its position, speed, direction, etc., in order to ensure lucid cooperation between other road users (including vehicles). The DENMs are sent when there is a detection of an event on the road, as in the case of an accident, traffic jams, etc. If necessary, multi-hop communication, using standardized routing algorithms, is implemented to disseminate these messages beyond the scope of the transmitter. The weakness of 802.11p lies in congestion of the radio channel due to the limited bandwidth (5.9 GHz). In order to compensate for this, ETSI proposed a framework for congestion control called DCC (Distributed Congestion Control). This allows the exchange of information, in particular the state of the radio channel, between the layers of the protocol stack. Thus, each communication protocol controls its own parameters to avoid congestion of the channel. In addition, many DCC congestion control approaches exist for CAM messages such as the control of the CAM generation period on the Facilities layer. Transmission power or data rate on the Access layer, etc. On the other hand, little works have been done on DENMs. In this regard, we proposed a DCC approach on the GeoNetworking layer which controls the routing parameters based on the state of the radio channel. An evaluation of the dual-DCC, namely CAM on Facilities and DENM on GeoNet, demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approach. In addition, some applications such as managing a fleet of vehicles require a localized control center that communicates with the fleet. For this type of exchange, a hybrid communication (IP and Geo) is necessary. Moreover, to ensure the fluidity of communication, the management of mobility is paramount. While remaining within the framework of the Mobile IP architecture, we propose our approach of addressing which constitutes a routable IP address with a geonetworking address, which makes it possible to deal with the problem of accessibility of vehicles moving on the road from of an entity on the Internet. Unlike Mobile IP, our approach reduces the overhead of signaling. This is done by partitioning the road into routing area (RA) in such a way that the access to the Internet is via a RSU-FA gateway that controls the RA. Each RA regroups a number of RSUs
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Cherif, Mohamed Oussama. "Optimization of V2V and V2I communications in an operated vehicular network." Compiègne, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010COMP1906.
Full textAbstract:
Les réseaux de véhicules attirent l’attention de la communauté de recherche et la communauté industrielle. En effet, les réseaux de véhicules sont utilisés pour offrir plusieurs services connus sous le nom de Systèmes de Transport Intelligent (STI). Ces réseaux ont pour but d’offrir des services d’aide à la conduite aux conducteurs et des services de divertissement pour les passagers. Néanmoins, il n’est pas toujours facile de développer de tels systèmes, ceci est dû à plusieurs contraintes liées aux réseaux de véhicules tels que la topologie de déplacement des nœuds et leur grande mobilité. Ces différentes propriétés posent deux principaux challenges : (i) offrir une QoS suffisante, et (ii) limiter l’overhead de la communication. Ainsi, dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes focalisés sur, à la fois, la communication véhicule-à-véhicule et la communication véhicule-à-infrastructure. Nous avons essayé de proposer quelques solutions optimisées qui permettent d’améliorer la qualité de service et limiter l’overhead de la communication dans les réseaux de véhicules et de rendre ainsi plus simple le déploiement de nouveaux services que ce soit par les industriels tels que les opérateurs de télécommunication et les constructeurs automobile ou par les autorités locales. Au début nous nous sommes intéressés à la configuration d’adresses et la gestion de mobilité qui sont des thèmes basiques dans les réseaux véhiculaires. Ainsi, nous avons proposé une solution d’optimisation des délais de handover basée sur la communication multicast. Ensuite, nous nous penchons sur l’étude de trois thèmes importants dans le contexte véhiculaire : (i) dissémination des données, nous avons proposé un protocole de dissémination locale des données qui prend en compte l’architecture des routes, (ii) collecte des données, nous avons proposé un protocole de collecte de données appelé CPG qui est basé sur, à la fois, les réseaux cellulaires et les communications V2V, et (iii) auto-organisation, nous avons proposé une architecture d’auto-organisation basée sur le clustering géographique. Les résultats des différentes contributions sont évalués via des études de simulations. Quelques uns sont évalués analytiquement ou/et via des tests sur routes
As a component of the intelligent transportation system (ITS) and one of the concrete applications of mobile ad hoc networks, vehicular networks are attracting an extensive attention from both academia and industry. The most important feature of these networks is their ability to extend the horizon of drivers and on-board devices and, thus, to make the time spent in vehicle enjoyable to both driver and passengers and improve road traffic safety and efficiency. Nevertheless, it is not usually casy to develop such systems due to the constraints related to the vehicular environment such as the road’s architecture and the high mobility of nodes. These different properties offer two major challenges which are (i) offering sufficient QoS, and (ii) limiting the generated overhead. In this thesis, we focused on both vehicle to vehicle communication and vehicle to infrastructure communication. We tried to propose some optimized solutions that improve the quality of service in vehicular networks while generating a limited overhead and make easier the deployment of new services. First, we focused on the address configuration and mobility management in vehicular networks which are basic issues that act as pedestals to all other items. We proposed a multicast-communication-based solution to minimize the handover delays. Then, we bend over to study three major items in the vehicular network context : (i) data dissemination, where we proposed a local intersection-aware data dissemination protocol called ROD, (ii) data collection, where we proposed CGP protocol. This later is based on both cellular network and V2V communications, and (iii) self organization, where we proposed a self-organizing architecture based on geographic clustering. The performances of the different contributions were evaluated via simulations studies. Some of them were also evaluated analytically or/and via on-road real tests
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Odelstav, Albin. "Evaluation of Simulated 802.11p and LTE Communication at Road Intersections and Urban Area of Self Driving Cars." Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för informationssystem och –teknologi, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-42927.
Full textAbstract:
Det här arbetet har undersökt hur mycket end-to-end delay, packet reception ratio och throughput påverkas av antal bilar, bilars hastighet samt avståndet mellan bilar i en simulerad miljö när standarden IEEE 802.11p och LTE-V2X används för kommunikation. Båda teknologierna använder det licensierade Intelligent Transport System-bandet på 5,9 GHz. För att simulera IEEE 802.11p användes ramverket Veins som kombinerar nätverkssimulatorn OMNeT++ med trafiksimulatorn SUMO, och för LTE-V2X användes SimuLTE. Alla bilar skickade säkerhetsmeddelanden på 320 byte var 100 millisekund. I stadsområdet, korsningen och den raka vägen som studerades presterade IEEE 802.11p bättre än LTE-V2X. Kommunikation med LTE-V2X visade sig vara mycket känsligare för förändringar än när IEEE 802.11p används. När antalet bilar blev fler ändrades delayen betydligt mer för LTE-V2X än IEEE 802.11p. Delayen var nära 0,12 millisekunder i alla tester när IEEE 802.11p användes, medan LTE-V2X varierade från 14 millisekunder till 10 sekunder. Antalet mottagna paket var också mycket högre för IEEE 802.11p än LTE-V2X. Medan packet reception ratio var nära 100% i alla test då IEEE 802.11p användes var LTE-V2X under 50% i de flesta fall.
This study has evaluated the impact on the end-to-end delay, packet reception ratio and throughput of vehicle density, vehicles speed and the distance between vehicles in a simulated environment, where the vehicles were communicating with the standards IEEE 802.11p and LTEV2X. Both technologies operate in the licensed Intelligent Transport System band of 5.9 GHz. The network simulator OMNeT++ was combined with the traffic simulator SUMO to build the V2X simulator. The framework Veins was used to simulate IEEE 802.11p and SimuLTE was used to simulate LTE-V2X. All vehicles sent out safety messages of 320 byte at a rate of 10 Hz, i.e., every 100 milliseconds. In the urban area, intersection and straight road that were studied, IEEE 802.11p performed better than LTE-V2X. It was shown that LTE-V2X is far more sensitive to changes than IEEE 802.11p. When the density got higher the end-to-end delay was changed significantly more for LTE-V2X than IEEE 802.11p. End-to-end delay was near 0.12 milliseconds in all tests when IEEE 802.11p was used, while LTE-V2X ranged from 14 milliseconds to 10 seconds. Packet reception ratio was much higher for IEEE 802.11p than LTE-V2X. While it was near 100% when IEEE 802.11p was used in all tests, LTE-V2X showed a packet reception ratio less than 50% in most cases.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
Amato, Elisabetta. "Performance comparison of C-V2X and WAVE protocols for vehicular to infrastructure communications: simulation of the highway use case." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/16534/.
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The objective of this thesis is the analysis and the study of the various access techniques for vehicular communications, in particular of the C-V2X and WAVE protocols. The simulator used to study the performance of the two protocols is called LTEV2Vsim and was developed by the CNI IEIIT for the study of V2V (Vehicle-to-Vehicle) communications. The changes I made allowed me to study the I2V (Infrastructure-to-Vehicle) scenario in highway areas and, with the results obtained, I made a comparison between the two protocols in the case of high vehicular density and low vehicular density, putting in relation to the PRR (packet reception ratio) and the cell size (RAW, awareness range). The final comparison allows to fully understand the possible performances of the two protocols and highlights the need for a protocol that allows to reach the minimum necessary requirements.
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Jarupan, Boangoat. "CROSS-LAYER DESIGN FOR LOCATION- AND DELAY-AWARE COMMUNICATION IN VEHICULAR NETWORKS." The Ohio State University, 2011. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1306504587.
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Khaksari, Mohammadreza. "Analysis of Communication Architecture of GCDC 2011." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Sektionen för ingenjörsvetenskap, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:bth-4797.
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This thesis report presents a method to analyze the communication architecture for the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The report also includes a case study on ASN.1 notation and analysis of its encoding rules. Included in the report is also: (i) accompanying instruction on how to use ASN.1 compilers to produce the C/C++ message encoder/decoder, and (ii) analysis of Non-IP communications of Communication Access for Land Mobiles (CALM-FAST) protocol stack in ITS. The thesis is a part of the research project entitled “SCOOP”, a joint project between SCANIA CV AB and KTH. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the ultimate goal, which is to equip a vehicle with necessary hardware and software technology to provide a platooning behavior in the GCDC 2011 competition. This goal is achieved by the means of wireless communication system for both vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to road side units communications in the platoon. Overall, this thesis introduces the important usage of ASN.1 in implementation of cut-edge telecommunication systems especially in V2V and V2I communication; and clarifies the CALM-FAST protocol stack in mobile nodes.
KartläggaCALM-FASTprotokolletochhurdetanvändes tillsammans med den i tävlingen GCDC 2011 fastslanga kommunikationsprotokollet. GCDC var ett tävling i kooperativ körning arrangerad och initierad av Hollänska TNO och gick ut på att få fordon att agera tillsammans beserat på information sänt via WLAN 802.11p. ASN.1 användes och ingick i analysen.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
Edvardsson, Felicia, and Therése Warberg. "Konceptuell utveckling av interiören hos en framtida fullt autonom bil." Thesis, Högskolan i Skövde, Institutionen för ingenjörsvetenskap, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:his:diva-12794.
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Målet med examensarbetet har varit att samla information åt ett tekniskt konsultföretag för att öka deras kunskap om autonoma system och fordonskommunikation. Statusen på arbetet kring dessa aktiva säkerhetssystem hos olika aktörer och hur systemen implementeras i dagens och framtidens fordon har undersökts genom omfattande litteraturstudier, intervjuer och marknadsanalyser. De autonoma systemen kan samla information från omgivningen genom sensorer och bidra till ett jämnare trafikflöde, ökad säkerhet, lättare bilar och bättre miljö. Genom fordonskommunikationen kan fordon kommunicera med varandra samt infrastrukturen och garantera en säker bilfärd. År 2030 utgörs innerstaden av autonom, elektrifierad kollektivtrafik för att transportera människor på begäran, samtidigt som personbilar till viss del förbjuds. Potentiella behov för människan i en fullt autonom bil har identifierats och diverse produktutvecklingsmetoder har tillämpats för att utforma två konceptuella lösningar för en framtida bilinteriör. Lösningarna visar interaktionen mellan människa och system eftersom underhållning och bekvämlighet blir viktigt i en fullt autonom bil. Respektive lösning är statsägd och rymmer fyra passagerare. I lösningarna är sittplatserna placerade på ett sätt som underlättar kommunikation mellan passagerarna. Passagerarna kan underhållas eller informeras individuellt eller gemensamt via text, ljud och bild.
The goal with this thesis project has been to collect information for a technical consulting company in order to increase their knowledge about autonomous systems and vehicular communication. The status of how various operators work with active safety systems and how the systems are implemented in current and future vehicles has been investigated through extensive literature studies, interviews and market research. The autonomous systems can collect information from the surrounding through sensors and contribute to better traffic efficiency, increased safety, lighter cars and a better environment. Through vehicle communication, the vehicle can communicate with each other in order to guarantee a safe ride. In 2030 the inner city constitutes of autonomous, electrified public transport to transport people on demand, meanwhile private cars are prohibited. Potential needs for the human in a fully, autonomous car has been identified and various product development methods has been applied in order to develop two conceptual solutions for a future car interior. The solutions show the interaction between human and system since entertainment and comfort becomes important in a fully, autonomous car. Each solution is state-owned and holds four passengers. In the solutions, the seats are placed in regard to facilitate communication between the passengers. The passengers can be entertained or informed individually or collectively by text, sound and images.
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Kjellberg, Joakim. "Implementing control algorithms for platooning based on V2V communication." Thesis, KTH, Reglerteknik, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-55902.
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Rajiwade, Swapnil Shankar. "Assessment framework for wireless V2V communication-based ITS applications." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/70767.
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Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2011.
Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 87-91).
Inter-vehicle communication enabled by wireless technology is an emerging area of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). This technology has generated great interest among automobile manufacturers and ITS researchers alike because of its potential to improve safety and non-safety ITS applications by supporting data collection and dissemination at the individual vehicle level. A modelling framework based on a microscopic traffic simulator is presented in this thesis to explore the effects of wireless Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication based ITS applications on traffic performance. Microscopic traffic simulators describe the interaction between drivers and infrastructure at individual vehicle level. The behaviour models in microscopic traffic simulators describe driving decisions like route choice, car-following and lane-changing. The existing behaviour model is extended to incorporate the effect of V2V communication based applications by tying information generated by the application to the behaviour model. A case study on a road network in Singapore with green light prediction application as the V2V communication application is implemented. The car-following model in MITSIMLab is modified to account for speed advisories generated by green light prediction application. The application shows gains in travel time savings and a smoother traffic flow as a result of the green light prediction. Higher improvements across penetration rates were observed at high demand levels. The incremental impact of the application on traffic performance tapers off at higher penetration rates. Drivers responding to the speed advisories also affect vehicles immediately following them. Hence the effective penetration rate of the application is higher than actual penetration rate. The results imply that the green light prediction application would reduce the average number of halts per trip by approximately 10% at existing travel demand. The current model can be extended to test other V2V based ITS applications and to couple with a wireless network simulator to represent wireless data flows more realistically.
by Swapnil Shankar Rajiwade.
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Agrawal, Manas. "Leveraging Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communications for Adaptive Traffic Signaling and Better Energy Utilization." The Ohio State University, 2013. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1372785316.
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Gulia, Aman Kumar. "A Simulation Study on the Performance Comparison of the V2X Communication Systems: ITS-G5 and C-V2X." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-271882.
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Personlig rörlighet och fordonstransportsystem genomgår en förskjutning mot mer reaktiv och intelligent transportinfrastruktur. Ett brett spektrum av applikationer och användningsfall har dykt upp i fordonsmiljön underlättad av olika trådlösa kommunikationssystem. Dessa applikationer kan i stort sett klassificeras i trafiksäkerhet, trafikeffektivitet och infotainmenttjänster, var och en med sina egna uppsättningar av funktionskrav och prestandakrav. Interoperabilitet och samexistens av flera radioåtkomstteknologier ger möjligheter att uppfylla fordonets nätverksapplikationskrav genom att utnyttja styrkorna i varje teknik. Detta arbete fokuserar på två framväxande tekniker för intelligent transportsystem (ITS), nämligen 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything C-V2X och ITS-G5. En detaljerad kvalitativ jämförelse av protokollstakarna tillhandahålls tillsammans med resultatutvärdering av standarderna. Detta arbete utvärderar prestanda för 802.11p och LTE-V2X för säkerhetsmeddelandetillämpning genom simulering i ett realistiskt motorvägscenario. Resultaten indikerar en överlägsen prestanda med IEEE 802.11p i gles fordonsdensitet, vilket levererar 80% av paketen med 10 Hz fyrfrekvens. Dessutom levererar ITS-G5 paket med mindre fördröjning än C-V2X. C-V2X presterar bättre för mycket tätt nätverk när det gäller att leverera paket samt intermottagningstid. Det dras slutsatsen att lämpliga resursallokeringar (resursblock och MCS) bör göras för att begränsa förseningen i att leverera paket till destinationsnoderna inom 500 ms utan att kompromissa med paketmottagningsförhållandet och intermottagningstiden, särskilt för mycket täta nätverk. ETSI: s nyligen föreslagna samexistensmetoder för samkanal för att uppmuntra spektrumneutralitet, som tillåter C-V2X och ITS-G5 att arbeta i 5,9 GHz, leder till samkanaliska samlivsfrågor mellan de två teknologierna. Detta arbete tillhandahåller skelettet i en kombinerad ram som kan användas för att ytterligare studera samexistensutmaningarna.
Personal mobility and vehicular transportation system are undergoing a shift towards more reactive and intelligent transport infrastructure. Wide range of applications and use cases have emerged in the vehicular environment facilitated by various wireless communication systems. These applications can be broadly classified into road safety, traffic efficiency and infotainment services, each with its own set of functional and performance requirements. Interoperability and coexistence of multiple radio access technologies provide opportunities to meet the application requirement by capitalising on the strengths of each technology. Two emerging Intelligent Transport System (ITS) technologies, namely Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) and ITS-G5, are the focus of this work. A detailed qualitative comparison of the protocol stacks is provided along with performance evaluation of the standards. This work evaluates the performance of ITS-G5 and C-V2X for safety message application through simulation in a realistic highway scenario. The results indicate a superior performance by ITS-G5 in sparse vehicle density, delivering 80% of the beacons at a transmission frequency of 10 Hz. Moreover, ITS-G5 delivers beacons with less delay than C-V2X. C-V2X fares better for extremely dense networks in terms of delivering packets as well as inter reception time. It is inferred that appropriate resource allocation is vital in C-V2X to limit the transmission delay to within within 500 ms when delivering beacons to the destination node, without compromising on the packet reception ratio and inter reception time. ETSI’s recently proposed co-channel coexistence methods for encouraging spectrum neutrality, that allows C-V2X and ITS-G5 to operate in the 5.9 GHz, leads to co-channel coexistence issues between the two technologies. This work provides the skeleton of a combined framework which can be used to further study the coexistence challenges.
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Ding, Ranran. "A Clustering-based Multi-channel Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Communication System." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2010. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1267545099.
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AFGHANI, AHMAD. "Reliable Real-Time Communication for Future ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) using HWA (Heterogeneous Wireless Access)." Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Sektionen för Informationsvetenskap, Data– och Elektroteknik (IDE), 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-16364.
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In this research oriented master’s thesis we have proposed a future vision of ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) by utilizing the novel concept of HWA (Heterogeneous Wireless Access). Our proposal is backed by the investigation of the results of experiments conducted at CERES (Centre for Research on Embedded Systems), Halmstad University, Sweden to evaluate the quality of communication for V2V and V2I by using the IEEE 802.11p standard. We have also identified the expected scenarios with need of any other communication technology in replacement of IEEE 802.11p for V2V and V2I communication. We have also investigated the relevant research projects, experiments and their results on the basis of predefined constraints. In the investigated research projects the concept of HWA has been correlated with our proposal of HWA for ITS. We have identified that for smooth integration of any communication technology with IEEE 802.11p, an efficient and smart vertical handover protocol or method will be required. We have presented a blue print of a custom designed vertical handover technique which can be implemented for future ITS with further enhancements and experimental evaluations. We have also evaluated the worst case scenarios to assess the suitability of the HWA for the ITS. We proposed few solutions based on the evaluation of communication scenarios for the integration of IEEE 802.11p with other wireless communication technologies. Finally we have provided some conclusions and suggested future researches which must be conducted to realize the dream of ITS with support of HWA.
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Brahmi, Nadia. "Contributions dans les réseaux véhiculaires : routage géographique et localisation." Rouen, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011ROUES017.
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Les travaux de recherche effectués dans cette thèse s’inscrivent dans le cadre du projet TRAFIC pour Architecture pour les réseaux véhiculaires à forte mobilité. Ils abordent principalement les problématiques liées au routage et à la localisation dans les réseaux véhiculaires ad hoc. L’objectif est d’exploiter les connaissances et les informations sur l’état de l’environnement routier et des communications inter-véhicules pour proposer des nouvelles approches de routage. Quatre solutions de routage ont été envisagées, deux basées sur la topologie (GPSR-LT et MAGF) et deux autres (D-RCBR et S-RCBR) exploitant des informations temps réel sur l‘état du trafic. GPSR-LT et MAGF reposent sur une connaissance du voisinage locale pour optimiser les stratégies de routage. Elles exploitent des informations sur la mobilité des véhicules (ex. Direction, vitesse) pour la prise de décisions dynamiques pour chaque saut. SRCBR et D-RCBR sont deux protocoles de routage géographique adaptés aux milieux véhiculaires urbains. Ils tirent profit des caractéristiques des milieux urbains et intègrent un mécanisme d'estimation de la connectivité le long des segments de routes pour le routage des paquets. Pour compléter les mécanismes de routage, un nouveau service de localisation (DMBLS) adapté aux environnements urbains est proposé. Son principe est basé sur l’exploitation de la topologie routière et de la densité du trafic routier pour héberger les données de localisation des véhicules au niveau des intersections à forte densité de véhicules. Les performances de nos solutions sont évaluées par simulations pour différents scenarii de mobilité dans des environnements véhiculaires
Driven by the transportation safety and efficiency issues, Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications are attracting considerable attention in providing Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). In this context, a variety of services are offered to road users for improving their security and comfort. These emerging applications include among others safety applications for traffic monitoring and collision prevention, road information services, and infotainment and so on. However, unlike other ad hoc networks, Vehicular ad hoc Networks (VANETs) have their unique characteristics which give rise to many challenging issues. One of the most salient features is the high mobility of vehicles resulting in dynamic topology changes which make data routing remains a key networking issue. In this thesis, we focus on routing problems and propose new protocols that meet the requirements of the emerging vehicular applications. First, we exploit additional information about vehicle’s movement in order to adapt traditional position-based approach for these dynamic environments. We define a new strategy to improve forwarding decisions with an optimal next hop based on a computed metric combining position, velocity and direction information. In the second part of this work, we propose a new class of geographic routing protocols mainly for urban environments. The proposed approaches exploit information about road connectivity and vehicles distribution to find stable routes and reduce the probability of links breakage. The advocated techniques are evaluated by network simulations performed for different vehicular traffic scenarios. Finally, in order to help the deployment of the geographic routing solutions, we propose in the second part of this work a distributed hierarchical location service called Density aware Map-Based Location Service (DMBLS) for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks. DMBLS makes use of the street digital maps and the traffic density information to define a three level-hierarchy of locations servers that help a source node to discover the location of destination node before sending the data. This infrastructure-less scheme has proven to be robust to node mobility and well suited to dynamic networks
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Jing, Junbo. "Vehicle Fuel Consumption Optimization using Model Predictive Control based on V2V communication." The Ohio State University, 2014. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1406201257.
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Larsson, Marcus. "Methods to Improve V2V Communications in Platoons of Heavy Duty Vehicles." Licentiate thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Halmstad Embedded and Intelligent Systems Research (EIS), 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-30142.
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In the coming years V2V communications will probably be mandated and vehicle OEMs strive to find business opportunities to finance its investments in V2V communications technology. For heavy vehicles, platooning can be this business opportunity, with the motivation for the fleet owners that platooning can decrease the fuel consumption by up to 15 % when driving in platoons. However, challenges still exists with respect to the quality and reliability of the V2V communications, which is essential in order to enable platooning in a safe way. In this thesis, two proposals of improving the quality and reliability of V2V communications in a platooning scenario are presented. The first proposal is the Curvature Based Antenna Selection Method that utilize the curvature of the road in order to estimate which antenna have the highest probability of having line of sight conditions, hence highest probability of successful communication. The method assumes a platoon of heavy vehicles with one antenna mounted in each rear view mirror. It also assumes that the leading vehicle can estimate the yaw rate of the platoon in order to determine if it is turning or not. The second proposal include two message forwarding algorithms, the Reachability Matrix forwarding algorithm and the Data Age Dependent forwarding algorithm. Both algorithms utilize information on the preceding communication capability in order to estimate which node to choose as forwarding candidate. The Reachability Matrix Algorithm puts its focus on keeping the overhead low, while at the same time improve the information up-to-dateness. The Data Age Dependent algorithm instead puts its main focus on performance with respect to improving the information up-to-dateness, with the cost of higher overhead compared to the Reachability Matrix algorithm. Both proposals show potential of improving the quality of the V2V communication in a platooning scenario. The first proposal, the antenna selection method, is able to maintain a Data Age deadline of 150 ms approximately twice as often as when selecting transmission antenna in a round robin fashion. For the second proposal, the Reachability Matrix Algorithm reduces the miss of a 0.2 s Data Age deadline in the communication between the first and the fourth vehicle in a platoon from 18 % to 11 %, while only increasing the number of sent messages from 40 to 48.5 per second compared to when only broadcast is used. The Data Age Dependent algorithm shows even better performance with respect to reducing the missing of the 0.2 s Data Age deadline, i.e., with a reduction from 18 % to 5 %.
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Wegner, Sven. "Synaptic communication in the mammalian master circadian clock." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2015. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/synaptic-communication-in-the-mammalian-master-circadian-clock(f8f5aa2d-8742-4ab1-b578-0d29c28cf3be).html.
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The mammalian suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) are located in the ventral part of the hypothalamus and orchestrate circadian rhythms in physiology and behaviour. The ~20.000 neurones of the murine SCN express key molecular clock components including the Cryptochrome (Cry1/2) and Period (Per1/2/3) genes and their protein products CRY1/2 and PER1/2/3. Using different mouse models, this work demonstrates that with disrupted expression of CRY in the after-hours (Afh/Afh) mouse, cells of the ventral part of the SCN (vSCN) have a propensity to desynchronise. They receive increased GABAergic inputs and are less excitable during the projected night but not during the day compared to congenic wildtype (+/+). The linkage between CRY protein expression and the reduced excitability at night is supported by recordings from SCN cells of Cry2 deficient mice (Cry2-/-), which exhibit similar electrophysiological behaviour. Luminometrical recordings of single cell Per2 expression confirms the involvement of GABAergic signalling in both, maintaining a coherent rhythm in synchronised SCN cells from +/+ controls and the propensity of Afh/Afh SCN cells to desynchronise. A mechanism by which neuronal excitability is regulated in mammals, is the modulation of activity of small-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (SK) channels. Western blot analysis demonstrates the expression of SK2 and SK3 channel protein in SCN neurones. Functionally, we show with whole cell electrophysiology, calcium imaging and luminometry how SK channels regulate the levels of intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) from day to night. In the more hyperpolarised SCN network of the Afh/Afh genotype at night, SK channel activity is altered and contributes to the lower single cell excitability. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and its cognate receptor, VPAC2, are synthesised by SCN neurones and this intercellular signal facilitates coordination of suprachiasmatic neuronal activity. How the loss of VPAC2 receptor signalling affects the electrophysiology of SCN neurones and their response to excitatory inputs is unclear. Here we made patch clamp recordings of SCN neurones in brain slices prepared from animals that do not express VPAC2 receptors (Vipr2-/- mice) as well as non-transgenic animals (Vipr2+/+ mice). While Vipr2+/+ SCN neurones exhibit coordinated day-night variation in their electrical state, Vipr2-/- neurones do not and instead manifest a range of states during both day and night. We find that Vipr2+/+ neurones vary the membrane threshold potential at which they start to fire actions potentials from day to night, while Vipr2-/- neurones lack this variation. This is due to Vipr2-/- neurones lacking a voltage-gated sodium current. Subsequently we determine that this aberrant temporal control of neuronal state and excitability alters appropriate neuronal responses to a neurochemical mimic of the light-input pathway to the SCN. Conclusively, these results highlight the critical role intercellular signalling plays in the activity of individual neuronal state and their response to neural input as well as ensemble activity and function of the suprachiasmatic neural network.
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Guha, Sayantan. "Cellular-Assisted Vehicular Communications: A Stochastic Geometric Approach." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/78467.
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A major component of future communication systems is vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications, in which vehicles along roadways transfer information directly among themselves and with roadside infrastructure. Despite its numerous potential advantages, V2V communication suffers from one inherent shortcoming: the stochastic and time-varying nature of the node distributions in a vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) often leads to loss of connectivity and lower coverage. One possible way to improve this coverage is to allow the vehicular nodes to connect to the more reliable cellular network, especially in cases of loss of connectivity in the vehicular network. In this thesis, we analyze this possibility of boosting performance of VANETs, especially their node coverage, by taking assistance from the cellular network. The spatial locations of the vehicular nodes in a VANET exhibit a unique characteristic: they always lie on roadways, which are predominantly linear but are irregularly placed on a two dimensional plane. While there has been a signifcant work on modeling wireless networks using random spatial models, most of it uses homogeneous planar Poisson Point Process (PPP) to maintain tractability, which is clearly not applicable to VANETs. Therefore, to accurately capture the spatial distribution of vehicles in a VANET, we model the roads using the so called Poisson Line Process and then place vehicles randomly on each road according to a one-dimensional homogeneous PPP. As is usually the case, the locations of the cellular base stations are modeled by a planar two-dimensional PPP. Therefore, in this thesis, we propose a new two-tier model for cellular-assisted VANETs, where the cellular base stations form a planar PPP and the vehicular nodes form a one-dimensional PPP on roads modeled as undirected lines according to a Poisson Line Process. The key contribution of this thesis is the stochastic geometric analysis of a maximum power-based cellular-assisted VANET scheme, in which a vehicle receives information from either the nearest vehicle or the nearest cellular base station, based on the received power. We have characterized the network interference and obtained expressions for coverage probability in this cellular-assisted VANET, and successfully demonstrated that using this switching technique can provide a significant improvement in coverage and thus provide better vehicular network performance in the future. In addition, this thesis also analyzes two threshold-distance based schemes which trade off network coverage for a reduction in additional cellular network load; notably, these schemes also outperform traditional vehicular networks that do not use any cellular assistance. Thus, this thesis mathematically validates the possibility of improving VANET performance using cellular networks.
Master of Science
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Walker, Jonathan Bearnarr. "An Empirical Method of Ascertaining the Null Points from a Dedicated Short-Range Communication (DSRC) Roadside Unit (RSU) at a Highway On/Off-Ramp." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/85151.
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The deployment of dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) roadside units (RSUs) allows a connected or automated vehicle to acquire information from the surrounding environment using vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication. However, wireless communication using DSRC has shown to exhibit null points, at repeatable distances. The null points are significant and there was unexpected loss in the wireless signal strength along the pathway of the V2I communication. If the wireless connection is poor or non-existent, the V2I safety application will not obtain sufficient data to perform the operation services. In other words, a poor wireless connection between a vehicle and infrastructure (e.g., RSU) could hamper the performance of a safety application.For example, a designer of a V2I safety application may require a minimum rate of data (or packet count) over 1,000 meters to effectively implement a Reduced Speed/Work Zone Warning (RSZW) application. The RSZW safety application is aimed to alert or warn drivers, in a Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) platoon, who are approaching a work zone. Therefore, the packet counts and/or signal strength threshold criterion must be determined by the developer of the V2I safety application. Thus, we selected an arbitrary criterion to develop an empirical method of ascertaining the null points from a DSRC RSU. The research motivation focuses on developing an empirical method of calculating the null points of a DSRC RSU for V2I communication at a highway on/off-ramp. The intent is to improve safety, mobility, and environmental applications since a map of the null points can be plotted against the distance between the DSRC RSU and a vehicle's onboard unit (OBU). The main research question asks: 'What is a more robust empirical method, compared to the horizontal and vertical laws of reflection formula, in determining the null points from a DSRC RSU on a highway on/off ramp?'The research objectives are as follows:1.Explain where and why null points occur from a DSRC RSU (Chapter 2)2.Apply the existing horizontal and vertical polarization model and discuss the limitations of the model in a real-world scenario for a DSRC RSU on a highway on/off ramp (Chapter 3 and Appendix A)3.Introduce an extended horizontal and vertical polarization null point model using empirical data (Chapter 4)4.Discuss the conclusion, limitations of work, and future research (Chapter 5).The simplest manner to understand where and why null points occur is depicted as two sinusoidal waves: direct and reflective waves (i.e., also known as a two-ray model). The null points for a DSRC RSU occurs because the direct and reflective waves produce a destructive interference (i.e., decrease in signal strength) when they collide. Moreover, the null points can be located using Pythagorean theorem for the direct and reflective waves.Two existing models were leveraged to analyze null points: 1) signal strength loss (i.e., a free space path loss model, or FSPL, in Appendix A) and 2) the existing horizontal and vertical polarization null points from a DSRC RSU. Using empirical data from two different field tests, the existing horizontal and vertical polarization null point model was shown to contain limitations in short distances from the DSRC RSU. Moreover, the existing horizontal and vertical polarization model for null points was extremely challenging to replicate with over 15 DSRC RSU data sets. After calculating the null point for several DSRC RSU heights, the paper noticed a limitation of the existing horizontal and vertical polarization null point model with over 15 DSRC RSU data sets (i.e., the model does not account for null points along the full length of the FSPL model). An extended horizontal and vertical polarization model is proposed that calculates the null point from a DSRC RSU. There are 18 model comparisons of the packet counts and signal strengths at various thresholds as perspective extended horizontal and vertical polarization models. This paper compares the predictive ability of 18 models and measures the fit. Finally, a predication graph is depicted with the neural network's probability profile for packet counts =1 when greater than or equal to 377. Likewise, a python script is provided of the extended horizontal and vertical polarization model in Appendix C. Consequently, the neural network model was applied to 10 different DSRC RSU data sets at 10 unique locations around a circular test track with packet counts ranging from 0 to 11. Neural network models were generated for 10 DSRC RSUs using three thresholds with an objective to compare the predictive ability of each model and measure the fit. Based on 30 models at 10 unique locations, the highest misclassification was 0.1248, while the lowest misclassification was 0.000. There were six RSUs mounted at 3.048 (or 10 feet) from the ground with a misclassification rate that ranged from 0.1248 to 0.0553. Out of 18 models, seven had a misclassification rate greater than 0.110, while the remaining misclassification rates were less than 0.0993. There were four RSUs mounted at 6.096 meters (or 20 feet) from the ground with a misclassification rate that ranged from 0.919 to 0.000. Out of 12 models, four had a misclassification rate greater than 0.0590, while the remaining misclassification rates were less than 0.0412.Finally, there are two major limitations in the research: 1) the most effective key parameter is packet counts, which often require expensive data acquisition equipment to obtain the information and 2) the categorical type (i.e., decision tree, logistic regression, and neural network) will vary based on the packet counts or signal strength threshold that is dictated by the threshold criterion. There are at least two future research areas that correspond to this body of work: 1) there is a need to leverage the extended horizontal and vertical polarization null point model on multiple DSRC RSUs along a highway on/off ramp, and 2) there is a need to apply and validate different electric and magnetic (or propagation) models.
Ph. D.
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Krantz, Christoffer, and Gabriela Vukota. "Pushing Traffic into the Digital Age : A Communication Technology Comparison and Security Assessment." Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-42400.
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With the rapid advances of technology, digitisation of many facets of our existence is taking place in an attempt to improve everyday life. The automotive industry is following suit, attempting to introduce connected traffic technology that is meant to improve traffic fluidity and safety. To facilitate this, connected vehicles aim to create solutions for the sharing of information between other vehicles, infrastructure - such as traffic light controllers, and pedestrians. In an attempt to further investigate the connected vehicle landscape of today, the thesis compared the two most prominent technologies, DSRC and cellular communication. An essential part of this comparison was highlighting the potential attacks that the two technologies could be exposed to. This was done in order to open up a discussion on what technology is the most suitable to focus on for the future both in terms of viability and security. DSRC has been considered the prominent communication technology for connected vehicles, but the development has stagnated. As such, the ever-evolving cellular technology is looking like the superior technology. This, however, is reliant on 5G delivering the speeds, stability and security promised. The state of constant vehicular connection is going to lead to many issues and concerns, both for the privacy of the individual but also the safety of the public. While connected traffic aims to solve a number of issues from traffic accidents to emissions - if the security of the communication is not constantly evolving to meet the rapid development of new technology, the consequences of connecting such a delicate system might nullify the potential benefits.
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Lyamin, Nikita. "Performance evaluation of safety critical ITS-G5 V2V communications for cooperative driving Applications." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/665484.
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Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are aiming to provide innovative services related to different modes of transport and traffic management, and enable various users to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated and smarter use of transport networks. Cooperative-ITS (C-ITS) support connectivity between vehicles, vehicles and roadside infrastructure, traffic signals as well as with other road users. In order to enable vehicular communications European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI) delivered ITS-G5 – a of set of C-ITS standards. Considering the goals of C-ITS, inter-vehicle communications should be reliable and efficient. The subject of this thesis is evaluation of the performance, efficiency, and depend- ability of ITS-G5 communications for cooperative driving applications support. This thesis includes eight scientific papers and extends the research area in three directions: evaluation of the performance of ITS-G5 beaconing protocols; studying the performance of ITS-G5 congestion control mechanisms; and studying the radio jamming Denial-of- Service (DoS) attacks and their detection methods. First, an overview of currently available and ongoing standardization targeting communications in C-ACC/platooning cooperative driving application is provided. Then, as part of the first research direction, we demonstrate via number of studies, that adaptive beaconing approach where message generation is coupled to the speed variation of the originating ITS-s may lead to a similar message synchronization effect in the time domain when vehicles follow mobility scenarios that involve cooperative speed variation. We ex- plain in detail the cause of this phenomenon and test it for a wide range of parameters. In relation to the second problem, we, first, study the influence of different available ITS-G5 legitimate setups on the C-ACC/platooning fuel efficiency and demonstrate that proper communication setup may enhance fuel savings. Then we thoroughly study the standardization of the congestion control mechanism for ITS-G5, which will affect the operation of all cooperative driving C-ITS applications as a mandatory component. We study the influence of congestion control on application performance and give recommendations for improvement to make the congestion control to target at optimizing the applications performance metrics. In the scope of the last research direction, we propose two real-time jamming DoS detection methods. The main advantage of our detection techniques is their short learning phase that not exceed a few seconds and low detection delay of a few hundreds of milliseconds. Under some assumptions, the proposed algorithms demonstrates the ability to detect certain types of attacks with high detection probability.
Els Sistemes de Transport Intel·ligents (ITS) tenen com a objectiu proporcionar serveis innovadors relacionats amb diferents modes de transport i gestió del trànsit, i permetre que els usuaris en facin un ús més segur, més coordinat i més intel·ligent. Cooperative-ITS (C-ITS) fa possible la connectivitat entre vehicles, entre vehicles i la infraestructura de la carretera, entre senyals de trànsit, i amb altres usuaris de la carretera. Per tal de permetre la comunicació entre vehicles, l'Institut Europeu de les Telecomunicacions (ETSI) va crear el ITS-G5 - un conjunt de normes C-ITS. Tenint en compte els objectius de C-ITS, les comunicacions entre vehicles han de ser fiables i eficients.Lobjectiu d'aquesta tesi és l'avaluació del rendiment i l'eficiència de les comunicacions ITS-G5 per donar suport a les aplicacions de conducció cooperativa. La tesi inclou vuit articles científics al voltant de tres àrees de recerca: avaluació del rendiment dels protocols de baliseig ITS-G5; estudi del rendiment dels mecanismes de control de la congestió ITS-G5; i estudi de d’atacs de tipus Denial-of-Service (DoS) i els seus mètodes de detecció. En primer lloc, s’inclou una descripció general dels objectius d'estandardització actuals i futurs respecte a la conducció cooperativa C-ACC / platooning. Després, com a part de la primera àrea de recerca, es demostra a través de diversos estudis, que l'enfocament de balisa adaptativa on la generació de missatges està acoblada a la variació de velocitat dels ITS-s originadors, pot portar a un efecte de sincronització de missatges similar en el domini del temps quan els vehicles adapten de manera cooperativa la seva velocitat. Així, s’explica detalladament la causa d'aquest fenomen i s’estudia per a una àmplia gamma de paràmetres. En relació amb el segon problema, primer s’estudia la influència de diferents configuracions base del ITS-G5 en el consum de combustible, demostrant que amb una configuració adequada es pot millorar l'estalvi de combustible. Després, s’estudia el mecanisme de control de congestió definit per ITS-G5, que afectarà el funcionament de totes les aplicacions de C-ITS de conducció cooperativa ja que es un component obligatori, avaluant la seva influència en el rendiment de les aplicacions, i donant recomanacions de millora. Finalment, en l’àrea de l'última direcció d'investigació, es proposen dos mètodes de detecció de DoS en temps real. El principal avantatge de les tècniques de detecció presentades és la seva curta fase d'aprenentatge, que no excedeix d’uns pocs segons, i el seu baix retard de detecció d'uns pocs centenars de milisegons. Sota alguns supòsits, els algoritmes proposats demostren la capacitat de detectar certs tipus d'atacs amb alta probabilitat de detecció.
Los Sistemas de Transporte Inteligentes (ITS) tienen como objetivo proporcionar servicios innovadores relacionados con diferentes modos de transporte y gestión del tráfico, y permitir que los usuarios hagan un uso más seguro, más coordinado y más inteligente. Cooperative-ITS (C-ITS) hace posible la conectividad entre vehículos, entre vehículos y la infraestructura de la carretera, entre señales de tráfico, y con otros usuarios de la carretera. Para permitir la comunicación entre vehículos, el Instituto Europeo de las Telecomunicaciones (ETSI) creó el ITS-G5 - un conjunto de normas C-ITS. Teniendo en cuenta los objetivos de C-ITS, las comunicaciones entre vehículos deben ser fiables y eficientes. El objetivo de esta tesis es la evaluación del rendimiento y la eficiencia de las comunicaciones ITS-G5 para dar soporte a las aplicaciones de conducción cooperativa. La tesis incluye ocho artículos científicos en torno a tres áreas de investigación: evaluación del rendimiento de los protocolos de baliza ITS-G5; estudio del rendimiento de los mecanismos de control de la congestión ITS-G5; y estudio de de ataques de tipo Denial-of-Service (DoS) y sus métodos de detección. En primer lugar, se incluye una descripción general de los objetivos de estandarización actuales y futuros respecto a la conducción cooperativa C-ACC / platooning. Luego, como parte de la primera área de investigación, se demuestra a través de varios estudios, que el enfoque de baliza adaptativa donde la generación de mensajes está acoplada a la variación de velocidad de los ITS-s originadores, puede llevar a un efecto de sincronización de mensajes similar en el dominio del tiempo cuando los vehículos adaptan de manera cooperativa su velocidad. Así, se explica detalladamente la causa de este fenómeno y se estudia para una amplia gama de parámetros. En relación con el segundo problema, primero se estudia la influencia de diferentes configuraciones base del ITS-G5 en el consumo de combustible, demostrando que con una configuración adecuada se puede mejorar el ahorro de combustible. Después, se estudia el mecanismo de control de congestión definido por ITS-G5, que afectará el funcionamiento de todas las aplicaciones de C-ITS de conducción cooperativa ya que es un componente obligatorio, evaluando su influencia en el rendimiento de las aplicaciones, y dando recomendaciones de mejora. Finalmente, en el área de la última dirección de investigación, se proponen dos métodos de detección de DoS en tiempo real. La principal ventaja de las técnicas de detección presentadas es su corta fase de aprendizaje, que no excede de unos pocos segundos, y su bajo retraso de detección de unos pocos cientos de milisegundos. Bajo algunos supuestos, los algoritmos propuestos demuestran la capacidad de detectar ciertos tipos de ataques con alta probabilidad de detección.
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Kim, Hoe Kyoung. "Development and evaluation of advanced traveler information system (ATIS) using vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication system." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/33828.
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This research develops and evaluates an Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS) model using a Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication system (referred to as the GATIS-V2V model) with the off-the-shelf microscopic simulation model, VISSIM. The GATIS-V2V model is tested on notional small traffic networks (non-signalized and signalized) and a 6X6 typical urban grid network (signalized traffic network). The GATIS-V2V model consists of three key modules: vehicle communication, on-board travel time database management, and a Dynamic Route Guidance System (DRGS). In addition, the system performance has been enhanced by applying three complementary functions: Autonomous Automatic Incident Detection (AAID), a minimum sample size algorithm, and a simple driver behavior model. To select appropriate parameter ranges for the complementary functions a sensitivity analysis has been conducted. The GATIS-V2V performance has been investigated relative to three underlying system parameters: traffic flow, communication radio range, and penetration ratio of participating vehicles. Lastly, the enhanced GATIS-V2V model is compared with the centralized traffic information system. This research found that the enhanced GATIS-V2V model outperforms the basic model in terms of travel time savings and produces more consistent and robust system output under non-recurrent traffic states (i.e., traffic incident) in the simple traffic network. This research also identified that the traffic incident detection time and driver's route choice rule are the most crucial factors influencing the system performance. As expected, as traffic flow and penetration ratio increase, the system becomes more efficient, with non-participating vehicles also benefiting from the re-routing of participating vehicles. The communication radio ranges considered were found not to significantly influence system operations in the studied traffic network. Finally, it is found that the decentralized GATIS-V2V model has similar performance to the centralized model even under low flow, short radio range, and low penetration ratio cases. This implies that a dynamic infrastructure-based traffic information system could replace a fixed infrastructure-based traffic information system, allowing for considerable savings in fixed costs and ready expansion of the system off of the main network corridors.
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Hajimirsadeghi, Seyedsalar. "Vehicle to Vehicle Communication in Level 4 Autonomy." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2017. http://scholarship.claremont.edu/cmc_theses/1622.
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With the number of deaths, commute time, and injuries constantly rising due tohuman driving errors, it’s time for a new transportation system, where humans are nolonger involved in driving decisions and vehicles are the only machine that decide theactions of a vehicle. To accomplish a fully autonomous world, it’s important forvehicles to be able to communicate instantly and report their movements in order toreduce accidents. This paper discusses four approaches to vehicle to vehiclecommunication, as well as the underlying standards and technology that enablevehicles to accomplish communicating.
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Lebre, Marie-Ange. "De l'impact d'une décision locale et autonome sur les systèmes de transport intelligent à différentes échelles." Thesis, Lyon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LYSEI007/document.
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Cette thèse présente des applications véhiculaires à différentes échelles : de la petite qui permet d'effectuer des tests réels de communication et de service ; à des plus grandes incluant plus de contraintes mais permettant des simulations sur l'ensemble du réseau. Dans ce contexte nous soulignons l'importance d'avoir et de traiter des données réelles afin de pouvoir interpréter correctement les résultats. A travers ces échelles nous proposons différents services utilisant la communication V2V et V2I. Nous ne prétendons pas prendre le contrôle du véhicule, notre but est de montrer le potentiel de la communication à travers différents services. La petite échelle se focalise sur un service à un feu de circulation permettant d'améliorer les temps de parcours et d'attente, et la consommation en CO2 et en carburant. La moyenne échelle se situant sur un rond-point, permet grâce à un algorithme décentralisé, d'améliorer ces mêmes paramètres, mais montre également qu'avec une prise de décision simple et décentralisée, le système est robuste face à la perte de paquet, à la densité, aux comportements humains ou encore aux taux d'équipement. Enfin à l'échelle d'une ville, nous montrons que grâce à des décisions prises de manière locale et décentralisée, avec seulement un accès à une information partielle dans le réseau, nous obtenons des résultats proches des solutions centralisées. La quantité de données transitant ainsi dans le réseau est considérablement diminuée. Nous testons également la réponse de ces systèmes en cas de perturbation plus ou moins importante tels que des travaux, un acte terroriste ou une catastrophe naturelle. Les modèles permettant une prise de décision locale grâce aux informations délivrées autour du véhicule montrent leur potentiel que se soit avec de la communication avec l'infrastructure V2I ou entre les véhicules V2V
In this thesis we present vehicular applications across different scales: from small scale that allows real tests of communication and services; to larger scales that include more constraints but allowing simulations on the entire network. In this context, we highlight the importance of real data and real urban topology in order to properly interpret the results of simulations. We describe different services using V2V and V2I communication. In each of them we do not pretend to take control of the vehicle, the driver is present in his vehicle, our goal is to show the potential of communication through services taking into account the difficulties outlined above. In the small scale, we focus on a service with a traffic light that improves travel times, waiting times and CO2 and fuel consumption. The medium scale is a roundabout, it allows, through a decentralized algorithm, to improve the same parameters. It also shows that with a simple and decentralized decision-making process, the system is robust to packet loss, density, human behavior or equipment rate. Finally on the scale of a city, we show that local and decentralized decisions, with only a partial access to information in the network, lead to results close to centralized solutions. The amount of data in the network is greatly reduced. We also test the response of these systems in case of significant disruption in the network such as roadworks, terrorist attack or natural disaster. Models, allowing local decision thanks to information delivered around the vehicle, show their potential whatsoever with the V2I communication or V2V
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Challita, Georges. "Contribution au positionnement des véhicules communicants fondé sur les récepteurs GPS et les systèmes de vision." Thesis, Rouen, INSA, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009ISAM0004.
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Ces travaux de thèse sont réalisés au sein de l’équipe STI du laboratoire LITIS, en collaboration avec le centre de robotique CAOR de l’école des mines de Paris et l’INRIA Rocquencourt dont ils ont utilisé la plateforme du prototype LARA composée de véhicules instrumentés. L’objectif est de contribuer à la localisation des véhicules intelligents équipés de récepteurs GPS (Global Positionning System), de systèmes de vision et du matériel de communication permettant la coopération entre ces véhicules. En milieu urbain, les performances du GPS sont fortement dégradées. La réception du signal GPS souffre de masquages ou de mauvaises configurations géométriques des satellites. De plus, la qualité du signal peut être corrompue à cause du phénomène de multi-trajets lié à la réflexion du signal sur les bâtiments, tunnels... Alors la robustesse, la précision et la disponibilité de l’estimation de la position peut décroître significativement. D’où la nécessité d’une source d’information complémentaire pour compenser les faiblesses du récepteur GPS. L’originalité de nos travaux consiste à utiliser les données exploitées par notre système de vision. Le système de vision utilisé est basé sur une caméra (monovision). Il permet la détection robuste des obstacles sur la route, ainsi que la détection de la pluie. Le calcul de la distance de l’obstacle à notre véhicule est réalisé à l’aide du modèle sténopé et l’hypothèse de la route plane. Les véhicules utilisant des systèmes de communication sans fil basé sur la norme 802.11g+ coopèrent entre eux en échangeant leurs coordonnées GPS si elles sont disponibles. Cette coopération permet de connaître la position des véhicules qui nous entourent. Le système de communication est aussi utilisé pour l’alerte météorologique V2I ou V2V en utilisant la détection de la pluie réalisée en collaboration avec Valeo. Pour réaliser le positionnement relatif fiable, nous avons mis en oeuvre un algorithme de suivi basé sur le filtrage particulaire. Cette méthode permet de fusionner les données en utilisant les techniques probabilistes lors des différentes étapes du filtre. Finalement, une validation expérimentale en temps réel sur les véhicules du prototype LARA a été réalisée sur différents scénarios
This thesis work realised at the STI team of the LITIS Laboratory, in collaboration with the Center of Robotics CAOR at the Ecole des Mines of Paris and the INRIA Rocquencourt, and tested on the prototype LARA. The aim is to better positionning of intelligent vehicles equipped with GPS, vision systems and communication devices used for cooperation between vehicles. In urban areas, The usage of GPS is not always ideal because of the poorness of the satellite coverage. Sometimes, the GPS signal may be also corrupted by multipath reflections due to tunnels, high buildings, electronic interferences etc. So, in order to accurate the vehicle positioning in the navigation application, the GPS data will be enhanced with vision data using communication between vehicles. The vision system is based on a monocular real-time vision-based vehicle detection. We can calculate the distance between vehicles using the pinhole model. We developped a rain detection system using the same camera. The inter-vehicle cooperation is made possible thanks to the revolution in the wireless mobile ad hoc network. Localization information can be exchanged between the vehicles through a wireless communication devices. The creation of the system will adopt the Monte Carlo Method or what we call a particle filter for the treatment of the GPS data and vision data. An experimental study of this system is performed on our fleet of experimental communicating vehicles LARA
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Wu, Hao. "Analysis and Design of Vehicular Networks." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/7639.
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Advances in computing and wireless communication technologies have increased interest in smart vehicles, vehicles equipped with significant computing, communication and sensing capabilities to provide services to travelers. Smart vehicles can be exploited to improve driving safety and comfort as well as optimize surface transportation systems. Wireless communications among vehicles and between vehicles and roadside infrastructures represent an important class of vehicle communications. One can envision creating an integrated radio network leveraging various wireless technologies that work together in a seamless fashion. Based on cost-performance tradeoffs, different network configurations may be appropriate for different environments. An understanding of the properties of different vehicular network architectures is absolutely necessary before services can be successfully deployed. Based on this understanding, efficient data services (e.g., data dissemination services) can be designed to accommodate application requirements. This thesis examines several research topics concerning both the evaluation and design of vehicular networks. We explore the properties of vehicle-to-vehicle (v2v) communications. We study the spatial propagation of information along the road using v2v communications. Our analysis identifies the vehicle traffic characteristics that significantly affect information propagation. We also evaluate the feasibility of propagating information along a highway. Several design alternatives exist to build infrastructure-based vehicular networks. Their characteristics have been evaluated in a realistic vehicular environment. Based on these evaluations, we have developed some insights into the design of future broadband vehicular networks capable of adapting to varying vehicle traffic conditions. Based on the above analysis, opportunistic forwarding that exploit vehicle mobility to overcome vehicular network partitioning appears to be a viable approach for data dissemination using v2v communications for applications that can tolerate some data loss and delay. We introduce a methodology to design enhanced opportunistic forwarding algorithms. Practical algorithms derived from this methodology have exhibited different performance/overhead tradeoffs. An in-depth understanding of wireless communication performance in a vehicular environment is necessary to provide the groundwork for realizing reliable mobile communication services. We have conducted an extensive set of field experiments to uncover the performance of short-range communications between vehicles and between vehicles and roadside stations in a specific highway scenario.
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Kim, Taehyoung. "Assessment of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication based Applications in an Urban Network." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/53514.
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Connected Vehicle research has emerged as one of the highest priorities in the transportation systems because connected vehicle technology has the potential to improve safety, mobility, and environment for the current transportation systems. Various connected vehicle based applications have been identified and evaluated through various measurements to assess the performance of connected vehicle applications. However, most of these previous studies have used hypothetical study areas with simple networks for connected vehicle environment. This study represents connected vehicle environment in TRANSIMS to assess the performance of V2V communication applications in the realistic urban network. The communication duration rate and spatial-temporal dispersion of equipped vehicles are investigated to evaluate the capability of V2V communication based on the market penetration rate of equipped vehicles and wireless communication coverage in the whole study area. The area coverage level is used to assess the spatial-temporal dispersion of equipped vehicles for two study areas. The distance of incident information propagation and speed estimation error are used to measure the performance of event-driven and periodic applications based on different market penetration rates of equipped vehicles and wireless communication coverage in both morning peak and non-peak times. The wireless communication coverage is the major factor for event-driven application and the market penetration rate of equipped vehicles has more impact on the performance of periodic application. The required minimum levels of deployment for each application are determined for each scenario. These study findings will be useful for making decisions about investments on deployment of connected vehicle applications to improve the current transportation systems. Notably, event-driven applications can be reliably deployed in the initial stage of deployment despite the low level of market penetration of equipped vehicles.
Ph. D.
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Maatougui, Lamyae. "Développement d'un récepteur intelligent dédié aux systèmes sans fil basés sur les modulations M-OAM." Thesis, Valenciennes, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017VALE0015.
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Dans ces travaux de thèse, nous proposons un système de communication original permettant d’atteindre un haut débit et de répondre aux exigences de la qualité de service requise pour les communications courte portée dans le cadre du transport intelligent. Ce système se base sur la technologie Ultra Large Bande Impulsionnelle (IR-ULB) et sur un nouveau schéma de modulation nommé M-OAM (M-Orthogonal Amplitude Modulation). Les modulations M-OAM se basent sur le principe des modulations M-QAM en remplaçant les porteuses par des formes d’ondes ULB orthogonales de type MGF (Modified Gegenbauer Function). Ces modulations ont été évaluées sous les conditions d’un canal AWGN et des canaux IEEE 802.15.3a et IEEE 802.15.4a qui tiennent compte des paramètres réels de la route. En plus du haut débit exigé par les communications inter-véhiculaires, il faut assurer un échange d’informations simultané entre plusieurs utilisateurs de la route et garantir une bonne qualité de service. Dans cette optique, une nouvelle technique d’accès multiple adaptée est proposée. Chaque utilisateur a la possibilité d’utiliser la modulation OAM adéquate selon le débit désiré. Le récepteur de ce système se caractérise par un aspect intelligent grâce à l’intégration des principes de la Radio Cognitive (RC) qui permet de détecter l’arrivée du signal et d’identifier les paramètres de la modulation utilisée afin de s’y adapter d’une façon autonome. Une bonne qualité de service est assurée par la proposition d’une nouvelle technique de démodulation qui se base sur les Statistiques d’Ordres Supérieurs (SOS) permettant d’éliminer le bruit Gaussien. Les bonnes performances du système de communication M-OAM ainsi que l’ensemble des aspects proposés ont été validés expérimentalement au sein du laboratoire IEMN-DOAE. Dans la dernière partie de ce document nous avons présenté la réalisation d’un prototype de ce traitement en temps réel sur une plateforme FPGA, en exploitant des algorithmes parallélisables sur des architectures reconfigurables
In this work of thesis, we propose an original communication system allowing to reach high data rate and to fulfill the requirements of quality of service necessary for the communications short range dedicated to intelligent transport. This system is based on the Ultra Wide Band Impulse (IR-ULB) technology and on new modulation scheme named M-OAM (M-states Orthogonal Amplitude Modulation). M-OAM modulations are based on the principle of modulations M-QAM by replacingthe carriers used for QAM modulation with orthogonal waveforms ULB type MGF (Modified Gegenbauer Function). These modulations were evaluated under the conditions of AWGN channel and IEEE 802.15 channels which take account of the real parameters of the road. Besides the high speed required by inter-vehicular communications, it is necessary to ensure simultaneous information exchange between several users of the road. Accordingly, new adaptive multiple access system is proposed. Each user has the possibility to use the adequate modulation OAM according to the desired speed. The receiver of this system is characterized by an intelligent aspect thanks to the integration of the principle of Cognitive Radio (RC) which makes it able to detect the signal arrival and to identify the parameters of the used modulation in order to adapt the demodulation in an autonomous way. A good quality of service is ensured by the proposed novel demodulation method based on the Higher Orders Statistics (HOS) to eliminate the Gaussian noise. The good performances of M-OAM communication system M-OAM as well as the whole of the suggested aspects are validated in experiments within IEMN-DOAE laboratory. In the last part of this document we presented the realization of prototype using real time processing developed on FPGA plateform and exploiting parallelisable algorithms on reconfigurable architectures
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Dowd,GarrettE. "Improving Autonomous Vehicle Safety using Communicationsand Unmanned Aerial Vehicles." The Ohio State University, 2019. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1574861007798385.
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Atif, Ayub, and Justin Arieltan. "Secure and Privacypreserving V2X multicast DNS." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-281396.
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The Domain Name System is a hierarchical naming system that provides information of network resources or services given domain names. DNS applications in vehicular networks raise new challenges with regards to security and privacy of vehicles. In particular, vehicular communications outside the coverage of roadside infrastructure needs to be preserved. Multicast DNS is proposed as a method to restrict queries to vehicles in a Vehicle-to-Everything environment which could include other connected devices. Contemporary DNS applications rely on robust security protocols provided by the DNS Security Extensions to authenticate responses and verify resource records. Vehicular DNS communications need authentication to verify the source and legitimacy of DNS resource records. This can be achieved through multihop Vehicle- to-Vehicle communications to reach a name server supplemented by a novel approach to verify records using the Bloom filter.In this thesis, we analyze the security and privacy risks posed by a non-authenticated baseline communication protocol. We then build a secure and privacy-preserving networked system based on pseudonym certificate-based public key infrastructure solution. The experimental analysis confirmed the improvement on security and privacy at the cost of communication and computation overhead.
Domännamnssystemet är en hierarkisk benämningssystem som ger information om nätverksresurser eller tjänster för givna domännamn. DNS application i fordon nätverk framkallar nya utmaningar när det handlar om datasäkerhet och fordons integritet. Det är särskilt fordon kommunikation utanför vägkant-infrastrukturens räckvidd som behöver bevara och försäkra operationer av DNS applikation i fordon nätverk. Multicast DNS är en föreslagen metod för att begränsa förfrågan till fordon i en fordon-till-all-miljö som kan inkludera andra anslutna enheter. Nuvarande applikationer förlitar sig på en robust säkerhetsprotokoll som kommer från DNS säkerhetsförlängning för att autentisera svar och verifiera resurs rekord. Fordon DNS kommunikationer behöver autentisering för att verifiera källor och legitimitet av DNS resurs rekord. Detta kan uppnås genom multihop fordon-till-fordon kommunikation för att ansluta sig till en namn server med hjälp av en ny metod för att verifiera uppgifter med hjälp av bloomfilter datastruktur.I tesen analyserar vi risken som finns i en icke-autentiserad integritets-läckande kommunikationsprotokoll. Vi bygger sedan ett nätverk och använder en pseudonym certifikatbaserad publik nyckel infrastruktur lösning för att undersöka förbättringar inom säkerhet och integritet. Analysen från experimenten visar att det finns en förbättring för säkerhet och integritet i utbyte mot tidsprestanda, vilket är en intressant kompromiss.
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Randriamasy, Malalatiana. "Localisation et transmissions sécurisées pour la communication Véhicule à Infrastructure (V2I) : Application au service de télépéage ITS-G5." Thesis, Normandie, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019NORMR011/document.
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La localisation précise des véhicules et la sécurité des échanges sont deux grands axes qui font la fiabilité des services fournis dans les systèmes de transport intelligent. Ces dernières années, elles font l’objet de nombreux projets de recherche pour des champs d’application divers. Dans cette thèse, le contexte d’application est la réalisation d’un service de télépéage utilisant la technologie ITS-G5. Cette technologie de communication sans-fil permet dans un premier temps le partage des informations de sécurité routière entre les véhicules (V2V), le véhicule et l’infrastructure (V2I). Dans cette thèse, on propose une architecture permettant d’échanger des transactions de télépéage utilisant les équipements communicants en ITS-G5 embarqués dans les véhicules connectés et les unités bord de route (UBR) de l’infrastructure. Les problématiques de nos travaux de recherche se concentrent sur la méthode de localisation des véhicules ayant effectué la transaction afin de pouvoir la valider et sur la sécurité de l’architecture proposée pour assurer l’échange de cette transaction. Afin de bien localiser les véhicules lors du passage au péage, notre approche propose la compréhension de la cinématique du véhicule par une modélisation adéquate à partir des données recueillies dans les messages coopératifs (CAM : Cooperative Awareness Message) en approche du péage. Cela améliorera les informations de géolocalisation déjà présentes. Notre objectif est d’arriver à une précision de moins d’un mètre pour distinguer 2 véhicules adjacents. D’autre part, le protocole de sécurité proposé permet d’assurer l’authentification des équipements participant à l’échange et à la validation de la transaction, l’intégrité des données échangées ainsi que la confidentialité des échanges compte tenu du contexte de communication sans-fil et de la sensibilité des données échangées. Une preuve de concept de la solution de télépéage utilisant la technologie ITS-G5 est développée et intègre nos deux contributions
The precise localization of vehicles and the security of communication are requirements that make almost of the services provided in intelligent transport systems (ITS) more reliable. In recent years, they have been the subject of numerous research projects for various fields of application. In this thesis, the context is the development of an electronic toll service using the ITS-G5 technology. This wireless communication technology initially allows the sharing of traffic safety information between vehicles (V2V), vehicle and infrastructure (V2I). In our work, we propose a tolling application using equipment operating in ITS-G5 embedded in the connected vehicles and roadside units. For this, ensuring both precise geolocation of the vehicles and security of communication are required to validate the transaction.In order to properly locate the vehicles during the toll crossing, our approach is based on the understanding of the kinematics of the vehicle through a suitable modeling from the data collected in the cooperative messages (called CAM: Cooperative Awareness Message). This approach aims to improve the geolocation information already present in the message. Our goal is to achieve vehicle localization with an accuracy lower than one meter to distinguish two adjacent vehicles. On the other hand, the proposed tolling protocol ensures the authentication of the equipment or entities involved in the exchange and the validation of the transaction, the integrity of the transmitted data as well as the confidentiality of the communication. In this way, we take into account the context of the wireless communication and the sensitivity of the exchanged data. Our two contributions are integrated in the implemented Proof of Concept of the tolling application using the ITS-G5 technology
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Haidar, Farah. "Validation platform for vehicle secure and highly trusted communications in the context of the cooperative ITS systems." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020IPPAT011.
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Le système de transport coopératif intelligent (C-ITS) a attiré beaucoup d'attention ces dernières années en raison du grand nombre d'applications / cas d'usage qui peuvent améliorer l'expérience de conduite future.Les futurs véhicules seront connectés grâce aux plusieurs technologies de communication qui ouvriront la porte aux nouvelles menaces et vulnérabilités qui doivent être prises en compte. La protection de la vie privée et la sécurité est un sujet clé à aborder avant le déploiement de C-ITS. De plus, la grande variété de cas d'utilisation / applications C-ITS qui nécessitent des exigences de sécurité différentes fait de la sécurité un grand défi.La confidentialité et la protection des données des utilisateurs constituent également un défi. L'industrie automobile et les opérateurs doivent se conformer à la législation nationale et internationale pour la protection des données dans C-ITS. Afin de faire face aux problèmes de confidentialité, la solution existante consiste à disposer d'un pool d'identités pseudonymes valides, par le véhicule, et à les modifier lors de la communication.L'une des motivations de cette thèse est d'étudier les performances de rechargement de certificats pseudonymes. En d'autres termes, il est important de s'assurer que la latence du rechargement des certificats de pseudonyme à partir de l'ICP tout en conduisant à des vitesses différentes est acceptable. La deuxième motivation est l'analyse des menaces et des vulnérabilités, en particulier sur celles qui proviennent de l'utilisation du certificat pseudonyme. L'objectif est de mettre en œuvre ces attaques et de proposer de nouvelles solutions ou de trouver des améliorations à la solution existante pour détecter et prévenir les attaques de sécurité. La sécurité et la confidentialité dans C-ITS sont considérées comme de grands défis. Beaucoup de travail a été fait et de bonnes solutions existent dans le domaine de la sécurité et de la confidentialité. Nous remarquons que les systèmes ne peuvent pas être sécurisés à 100%, mais la sécurité du conducteur est liée à la sécurité du système. Pour cela, le but de cette thèse est de faire du hack blanc du C-ITS afin d'améliorer la solution existante. Une évaluation des risques est nécessaire pour identifier notre objectif d'évaluation et analyser les risques potentiels. L'objectif final de cette thèse est de proposer une plaque de validation de sécurité et de performance pour la communication véhiculaire dans le cadre des C-ITS
Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System (C-ITS) has gained much attention in the recent years due to the large number of applications/use cases that can improve future driving experience. Future vehicles will be connected through several communication technologies which will open the door to new threats and vulnerabilities that must be taken into account. The security protection is a key subject to address before C-ITS deployment. Moreover, the wide variety of C-ITS use cases/application with different security requirements makes the security a big challenge. User's privacy and data protection are also a challenge. Automotive industry and operators should comply with the national and international legislation for the data protection in C-ITS. In order to deal with privacy issues, existing solution consists of having a pool of valid pseudonym identities, by the vehicle, and changing them during the communication. One of the motivations of this thesis is to study the performance of pseudonym certificate reloading. In other words, it is important to ensure that the latency of reloading pseudonym certificates from the PKI while driving at different speeds is acceptable. The second motivation is the investigation on threats and vulnerabilities, especially on those that come from the pseudonym certificate's use. The objective is to implement those attacks and propose new solutions or find improvements to the existing solution for detecting and preventing security attacks. Security and privacy in C-ITS are considered as big challenges. A Lot of work has been done and good solutions exist in the security and privacy domain. We notice that systems cannot be secure at 100% but driver's safety is related to system's security. For this, the aim of this thesis is to do white hack of the C-ITS in order to improve the existing solution. A risk assessment is needed to identify our target of evaluation and analyse potential risks. The final goal of this thesis is to propose a security and performance validation plate-form for vehicular communication in the context of C-ITS
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Galbraith, Andrew. "Multilateration in Direct ShortRange Communications Networks : Utilising Basic Safety Messages and Received Signal Strength Ranging." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för datavetenskap och medieteknik (DM), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-97682.
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Traditional satellite positioning systems have limited resolution and have proved inaccuratein areas such as urban canyons where signals are subject to bounce phenomena or indeed may be entirely unavailable. An alternative method of positioning is that of tri/multilateration, which uses known positions and distances from beacon points to locate a receiver. In this project, a software was developed which used DSRC Basic Safety Messages (containing locational information) in combination with Received Signal Strength metrics (translated to distance information) to carry out such positioning in static environments. Initial studies confirmed that a signal received on the Craton 2 hardware was subject to considerable signal strength spread approximating a Gaussian distribution. A software was developed to simulate BSMs, including a measure of perturbation, over TCP. Three different traffic scenarios were constructed. Furthermore, multilaterationsoftware was developed to receive the BSMs and calculate position using three separate algorithms. The performance of these algorithms in the three different traffic scenarios was then evaluated. Lastly, the multilateration software was further developed to allow for the capture and processing of real BSMs sent on the 5.9 GHzband. The multilateration software was capable of determining the location of the receiver to varying degrees of accuracy, depending on the geometrical distribution of surrounding vehicles and the algorithm used to multilaterate. The 3D Linear Least Squares method performed well in situations where beacons were well spaced in three dimensions. Other implemented multilateration algorithms, i.e., a 2D Linear Least Squares method and a 3D Gauss Newton method, performed better in typical traffic scenarios where vehicles tend to be coplanar.The software developed provides a useful starting point for further developmentof static, but also dynamic, multilateration algorithms.
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Cecchini, Giammarco. "Performance of LTE-V2V for Cooperative Awareness." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/12403/.
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The large scale development of an Intelligent Transportation System is very close. The main component of such a smart environment is the network that provides connectivity for all vehicles. Public safety is the most demanding application because requires a fast, reliable and secure communication. Although IEEE 802.11p is presently the only full wireless standard for vehicular communications, recent advancements in 3GPP LTE provide support to direct communications and the ongoing activities are also addressing the vehicle to vehicle case. This thesis focuses on the resource allocation procedures and performance of LTE-V2V. To this aim, a MATLAB simulator has been implemented and results have been obtained adopting different mobility models for both in-coverage and out-of-coverage scenarios.
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Protzmann, Robert [Verfasser], Radu [Akademischer Betreuer] Popescu-Zeletin, Radu [Gutachter] Popescu-Zeletin, Alexey [Gutachter] Vinel, and Manfred [Gutachter] Hauswirth. "V2X communication in heterogeneous networks / Robert Protzmann ; Gutachter: Radu Popescu-Zeletin, Alexey Vinel, Manfred Hauswirth ; Betreuer: Radu Popescu-Zeletin." Berlin : Technische Universität Berlin, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1170228356/34.
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Choi, Junsung. "Latency Study and System Design Guidelines for Cooperative LTE-DSRC Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communications including Smart Antenna." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/78083.
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Vehicle-related communications are a key application to be enabled by Fifth Generation (5G) wireless systems. The communications enabled by the future Internet of Vehicles (IoV) that are connected to every wireless device are referred to as Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications. A major application of V2X communication systems will be to provide emergency warnings. This thesis evaluates Long-Term Evolution (LTE) and Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) in terms of service quality and latency, and provides guidelines for design of cooperative LTE-DSRC systems for V2X communications. An extensive simulation analysis shows that (1) the number of users in need of warning has an effect on latency, and more so for LTE than for DSRC, (2) the DSRC priority parameter has an impact on the latency, and (3) wider system bandwidths and smaller cell sizes reduce latency for LTE. The end-to-end latency of LTE can be as high as 1.3 s, whereas the DSRC latency is below 15 ms for up to 250 users.Also, improving performance of systems is as much as important as studying about latency. One method to improving performance is using a better suitable antenna for physical communication. The mobility of vehicles results in a highly variable propagation channel that complicates communication. Use of a smart, steerable antenna can be one solution. The most commonly used antennas for vehicular communication are omnidirectional. Such antennas have consistent performance over all angles in the horizontal plane; however, rapidly steerable directional antennas should perform better in a dynamic propagation environment. A linear array antenna can perform dynamical appropriate azimuth pattern by having different weights of each element. The later section includes (1) identifying beam pattern parameters based on locations of a vehicular transmitter and fixed receivers and (2) an approach to find weights of each element of linear array antenna. Through the simulations with our approach and realistic scenarios, the desired array pattern can be achieved and array element weights can be calculated for the desired beam pattern. Based on the simulation results, DSRC is preferred to use in the scenario which contains large number of users with setup of higher priority, and LTE is preferred to use with wider bandwidth and smaller cell size. Also, the approach to find the controllable array antenna can be developed to the actual implementation of hardware with USRP.
Master of Science
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Rahme, Daniel. "Utveckling och mätning av följdetekteringsalgoritm för V2V med hänsyn till tidsfördröjning." Thesis, KTH, Data- och elektroteknik, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-215648.
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Trafikolyckor är ett problem i dagens samhälle och nya lösningar inom intelligenta transportsystem (ITS) efterfrågas. En lösning är fordon-till-fordon kommunikation (V2V), där säkrare trafik kan uppnås genom att fordon sänder relevant trafikdata till omgivande trafik. I denna rapport undersöktes och utvecklades metoder för en följdetekteringsalgoritm inom V2V kommunikation. Uppdraget var att hitta en lösning för följdetektering med GPS och radiokommunikation med FM-RDS, där hänsyn togs till tidsfördröjning. Algoritmer utvecklades i en simuleringsmiljö, för att sedan implementeras i en egenkonstruerad prototyp för mätning i trafik. För effektivt utnyttjande av FM-RDS-paket komprimerades den sända positionen, för att sedan rekonstrueras vid mottagarsidan.Resultaten av simuleringarna och trafikmätningarna visade att det var möjligt att detektera om ett fordon följde efter ett annat i trafiken, med hjälp av GPS-positionering och kommunikation genom FM-RDS med tidsfördröjning av mottagna paket. Vid högre tidsfördröjningar så presterade algoritmen sämre, dock finns det potential till förbättring. Förslag på förbättring av rekonstruktionsfunktionen samt algoritmen behandlas i denna rapport.
Traffic accidents are a problem in today’s society and new solutions regarding intelligent transportation systems (ITS) are being requested. One solution to such is vehicle-to-vehicle communication (V2V), where safer traffic can be achieved by vehicles transmitting relevant traffic information to surrounding vehicles. In this report, we researched and developed methods for a follow-detection algorithm for V2V communication. The task was to find a solution for follow-detection by using GPS and FM-RDS, with regards to time delay. An algorithm was developed in a simulated environment, to then be implemented in a prototype for measuring traffic. For efficient usage of FM-RDS packets, the transmitted position was compressed and then decompressed at the receiving side. The results of the simulations and traffic tests indicated that it was possible to detect if a vehicle followed another in traffic, by using GPS positioning and FM-RDS with time delay. The accuracy of the algorithm degraded at higher time delays, however there is potential for improvements. Suggestions for improvements of the reconstruction function and the algorithm are discussed in this report.
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Ribouh, Soheyb. "Identification de l'environnement basée sur l'estimation de canal et génération de clés de sécurité pour les communications véhiculaires." Thesis, Valenciennes, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020UPHF0029.
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Les véhicules connectés autonomes devraient être largement déployés dans le cadrede la prochaine génération de systèmes de transport et de la future route intelligente.Comme l'environnement véhiculaire est très mobile, les messages transmis sont affectés par l'effet de canal sans fil. L'estimation de canal devient ainsi l'une des tâchesles plus difficiles des communications véhiculaires (V2X). Dans ce contexte, nousproposons un nouvel algorithme d'estimation de canal MSCR (Multiple SequentialConstraint Removal) dédiée aux communications V2X basées sur les systèmes OFDM.De plus, l'identification de l'environnement dans lequel le véhicule circule est assez importantepour permettre au véhicule de prendre les bonnes décisions de conduite autonome.Ainsi, en exploitant les caractéristiques estimées du canal sans fil, nous proposonsune nouvelle approche d'identification de l'environnement véhiculaire basée surle Deep Learning, où les CSI estimées sont utilisées comme caractéristiques d'entréepour le modèle proposé. En outre, comme l'environnement véhiculaire est un accès ouvert,les messages échangés via la communication V2X sont vulnérables aux attaques.Par consequent, nous proposons un nouvel algorithme de generation de clé à base dela couche physique afin de sécuriser les communications véhiculaires, où les valeursCSI sont utilisées comme source aléatoire. Notre algorithme de génération de clés a étéimplémenté sur des cartes SDR USRP et a été testé sur un environnement véhiculaireréel. Les résultats de l'évaluation des performances de toutes les méthodes proposées(algorithme d'estimation de canal MSCR, approche d'identification d'environnementet algorithme de génération de clés), montrent qu'elles répondent parfaitement auxexigences requises dans un environnement véhiculaire
Autonomous connected vehicles are expected to see prevalent usage as part ofthe next generation of transportation systems and the smart road vision Since thevehicular environment is highly mobile, the transmitted messages are affected by thewireless channel effect. This makes channel estimation one of the challenging tasksin Vehicle-To-Everything (V2X) communications. In this context, we propose a novelMultiple Sequential Constraint Removal (MSCR) algorithm of channel estimation,dedicated to OFDM systems based-V2X communications. In addition, identifyingthe environment where the vehicle is driving along is quite important in order toallow the vehicle to make the correct self- driving decisions. Thus by exploiting theestimated wireless channel characteristics, we propose a novel vehicular environmentidentification approach based on deep learning, where the estimated channel stateinformation (CSI) are used as input features for the proposed model. Besides that,as the vehicular environment is open access exchanged messages through V2X communicationare vulnerable to attacks. Therefore, we propose a novel physical layerkey generation algorithm in order to secure vehicular communications, where the CSIvalues are used as a source of randomness. Our key generation algorithm has beenimplemented on USRP Software-Defined Radios (SDR) cards and has been tested ona real-world testbed vehicular environment. The performance evaluation results of allthe proposed methods (MSCR channel estimation algorithm, environment identificationsapproach, and key generation algorithm), show that they meet the performancesrequired in a vehicular environment
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Sjöström, Ebba, and Anton Winström. "Förbättringsförslag av VPP : ett verktyg för planering och kommunikation mellan platsledning och yrkesarbetare." Thesis, Tekniska Högskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, JTH, Byggnadsteknik och belysningsvetenskap, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-40700.
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Syfte: Visuella verktyg kan hjälpa till att minska de mänskliga fel som sker på arbetsplatsen samt skapa en kortare informationstid. Informationen erhålls betydligt snabbare och mer korrekt genom att visualisera informationskanalen där foton, scheman, posters, grafiska bilder och färgkodning är fungerande visuella verktyg. Byggföretagen har, för att effektivisera sina arbetsplatser, tagit fram visuella verktyg, bland annat Visuell Planering Produktion (VPP). Målet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur planering och kommunikation mellan platsledning och yrkesarbetare ute i produktionen kan förbättras med stöttning av VPP. För att få svar på det har tre frågeställningar tagits fram:1. Vad är det huvudsakliga syftet med användning av VPP?2. Hur fungerar den dagliga planeringen och kommunikationen idag?3. Hur kan VPP förbättras för att bli ett mer användbart verktyg att tillämpa för platsledningen i produktionen?Metod: Tre metoder är valda för att kunna svara på de tre frågeställningarna. Kvalitativa intervjuer med platschef, arbetsledare och lagbas, dokumentanalys och observationer i samband med intervjuer.Resultat: Planeringen och kommunikation mellan platsledning och yrkesarbetare kan förbättras med hjälp av VPP, dock endast om platsledningen får den utbildning de behöver för att använda verktyget på rätt sätt. Det är även viktigt att platsledningen får anpassa verktyget efter sina behov.Konsekvenser: Verktyget med sina tavlor och möten har i dagsläget förbättringspotential, tre brister med verktyget är: Det saknas information och utbildning till platsledningen på arbetsplatserna Det nya arbetssättet ses inte som mer positivt än det nuvarande Nuvarande utformning på bodarna innefattar platsbristFör att verktyget ska bli bättre finns det vissa punkter som är extra tydliga i resultatet där empirin och analysen ligger till grund för förbättringsförslaget. Förbättringen bör innehålla: Mer ingående utbildningar till platsledningen och mer lättillgänglig information En grundlig förklaring till verktygets användning och dess fördelar Varje projekt ska kunna anpassa VPP för det aktuella projektetBegränsningar: Det teoretiska ramverket kunde inkluderat begrepp som Lean, där VPP har sin grundtanke. Intervjurespondenterna saknade i viss mån erfarenhet och kunskap kring VPP och detta kan spegla en mer generell verklighet kring ämnet.
Purpose: Visual tools can help reduce the human errors that occur in the workplace and create a shorter information time. The information is obtained significantly faster and more accurately by visualizing the information channel where photos, schedules, posters, graphics and color coding are visual tools that are used. To make their workplaces more effective, a construction company has developed a visual tool named Visual Planning Production (VPP). VPP aims to visualize the project and its workflows with various kinds of boards for easier communication between the management and workers. The aim of this study is to investigate how planning and communication between management and craftsmen in production can be improved with the support of VPP. Three questions has been created:1. What is the main purpose of using VPP?2. How does the daily planning and communication work today?3. How can VPP be improved to become a more useful tool to apply for the site management in production?Method: Three methods were selected to answer the three questions. Qualitative interviews with site management and craftsmen leader, document analysis and observations on projects.Findings: Planning and communication between site management and craftsmen can be improved with the help of VPP. This only applies if the site management is given the education they need to use the tool properly. It is also important that the site management can adapt the tool to its project needs. VPP will then provide the transparency and foresight that the project needs to work.Implications: The tool with its boards and meetings currently has potential of improvement. Three examples of difficulties with the tool is: There is no information and education for the site management The new way of working is not seen as more positive than the current one There isn’t space enough in the rooms to hang the boardsThe findings from the analysis tells us what about the tool that can be improved. Some of these points are: A more thorough education for the site management and accessible information A thorough explanation of the use of the tool and its benefits To be able to customize equipment and meetings as needed in the projectsLimitations: The theoretical framework could include concepts like Lean, where VPP has its roots. A general verging of reality is not applicable to this report as the report only concerns two projects in the same geographical area. Interviewers lacked some experience and knowledge about VPP, and this may reflect on a more general reality about the subject.
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Wang, Le. "Hybrid DES-based Vehicular Network Simulator with Multichannel Operations." Digital WPI, 2019. https://digitalcommons.wpi.edu/etd-dissertations/525.
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Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is considered to be a viable technology for inter- vehicle communications for the purpose of improving road safety and efficiency. The En- hanced Distribution Channel Access (EDCA) mechanism and multichannel operations are introduced to ensure the Quality of Service (QoS). Therefore, it is necessary to create an accurate vehicular network simulator that guarantees the vehicular communications will work as described in the protocols. A comprehensive vehicular network simulator should consider the interaction between mobility models and network protocols. In this dissertation, a novel vehicular network simulation environment, VANET Toolbox, designed using discrete-event system (DES) is presented. The APP layer DES Module of the proposed simulator integrates vehicular mo- bility operations with message generation functions. The MAC layer DES module supports single channel and multichannel EDCA operations. The PHY layer DES module supports bit-level processing. Compared with packet-based simulator such as NS-3, the proposed PHY layer is more realistic and accurate. The EDCA scheme is evaluated and compared with the traditional Carrier-Sensing Mul- tiple Access (CSMA) scheme, with the simulations proving that data with different priorities can coexist in the same channel. The multichannel operation for the EDCA scheme is also analyzed in this dissertation. The multichannel switching operation and coordination may cause packet dropping or increased latency to the communication. The simulations show that with heavy network traffic, multichannel communication performs better than single channel communication. From the perspective of safety-related messages, the multichannel operation is able to isolate the interference from the non-safety messages in order to achieve a better packet delivery rate and latency. On the other hand, the non-safety messages can achieve high throughput with reasonable latency from multichannel communication under heavy load traffic scenario.
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Shil, Manash. "Designing and simulating a Car2X communication system using the example of an intelligent traffic sign." Master's thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz, 2015. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:ch1-qucosa-161679.
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The thesis with the title “Designing and simulating a Car2X communication system using the example of an intelligent traffic sign” has been done in Chemnitz University of Technology in the faculty of Computer Science. The purpose of this thesis is to define a layered architecture for Infrastructure to Vehicle (I2V) communication and the implementation of a sample intelligent traffic sign (variable speed limit) application for a Car2X communication system. The layered architecture of this thesis is defined based on three related projects. The application is implemented using the defined layered architecture. Considering the availability of hardware, the implementation is done using the network simulator OMNET++. To check the feasibility of the application three scenarios are created and integrated with the application. The evaluation is done based on the result log files of the simulation which show that the achieved results conform with the expected results, except some minor limitations.
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Khan, Mohammad Irfan. "Multi-Service Resource Orchestration for Vehicular Safety Communications." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SORUS639.
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Le contrôle de congestion des canaux sans fil pour la communication véhiculaires (V2X) basée sur IEEE 802.11p ont été conçus pour un seul service de sécurité routière notamment ‘Cooperative Awareness’. Les futurs véhicules connectés seront basés sur plusieurs services V2X, avec un besoin de communication hétérogène, auxquels les mécanismes existants ne répondent pas. Dans cette thèse, on analyse plusieurs protocoles de contrôle de congestion et d’allocation de ressources de canaux, normalisés en Europe pour le déploiement V2X initial. Nous présentons des problèmes liés à l’approche existante, notamment l’utilisation inefficace de la capacité des canaux, la coordination dans la pile protocolaire, la gestion des ressources parmi plusieurs services et l’allocation des ressources pour un besoin asymétrique par les véhicules. On propose des améliorations en tenant compte des exigences des futurs scénarios V2X. Nous montrons les limites de la classification statique des services V2X pour la qualité de service et proposons une classification dynamique. Nous concevons un orchestrateur de ressources afin d'améliorer la coordination dans la pile protocolaire et de répartir dynamiquement la ressource de canal parmi plusieurs services d'un véhicule. En outre, on présente un mécanisme permettant d'orchestrer de manière décentralisée les ressources de canal parmi une distribution mixte de véhicules ayant des exigences d'utilisation de canal diverse, dans un canal de communication congestionné. Les résultats analytiques et résultats par simulations montrent la validité de notre approche qui améliore la performance des applications V2X, par rapport aux protocoles standardisés existants
Wireless channel congestion control and decentralized resource allocation for 802.11p based V2X communication have been widely investigated for a single Cooperative Awareness service, considering mostly homogenous communication requirement per vehicle. Future connected vehicles will be based on multiple V2X services, with heterogenous number of services and communication needs, which existing resource allocation mechanisms does not address. In this thesis, we analyze several decentralized congestion control and channel resource allocation protocols standardized in Europe for initial V2X deployment. We present issues with the existing approach, in particular the inefficient channel capacity utilization, problematic cross layer coordination, inability to balance resources among multiple V2X safety services and distributed resource allocation for asymmetric number of services per vehicle. We propose improvements to the shortcomings, considering the requirements of future V2X scenarios. We demonstrate the limitations of classifying V2X services using static priority for Quality of Service and propose dynamic prioritization. We design a resource orchestrator at the Service Layer to improve cross layer coordination and dynamically distribute the limited channel resource among multiple services of a vehicle. Furthermore, we present a mechanism to decentrally orchestrate channel resource among a mixed distribution of vehicles with diverse channel usage requirements under channel congestion. Analytical and simulation-based results show the validity of our proposed approach, and the V2X application performance improvement it renders, compared to existing standardized protocols
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Monteuuis, Jean-Philippe. "Resilience by design & failures forecasting for a connected autonomous vehicle." Thesis, Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020IPPAT003.
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Les véhicules autonomes dotés d'un niveau d'automatisation 5 conduiront de manière autonome dans tous les scénarios routiers tels que les autoroutes, les routes enneigées, les zones urbaines ou les embouteillages. L'intégration de la communication V2X, en tant que nouvelle source de perception du véhicule, pourrait supprimer les limitations de la perception locale en communiquant avec un piéton caché par un obstacle ou en détectant à l'avance la présence d'un véhicule caché par un brouillard épais. Cependant, cette communication V2X peut constituer une nouvelle source d'attaques menaçant la perception du véhicule. Les contre-mesures actuelles ne sont pas conçues pour toutes les architectures de véhicules autonomes, car elles requièrent l'assistance du conducteur ou fonctionnent avec un ensemble spécifique de capteurs. La thèse vise donc à proposer une architecture de perception générique et résiliante aux défaillances pour tous les types de véhicules connectés et autonomes. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une architecture de perception générique nommée GPA avec son algorithme de perception résiliante aux défaillances (FRPA). Nous proposons une nouvelle méthode d'analyse de menaces et d'évaluation des risques nommée SARA, qui identifie et évalue le risque d'attaques ciblant les véhicules connectés et automatisés de niveau 5. Pour identifier où et comment ces attaques ont lieu, nous proposons un modèle d'attaquant et un modèle d'objectifs de sécurité pour tous les systèmes de perception automobile. Nous avons implémenté deux modules de notre algorithme FRPA: un module classification des défaillances basé sur une méthode de Machine Learning et un module de corrélation V2X-Capteur en considérant trois sources d'information: radar, camera et V2X. Nous avons mis en évidence plusieurs nouvelles attaques dans le cycle de perception et soulevé le besoin de nouvelles contre-mesures de sécurité centrées sur l'intégrité physique des infrastructures routières et sur les algorithmes de perception fiables. De plus, nos contre-mesures basées sur l'apprentissage automatique et la corrélation entre capteurs sont très précises pour détecter et classifier les défaillances de perception (score de précision supérieur à 90 %). Enfin, les idées développées dans la thèse ont abouti à 10 brevets déposés et à plusieurs publications
Autonomous vehicles with an automation level 5 will drive autonomously in any road scenarios such as highways, snowy roads, urban areas, or traffic jams. The integration of V2X communication, as a new source of perception for the vehicle could remove the limitations of local perception by communicating with an occluded pedestrian or by detecting in advance the presence of a vehicle under a heavy mist. However, this V2X communication may be a new source of attacks threatening the vehicle perception. Current countermeasures are not designed for all autonomous vehicles because these countermeasures require the driver assistance or work with a specific set of sensors. Therefore, the thesis aims to propose a generic failure resilient perception architecture for all types of connected and autonomous vehicles supporting different kinds of sensors. In this thesis, we propose a generic perception architecture named GPA with its failure resilient perception algorithm (FRPA). We propose a new threat analysis and risk assessment method named SARA that identifies and assess the risk of attacks targeting connected and automated vehicles with an automation level 5. To identify where and how these attacks occur, we propose an attacker and a security goal model for all automotive perception systems. We implemented two modules of our failures resilient perception algorithm (FRPA): a Machine Learning based Failure Classifier and a V2X-Sensor Correlation Module considering three kinds of source: camera, radar, and V2X. We highlighted several new attacks in the perception pipeline and raise the need for new security countermeasures such as the physical integrity of road infrastructures and trustworthy perception algorithms. Besides, our countermeasures based on machine learning and sensor correlation showed very accurate results to detect and classifies perception failures (over 90% accuracy score). Finally, the ideas developed in the thesis resulted in 10 filled patents and several publications
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Ashraf,M.I.(MuhammadIkram). "Radio resource management in device-to-device and vehicle-to-vehicle communication in 5G networks and beyond." Doctoral thesis, Oulun yliopisto, 2019. http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:9789526224626.
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Abstract Future cellular networks need to support the ever-increasing demand of bandwidth-intensive applications and interconnection of people, devices, and vehicles. Small cell network (SCN)-based communication together with proximity- and social-aware connectivity is conceived as a vital component of these networks to enhancing spectral efficiency, system capacity, and quality-of-experience (QoE). To cope with diverse application needs for the heterogeneous ecosystem, radio resource management (RRM) is one of the key research areas for the fifth-generation (5G) network. The key goals of this thesis are to develop novel, self-organizing, and low-complexity resource management algorithms for emerging device-to-device (D2D) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) wireless systems while explicitly modeling and factoring network contextual information to satisfy the increasingly stringent requirements. Towards achieving this goal, this dissertation makes a number of key contributions. First, the thesis focuses on interference management techniques for D2D-enabled macro network and D2D-enabled SCNs in the downlink, while leveraging users’ social-ties, dynamic clustering, and user association mechanisms for network capacity maximization. A flexible social-aware user association technique is proposed to maximize network capacity. The second contribution focuses on ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC) in vehicular networks in which interference management and resource allocation techniques are investigated, taking into account traffic and network dynamics. A joint power control and resource allocation mechanism is proposed to minimize the total transmission power while satisfying URLLC constraints. To overcome these challenges, novel algorithms are developed by combining several methodologies from graph theory, matching theory and Lyapunov optimization. Extensive simulations validate the performance of the proposed approaches, outperforming state-of-the-art solutions. Notably, the results yield significant performance gains in terms of capacity, delay reductions, and improved reliability as compared with conventional approaches
Tiivistelmä Tulevaisuuden solukkoverkkojen pitää pystyä tukemaan yhä suurempaa kaistanleveyttä vaativia sovelluksia sekä yhteyksiä ihmisten, laitteiden ja ajoneuvojen välillä. Piensoluverkkoihin (SCN) pohjautuvaa tietoliikennettä yhdistettynä paikka- ja sosiaalisen tietoisuuden huomioiviin verkkoratkaisuihin pidetään yhtenä elintärkeänä osana tulevaisuuden solukkoverkkoja, joilla pyritään tehostamaan spektrinkäytön tehokkuutta, järjestelmän kapasiteettia sekä kokemuksen laatua (QoE). Radioresurssien hallinta (RRM) on eräs keskeisistä viidennen sukupolven (5G) verkkoihin liittyvistä tutkimusalueista, joilla pyritään hallitsemaan heterogeenisen ekosysteemin vaihtelevia sovellustarpeita. Tämän väitöstyön keskeisinä tavoitteina on kehittää uudenlaisia itseorganisoituvia ja vähäisen kompleksisuuden resurssienhallinta-algoritmeja laitteesta-laitteeseen (D2D) ja ajoneuvosta-ajoneuvoon (V2V) toimiville uusille langattomille järjestelmille, sekä samalla mallintaa ja tuottaa verkon kontekstikohtaista tietoa vastaamaan koko ajan tiukentuviin vaatimuksiin. Tämä väitöskirja edistää näiden tavoitteiden saavuttamista usealla keskeisellä tuloksella. Aluksi väitöstyössä keskitytään häiriönhallinnan tekniikoihin D2D:tä tukevissa makroverkoissa ja laskevan siirtotien piensoluverkoissa. Käyttäjän sosiaalisia yhteyksiä, dynaamisia ryhmiä sekä osallistamismekanismeja hyödynnetään verkon kapasiteetin maksimointiin. Verkon kapasiteettia voidaan kasvattaa käyttämällä joustavaa sosiaaliseen tietoisuuteen perustuvaa osallistamista. Toinen merkittävä tulos keskittyy huippuluotettavaan lyhyen viiveen kommunikaatioon (URLLC) ajoneuvojen verkoissa, joissa tehtävää resurssien allokointia ja häiriönhallintaa tutkitaan liikenteen ja verkon dynamiikka huomioiden. Yhteistä tehonsäädön ja resurssien allokoinnin mekanismia ehdotetaan kokonaislähetystehon minimoimiseksi samalla, kun URLLC rajoitteita noudatetaan. Jotta esitettyihin haasteisiin voidaan vastata, väitöstyössä on kehitetty uudenlaisia algoritmeja yhdistämällä graafi- ja sovitusteorioiden sekä Lyapunovin optimoinnin menetelmiä. Laajat tietokonesimuloinnit vahvistavat ehdotettujen lähestymistapojen suorituskyvyn, joka on parempi kuin uusimmilla nykyisillä ratkaisuilla. Tulokset tuovat merkittäviä suorituskyvyn parannuksia erityisesti kapasiteetin lisäämisen, viiveiden vähentämisen ja parantuneen luotettavuuden suhteen verrattuna perinteisiin lähestymistapoihin
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Kotte, Jens, Carsten Schmeichel, Adrian Zlocki, Hauke Gathmann, and Lutz Eckstein. "Concept of an enhanced V2X pedestrian collision avoidance system with a cost function–based pedestrian model." Taylor & Francis, 2017. https://publish.fid-move.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A72238.
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Objective: State-of-the-art collision avoidance and collision mitigation systems predict the behavior of pedestrians based on trivial models that assume a constant acceleration or velocity. New sources of sensor information—for example, smart devices such as smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, etc.—can support enhanced pedestrian behavior models. The objective of this article is the development and implementation of a V2Xpedestrian collision avoidance system that uses new information sources.Methods: A literature review of existing state-of-the-art pedestrian collision avoidance systems, pedestrian behavior models in advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), and traffic simulations is conducted together with an analysis of existing studies on typical pedestrian patterns in traffic. Based on this analysis, possible parameters for predicting pedestrian behavior were investigated. The results led to new requirements from which a concept was developed and implemented.Results: The analysis of typical pedestrian behavior patterns in traffic situations showed the complexity of predicting pedestrian behavior. Requirements for an improved behavior prediction were derived. A concept for a V2X collision avoidance system, based on a cost function that predicts pedestrian near future presence, and its implementation is presented. The concept presented considers several challenges such as information privacy, inaccuracies of the localization, and inaccuracies of the prediction.Conclusion: A concept for an enhanced V2X pedestrian collision avoidance system was developed and introduced. The concept uses new information sources such as smart devices to improve the prediction of the pedestrian's presence in the near future and considers challenges that come along with the usage of these information sources.
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Sjöberg, Bilstrup Katrin. "Predictable and Scalable Medium Access Control for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks." Licentiate thesis, Halmstad University, Embedded Systems (CERES), 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-5482.
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This licentiate thesis work investigates two medium access control (MAC) methods, when used in traffic safety applications over vehicularad hoc networks (VANETs). The MAC methods are carrier sense multiple access (CSMA), as specified by the leading standard for VANETs IEEE 802.11p, and self-organizing time-division multiple access (STDMA) as used by the leading standard for transponders on ships. All vehicles in traffic safety applications periodically broadcast cooperative awareness messages (CAMs). The CAM based data traffic implies requirements on a predictable, fair and scalable medium access mechanism. The investigated performance measures are channel access delay, number of consecutive packet drops and the distance between concurrently transmitting nodes. Performance is evaluated by computer simulations of a highway scenario in which all vehicles broadcast CAMs with different update rates and packet lengths. The obtained results show that nodes in a CSMA system can experience unbounded channel access delays and further that there is a significant difference between the best case and worst case channel access delay that a node could experience. In addition, with CSMA there is a very high probability that several concurrently transmitting nodes are located close to each other. This occurs when nodes start their listening periods at the same time or when nodes choose the same backoff value, which results in nodes starting to transmit at the same time instant. The CSMA algorithm is therefore both unpredictable and unfair besides the fact that it scales badly for broadcasted CAMs.STDMA, on the other hand, will always grant channel access for all packets before a predetermined time, regardless of the number of competing nodes. Therefore, the STDMA algorithm is predictable and fair. STDMA, using parameter settings that have been adapted to the vehicular environment, is shown to outperform CSMA when considering the performance measure distance between concurrently transmitting nodes. In CSMA the distance between concurrent transmissions is random, whereas STDMA uses the side information from the CAMs to properly schedule concurrent transmissions in space. The price paid for the superior performance of STDMA is the required network synchronization through a global navigation satellite system, e.g., GPS. That aside since STDMA was shown to be scalable, predictable and fair; it is an excellent candidate for use in VANETs when complex communication requirements from traffic safety applications should be met.
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Ahmed, Md Salman. "An Investigation into the Performance Evaluation of Connected Vehicle Applications: From Real-World Experiment to Parallel Simulation Paradigm." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2017. https://dc.etsu.edu/etd/3214.
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A novel system was developed that provides drivers lane merge advisories, using vehicle trajectories obtained through Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC). It was successfully tested on a freeway using three vehicles, then targeted for further testing, via simulation. The failure of contemporary simulators to effectively model large, complex urban transportation networks then motivated further research into distributed and parallel traffic simulation. An architecture for a closed-loop, parallel simulator was devised, using a new algorithm that accounts for boundary nodes, traffic signals, intersections, road lengths, traffic density, and counts of lanes; it partitions a sample, Tennessee road network more efficiently than tools like METIS, which increase interprocess communications (IPC) overhead by partitioning more transportation corridors. The simulator uses logarithmic accumulation to synchronize parallel simulations, further reducing IPC. Analyses suggest this eliminates up to one-third of IPC overhead incurred by a linear accumulation model.
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Mustovic, Adam. "Wireless Information Transfer in an Indoor Factory or Warehouse Environment." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Kommunikationssystem, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-127705.
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Wireless technologies and networks are a part of our daily lives and we are surrounded by a constant stream of wireless signals. Unfortunately, there are a lot of limitations. At Toyota Material Handling Europe, future demands and expectations are raising but the technologies available today are not adapting fast enough. Indoor factory environments, moving network nodes and rapidly changing topologies are demanding situations. In this new Internet of Things day and age, transferring information in these challenging environments, the standard master and slave configuration is not enough. This report looks at the specific challenges establishing a wireless communication link between trucks in an indoor factory and warehouse environment. There are many factors to consider. Antennas, noise, frequency bands, different network technologies, propagation and path loss modeling to mention a few. Antennas and on-the-truck antenna positioning require design choices to be made. If we want to benefit from using high gain antennas, positioning is an important factor. Noise, in the highly congested 2.4 GHz band is a problem, especially considering safety critical applications. The license free ISM frequency bands have all different advantages in range, available communication protocols and amount of other technologies sharing the spectrum. The Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee and V2X technologies looked at, tailored to the particular case of a warehouse environment like the Toyota factory, and the final selection relates to potential use case scenarios. Prioritizing, scalability, ad hoc network topologies, low latencies and short connection times together with long range, the new V2X technology building upon the IEEE 802.11p standard stands out. This report evaluates the IEEE 802.11p wireless standard running the ETSI ITS G5 V2X protocol in an indoor factory and warehouse environment. Thanks to Kapsch and their EVK-3300 V2X Evaluation Kit it was possible to evaluate transferring information between nodes, the PSR, and looking at how useful different path loss models are for estimating relative distances between trucks.
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